A man on safari finds himself hopelessly lost and at the whims of sexually charged lion men, whether or not his own inclinations leaned that way, at least, at first...
Four Cannabis enthusiasts score tickets to a premier event with special blends that take them back to proverbial prehistoric times with bodies and bestial inclinations to match...
A man with a crush on his favorite band member gets a surprise at a VIP meet and greet, that not only does the man like him back, but has a secret to share in a more intimate setting...
A man fixated on the character of Midgardsomar from the game Dragalia Lost finds his interest attracting the attention of another dimensional being, one who can reach through the cracks and grant him the form of his desires. ...
A frat party's newest beer has an expansive effect on the partiers as they start to get lusty for each other's increasingly equine attributes...
A poor man is one of several kidnapped by a hoard of dragons, waiting for an unknown fate and a potential descent into servitude. ...
A new couple finds out, too late, that their genetic heritage leads to their lustful activities changing them in body towards hulking beasts, the smaller of the two awakening to a new persona in the process...
Snowed in for the evening, the late-staying patrons of a bar get treated to a little free 'hair of the dog' not aware even when that expression becomes their reality. ...
In this third installment, the victims of the dragon transformation witness a new bonding ritual, one that they hope will break the spell once and for all...