Slow Change Tag

Given a free invite to a casino's grand opening, a man isn't expecting the cost of losing chips to be his humanity, and must game in the hopes the house isn't rigged in order to hang on to it! ...

Hoping to catch the eye of his crush, a man takes a potion to make him into the 'perfect partner', only to learn too late that his crush has a donkey transformation fetish...

A trio of farm hands remain largely unware of their true purpose as they go about their work for the summer, only to find their bestial degradation desirable, as well as the enhancements they are granted once their changes are done with them...

One man's journal after finding refuge from the world, though not unscathed from a virus that changes him from man to mutant, even as he tries to hold onto humanity as long as he can...

Getting back at a braggard asinine ex, a man invokes a spell that turns an alpha dom into a needy jock, donking out in the process. Perhaps, however, he takes too much fun in the man's descent into donkeydom...

Taking on a clinical trial takes a bizarre turn as over the course of several months, a man starts to notice changes that make him increasingly more like an animal, though not a single one he can put his finger on at first...

Four TF Enthusiasts find themselves in part of the same transformation program, to be turning into prehistoric beasts, with the libidos to match!...

A new couple finds out, too late, that their genetic heritage leads to their lustful activities changing them in body towards hulking beasts, the smaller of the two awakening to a new persona in the process...

In a world plagued by an alien TF virus, a man makes a daily blog detailing his infection and the subsequent symptoms...