The Dragon Dance
Two men performing a dragon dance ritual to summon a dragon fail to realize the consequence of such an action actually working...
Two men performing a dragon dance ritual to summon a dragon fail to realize the consequence of such an action actually working...
In this novella-length tale, a man and woman compete for the chance to win a million dollars on a game show, only with their humanity on the line as they slowly change with each wrong question...
A young elf, trying to earn his master's approval, tries a spell to summon a dragon mount, only to be trapped in the summoning circle himself...
a man earns the ire of a witch, who decides to turn his comment of 'thick skin' back on him to a bestial end...
A newly bitten werewolf changes in the most inconvenient of locations, but the only one who enjoys the change more than himself is his best friend...
A foxy curse gets into the heads of two long time friends, making it more and more tempting to get down on all fours and run away into the woods...
A mother brings home some special produce that will have her and her adult children braying for more!...
Long bus rides suck! The cramped seats, the heat, the stink of animals, of musk, seatmates mating as you try to resist mating as well...
Two wrestlers take on animal-themed personas for their next ring fight, not expecting how much their actions will match their choices!...
In this fan-fiction set in 'Rockadoodle', Goldie Pheasant finds herself at the wrong job interview and is prompted to watch a hypnotizing video making it pleasant to be a cow...