A Familiar Set Of Stripes
A man using a book of ruins as inspiration for an art project accidentally creates a portal for a spirit to take control of his roommate, who comes up with an interesting fate for the two of them...
A man using a book of ruins as inspiration for an art project accidentally creates a portal for a spirit to take control of his roommate, who comes up with an interesting fate for the two of them...
A man-turned-dog tries to navigate a post-pandemic world, learning not only to use his new body and instincts, but new things in life to embrace, and things from the last that might be better left behind....
Two men, convinced to enter a local zoo at night, find not only the residents in the midst of carnal acts, but are compelled to partake themselves, finding an empty cage and shifting to fit as they explore their new bodies together...
A depressed man with a history of self-harm laments his decision and wishes for a set of stripes to hide his scars, falling asleep to a dream where he gets just that ...
A man's costume cosplay turns out to be good for more than just enhancing arousal...
A young man is to experience the full range of nantie transformation technology over a weekend at a family friend's mansion...
Trapped as part of a zoo experiment, a pair of men must adapt to the reality that they are slowly turning into lions for the rest of their days, and their increasing sexual attraction to each other...
A Lover's Gift of muscle cream to aid his gym regiments had some very unexpected, if not unwelcome side effects!...
A pair of zookeepers wake up into an alien experiment, swapping lives with their former charges!...