The Dragon Dance

“Come on, man, just one more time!” Theodore whined, fatigued from their efforts but not wanting to give up when the two of them were so close. 


Calvin looked at his friend with tired eyes. He didn’t have an inclination to try again, not after the hours of preparation they had spent this day alone. Not to mention the weeks it had taken to get the costume ready. It was something the two of them were supposed to just be doing for fun, after all. There was no chance of it working in the real world, the actual summoning of a dragon, something that did not exist, or, at least in their material plane. 


Theodore had found the ritual to summon a dragon from an alternate plane of reality in a worn book he’d stumbled upon in a bookstore for the occult. Even though enamored by the notion of meeting a dragon in real life, Theodore, of course, did not believe the ritual to be real. At least, at first. However, the book also contained a series of much simpler spells and the rituals to perform them. Little things such as lighting candles from across the room, levitation, and basic conjuring. To his shock, following the directions perfectly allowed them to be performed, making him somewhat of a real spell caster, albeit a novice one. Still, if the little things were possible, then did that mean that more complex spells would be a possibility if only he trained enough? 


Since then, Theodore had held out the glimmer of hope that it would be possible to meet a real dragon, the fulfillment of a childhood dream. Eventually, he had roped his friend Calvin into it, though, given the results of the earlier experiments, it did not take much convincing. Still, even with the proof of real magic in front of them, both thought the ritual would result in little more than a magic smoke show. Summoning a dragon was a far cry from moving things across the room or lighting candles, after all!


The ritual was rather complex, requiring much more preparation time than anything the two had attempted thus far. They were to perform a variation of a traditional dragon dance, putting together a ceremonial dragon costume that the two of them would wear as one piece. Moving in tandem, they would enact a pre-practice choreographed dance that would, in theory, summon a dragon from another plane of existence. Though they had made the costume to as close to specifications as they could, the book was old, and some of the materials required were unavailable. Having to make do with what they had, there was every chance that something wrong would prevent the summoning from happening. 


Then, there was the dance itself. The steps weren’t impossibly complicated, for those that had experience with such things. But for the two men, it was a struggle to coordinate themselves in a way that followed the patterns to the letter as was required. Moving in tandem was a lot harder than it looked! 


Still, after binging videos of similar dances around the world, the two of them managed to learn to work in tandem to at least a degree. With effort, they were able to mimic the dance moves to the point where it was worth trying to perform within the confines of the spell. All they needed was to draw out the summoning circle, and they could attempt the ritual for real. 


Today was the awaited day, though the pair was still quite skeptical of the ritual’s chance of working, Calvin even more so than his friend. And, after almost ten failed attempts, it seemed that his suspicions were warranted. Still, Calvin resigned himself to trying again one more time if only to appease his more forceful friend. The ritual required them to move in perfect tandem across the circle, ten times back and forth in an effort that took about fifteen minutes each time. It was starting to get a little tedious even before today, with all the practice that had been put in to make it perfect. But now, after trying so many times in one day, one more attempt seemed like a fruitless endeavor. 


Still, Calvin relented eventually and got into position under the suit that they had made. He held onto Theodore’s waist, hunched over, and prepared to move in synch with his friend. His back was sore from having done so all day, but it seemed as though he had become so used to the motions that they came fluidly. Letting himself go, it felt as though his movements were more in sync with his partner’s than at any other trial they had gone so far. 


It took them both no time to complete the dance, lost in it as they were. Calvin was about to comment on their success when a glow began to emanate all around them, under their feet where their sigil had been drawn. It was as though a series of lights along the drawing at been plugged in, creating a surge of energy that had both men stunned momentarily. No magic spell they had conjured thus far had created any effect so grand!


It looked to both men for all the world that they had activated the magic circle, the final step in the summoning that would bring forth the dragon. Both were instantly elated, staying still and not wanting to move a muscle lest they mess something up during such a critical point in the dance. Still, neither knew what was supposed to happen now. Should they exit the circle, continue the dance, or…?


“Man, I don’t feel great, dude…” Calvin managed to moan, feeling a heat suddenly overtake him. He wanted to stay still, lest he brought down the ire of his friend, or, worse, some sort of dragon deity, even as impossible as that was. But, the heat was really starting to get to him, and he had to pull back lest the sensations made him pass out or worse.  


Yet, the moment Calvin tried to lift his legs was the moment he realized the gesture was futile. Stiffened appendages left him rooted to the spot, as though his limbs had gone numb and would not respond to his commands. Worse, it seemed that his arms were stuck in their sore position as well, hands on Theodore’s hips as he struggled to remove them in vain. 


“Dude, you can let go now!” Theodore said, annoyed that his friend was still grabbing him. He had a sinking suspicion that they needed to be out of the summoning circle now that they had completed the ritual. After all, the dragon would be coming through via that method, right? Wouldn’t it crush them if they were standing there? 


“I can’t, I’m stuck! Pull us out!” Calvin cried out, trying once more in vain to move. Yet it only seemed to be his mouth that he could operate, even his head forced into its current, painful configuration. He wanted desperately to flex the muscles to ease their aches but could do naught but move an inch, stuck evidently by the completion of the spell. 


“Fuck, I can’t either! Shit, what is this!?” Theodore yelled out, unable to move more than his upper body. His legs were stuck firmly to the floor, as though numb or stagnant. They might as well have been the legs of some other being, their control given to someone else. 


Or, something else, as the two men were soon to learn. <What worthy vassals! Perhaps I should have made the ritual of rebirth with more ease, though I’m afraid that only the most devoted subjects will do for my purposes. Still, the years of waiting truly do not matter to a timeless being such as myself. Rejoice! Now is the time to give up your mortal forms unto me, the fulfillment of your greatest desires!>


“What the fuck?! Who are you? What are you?” Theodore called out, hearing the voice speak but not really hearing it. It wasn’t in the air, or in his head. Rather, it seemed to be all around, as though radiating through some other plane of existence. Like the one he was trying to contact, he thought, afraid. 


“What do you want?” Calvin called out, perhaps the more practical question given the circumstances. He was afraid of the voice,  having mentioned the word ‘vessels’, implying that it had a more sinister approach in store for them. 


<I already have what I want, or, rather, what I need. You! Being of a different plane, I require a host body to exist in your world, which is the purpose of this rite! Both of you are required for this ritual, as my form is far too powerful to be birthed from a single human. But don’t worry! I’m sure enough of your consciousness will still exist once I am done with you, and, if not, well, the process should be rather pleasant. More so than any human experience you have had thus far, I assure you. Fitting it shall be your last!>


Both Calvin and Theodore panicked at that, trying desperately to move, to cry out. Yet, they were forced the stand there still within the confines of the circle. It was obvious that they were at the mercy of whatever force deemed them ‘worthy’ of possession. 


Fear flooded their thoughts at the foolishness of their exploits in summoning the being that would bring forth their demise. Theodore for his hubris in attempting the ritual for no reason other than to see if he could, and Calvin for going along without despite his desires to protest. It seemed that whatever they had done was very real, as likely was the threat of whatever the being would do to them next.


Theodore, in his terror and desperation, barely noticed the sensation of something unbearably warm touching the skin of his back. It took him a few moments to become aware of it, but his clothing was being burned away. The fabric was reduced to atoms before the costume fabric started to fuse with his skin. The heat was intense, sending lances of pain through his body all the way down to his bones. 


Theodore screamed again, trying desperately to resist the agonizing aches that were assailing his form. It was as though the costume was fusing with his being, the fabric stitching to his skin to combine it with the material. His skin was being knitted with the suit perfectly all the way down, even being stretched slightly by the fabric. Theodore could do naught but struggle to move in vain. He was therefore stuck with feeling every iota of agony that the change he was undergoing. 


At his point, his shirt was left to fall to the floor, burned away to nothing and leaving no trace of it within the circle. His pants still remained on, only because none of the costume’s skin reached that far. Instead, it ran the rim of his upper back, stitching it together as it raced towards Calvin’s back as well. 


As the costume went to the back of Calvin’s hunched-over body, it seemed that he, too, was to be affected. Calvin tried in vain to lift his head, to see the stitching of skin before it started to touch his back. He was unable to lower himself as the costume piece started to settle over the top of his skull and, burning away his hair sent a blazing wave of pain through his entire body. It radiated down through his cranium and made him wish that he could white out to escape the sensation. But, he was entirely helpless as the costume pulled at his neck as it touched the top of his back and withered away his shirt, much as it had with Theodore’s. 


Yet, as the merger started to run down his back, Theodore realized the fabric was beginning to pulsate, as though it was real skin. At first, he had thought he was being fused to the fabric of the costume that they had made. But, the material that was once part of their work was alive now, warm and vibrant as though it was made of real scales. The pain of real skin merging with him started to abate slightly, though the warmth of his new scales soothed the wounds as though they had never been present. 


Calvin, however, was still in pain as the scaled skin played over his back, eventually touching his ass and teasing the back of his jeans. They, too, soon dissolved, falling from his body before his bare ass was coated with scales as well. Still, like with Theodore, the pain soon soothed with the settling of reptilian skin, forcing his stance to hunch upward. It was powerfully painful to be moved uncontrolled, as though his body was like a puppet on a string and he was but a marionette. 


It was then that a horrible realization crossed both of their minds, though not one that either of them wished to voice. The costume that they both donned was a Chinese design, one that required both of them to wear to operate. The back of the skin of the costume had merged with them both at once, and the dragon in their heads had said that he would be taking the two of them to be reborn. Would their bodies literally be merged into one, their fused form to be taken over by the otherworldly being? What kind of pain and madness would that entail? It was more than either one could fathom or even hope to bear!


The aches of change seemed to settle into Theodore’s shoulders, though this time it did not come with the same pain of merger as the skin of the costume to his back. Rather, it was as though the warmth of the scales were spreading down into the skin, burrowing even to the cellular level to replace Theodore’s human dermis with that of a newly formed dragon’s. The scales were a vibrant orange, much like the instructions had told them to make the costume. It seemed likely it was to be made in the dragon’s image if that was what the being truly looked like. Theodore had a terrifying thought; he wouldn’t even retain the cognizance to see the dragon he wished to summon if his mind and soul were absorbed so that the dragon might be birthed!


Despite that fear, however, Theodore couldn’t help but feel a bizarre sense of elation as the skin seeped into his arms, touching the muscle and filling it with a warmth that surpassed the most comfortable massage he could imagine. The tissues were tearing, repairing, and enlarging, with only the slight ache of a hard workout to denote the alterations. The new flesh and meat pushed at the skin as though threatening to tear at it in some places. However. it seemed that Theodore’s new scaly dermis was built of stronger stuff. The new draconic hide provided plenty of room for muscles to grow, allowing double, even triple the definition that Theodore could have ever imagined on his lithe frame. Theodore almost allowed himself to be enraptured by them, except for the fact that he quickly realized they were ultimately not to be his own!


The scales continued to work through way down to his elbows, a white sheen to them on the underside that Theodore might have found fascinating if it was not happening to his own form. Accents of black scales traced their way down his arms, like an intricate tattoo design that Theodore could not decipher. Next, a peculiar itching erupted from the skin, as though something was pushing up through the scales. Theodore was surprised at what soon adorned his elbows, hundreds of hairs that made up a wisp of feathery fur that he had not expected belonged on a dragon. But without a visual aid for the being he was being transformed into, how could he know for certain?


The scales continued to race down towards his hands, veins throbbing across the backs of them and pulsating through to his fingers. The pain soon centered on his fingertips, as though something was bubbling under the skin, preparing to push outward. Pressure soon built up to the point that a moan escaped his lips, Theodore wishing the sensations to subside. He cried out as the intensity grew, making the tips of his fingers bulge from the sheer mass present underneath. Tears were running down his cheeks as new tendons pushed the nails against the barrier, preparing to tear through more agonizing than any of the changes thus far.


The pain soon reached its zenith as the skin tore away to allow piercing tips to poke through, seemingly taking the entire tips of his fingers with them. The sensations increased, reducing the pressure as they pushed out an inch and then two, disproportionally large compared to the fingers from which they were birthed. The edges were sharp, likely predatory, black, and as pristine as though they had never incurred damage or wear. 


Bulking out with mass, draconic flesh continued bubbling under the skin as though the muscle was expanding, pulsating, and forcing it to expand. Soon, black scales covered his lower arms, intermixed between the orange and down along the backs of his hands into spots and triangles. The same black scales swelled from his fingertips and palms, forming canine paw pads that shocked Theodore with their presence. His hands clenched a little, though not of his prompting, sending alien signals through his arms and hands. He couldn’t help but notice they were as flexible as his human hands had been, albeit a bit bigger. He would not be some quadrupedal beast as he might have feared, though the reality was much worse than that. 


A scream of pain pierced the room, making Theodore call out “Calvin!” He wanted to look back to see what was becoming of his friend, though was unable with the spell that had overcome him. All he could do was call out in vain, hoping that his friend was alright but still worried about what Calvin’s fate would mean for himself. 


Calvin, meanwhile, was forced to deal with the severe burning of the costume’s tail melding into his backside, sliding down over his asscheeks as though moving through the muscles and tissues. The scales within the tail seemed to come to life as well, though the tailpiece of the custom was relatively short, hanging behind him as he had danced in the costume. Now, the appendage seemed to be thickening from the back, forming meat and muscle and even bone, as though it was turning into a real tail in its own right, filling Calvin with the realization that it was to become a part of him. 


As the thickened tail started to fall into place over his backside, a burning sensation soon erupted from his tailbone, as though pushing out into a lump of some sort. It seemed to be seeking the growth behind him, sinking into the flesh almost parallel to the formation of the new muscles and bone. With a sudden jolt of electricity, Calvin could feel the soft, wet crack of his tailbone sinking into the appendage, forcing the two of them together as the nerves and fibers started to align to make the growth a true part of him. 


“AHHH!” Calvin cried out suddenly, as something unexpected within the new growth forcefully penetrated his backside, plunging itself into his anus.


“What’s wrong?!” Theodore called out, not sure if he really wanted to know. They were helpless as the take-over of their body slowly integrated them into the being that was now of their worst nightmares and frightening imaginings. 


“My ass! It hurts!” Calvin cried out, feeling himself being opened up in a way that he could never have imagined. It was as though a tube was being forced through his rectal walls, pushing all the way towards his prostate and making him moan. Whatever was being inserted inside of him formed new veins and tissues that merged seamlessly with the structures inside of his rear. It was pulling at his insides, making him wish to twist and writhe to escape the pain but unable to move a muscle. 


Yet, the tail seemed to have a mind of its own as it stretched and grew, expanding almost too large for his backside and looking out of place even for the appendage that was present. The connection between bone and tissues sent shockwaves through his body, though was wearing on his form as it grew to what felt like impossible proportions. Still, Calvin could not naught but suffer from the presence of the tail sending alien impulses through his body, all the way to his brain. 


Itching engrossed the upper side of the tail as thick hairs burst from the draconic scales, making him wince from their added pressure. He did not think such hairs could exist on his scaly skin, even as they fluffed and feathered and ran all the way to the twitching tip. The pointed end soon erupted with those same hairs, creating a massive white tuft of hair that dredged up a more leonine appearance. Yet it was mostly scales that took over his newly formed skin, orange along the top and white at the base all the way down to the tip. Calvin winced a few times as small protrusions burst in a line from the base and all the way down near the tip, a single scale comprising each as though they were the beginnings of a row of long plates. 


The entire process was not all discomfort, however, though the newly-discovered twinges of pleasure were to be to Calvin’s detriment. The penetration of his ass seemed to reach all the way towards his prostate now, pushing against the organ and making him moan, though more from the sensual sensations rather than the pain of penetration. To Calvin’s dismay, his cock sprang erect, as though the most arousing stimulus he could have imagined was placed in front of him. It ached for attention, though, with his hands in their current placement, giving into it was impossible.


Yet, the pleasurable sensations did not die down, much to Calvin’s chagrin. In fact, they started to grow worse the more he stood there, feeling the forced assailing his backside to assimilate his prostate. It was as though his prostate was being pumped full of something that defined his understanding. Yet, there was no denying that the pleasure was more than he could bear, sending him into an orgasmic overload that sent his mind reeling. 


“Oh, fuck, Theo…I’m sorrrrryy!” Calvin cried out as his cock started to spasm, shooting a thick, creamy load the distance to spray over his friend’s pants. 


“Dude! Are you alright?” Theodore asked, not understanding what was going on. He was not able to feel the cum against his legs, save for the sensation of something warm covering his jeans


Unable to respond, Calvin continued to shoot his bolt, as though pent up for months with the sheer quantity he was releasing. Part of him was sure that it was the entirety of his testicular contents sprayed over his friend’s leg, something that would have grossed the two of them out in any other scenario. But, the sheer amount of pleasure throwing through his body was almost more than he could bear, making him shiver and shake involuntary. 


Though the semen should have stuck to Theodore’s pantleg, dripping down in a gooey clump, it had another effect on Theodore’s pants. They were burned away as much as the scaled skin had dissolved the back of his shirt. It seemed that whatever otherworldly essence made up the dragon found it fit to do away with their clothes, and any earthly possessions they maintained. Save for their bodies, which were being warped and remolded to suit the needs of the being taking them over. 


The seminal fluids filled the air with a rank stench, one that should have made both men gag. Yet, the scent had an oddly alluring effect on Theodore, making him slightly erect despite himself. He, too, was compelled to touch himself, though his altered arms were no longer his, draconic digits that were too bizarre even if he could experiment with. 


The sickly sweet scent of semen lingered in their noses, as though it was wafting off their very bodies. Both men did feel an increase in moisture over their skin, the fluid oozing from their very pores. It was more intense around the areas of draconic skin that had coated their forms, as though the draconic stink was becoming part of them now. Worse was the realization that the smell also seemed to intensify the speed of the scales spreading through Calvin’s backside and Theodore’s arms and chest, as though a sign of the process to come. 


<Yes, my essence is flowing through you both now> Said the dragon in their minds, as though responding to their very thoughts. <Soon, my seminal system will be part of you, to fuel my power and accelerate my merger with your physical forms. Rejoice! You are the cornerstone from which I will conquer this world. And, it is all due to your sacrifice!> Rang the dragon’s voice. Yet, the words carried with them only the terror to realize that their lives were forfeit. They were at the being’s mercy and he planned to do away with them to fuel his rebirth. 


By now, the aches of change over Calvin’s backside were starting to run down his legs, a slight burning overtaking the human skin as orange scales oozed their way through. The insides of his thighs were now white, the same color running over his belly and forcing the hairs to dissolve away. Though his cock still remained human, albeit a little larger, the skin around his groin was glistening with white scales that oozed the same sweet-smelling semen that made him both disgusted and aroused in equal measure. The outer part of his legs, swelling with draconic muscle, were orange, down to his knees where the scales gave way to the black that would make up the rest of his leg. 


Feeling his toes splay, Calvin moaned as the pressure built up within before the toes themselves were large enough to contain them. The digits went stiff, filling out with what he could only assume were his new draconic claws, his old nails popping off before new points poked through. It was painful, though didn’t expel any blood, rather just some of the sticky semen that was spreading through his body to comprise the essence of the beast. Little remained of his final toe, sucked into the base to no longer remain on his anatomy. 


Claws thicker than his toes nearly burst the entire surface before his altered digits filled in to support them. They soon curved outward, flattened along with the base of his feet as scales covered them. Thicker skin burrowed up from toe tips and the base of his foot, paw-shaped to match the ones on his hand. As his foot swelled up to its final shape, heels cracked with muscle and bone, triple their former length, and elevated their combined bodies upward.


It was awkward for them to maintain their balance as Calvin’s legs thickened disproportionate to the size of Theodore’s human legs. Though the two of them couldn’t move, it was extremely disconcerting for them to feel their bodies unbalanced, making them sore in areas that had not altered yet. Calvin’s hands held fast to Theodore’s, the pressure of the motion more intense. His arms were straining, making him cry from the pressure even as his prostate was continuously pounded. 


Yet, the pressure soon started to abate, making him breathe a sigh of relief for the moment. As wet and sticky as his body was becoming, Calvin could be remiss for not noticing the sinking sensation in his hands as they started to push their way into Theodore’s hips. Only a modest warmth made him think anything was wrong, though, with all the other changes, it took him some time to roll his eyes in their direction, realizing the horror of his situation. 


The sight that greeted him was more than the already scared man could ever imagine. He started to realize the heat was intensifying and thought, at first, that his own hands were changing just like Theodore’s hands. Yet, a closer investigation revealed that his hands were pushing into Theodore’s slick, damp skin, finding it softer, mushier than he would have expected. Worse was when he could no longer see his hands, as though the skin around them was sealing itself around it, like some sort of liquid putty. The realization hit him then like a ton of bricks. His hands were being absorbed into Theodore’s thighs, likely to become part of him!


Calvin cried out for a moment as his dissolving flesh was penetrated by what felt like dozens of veins, all merging from Theodore’s legs as though seeking his flesh. These were not the veins of a human’s circulatory system, far too large and thick as they were. Clearly, it was something else, complete with a thicker fluid pumping into his limbs that reminded him of the consistency of the semen that he had just ejaculated, viscous and rank. They almost seemed to burn into his cells, as though changing them to such a degree that even his DNA was no longer human. It did seem to make the process faster, pulling Calvin’s arms inside at a rate that would soon rob him of the appendages. 


“No, stop, stop! Not my hands!” Calvin cried out, trying to pull back against the force that was moving his hands inside the body of his friend. Yet. the more he struggled, the faster his hands seemed to sink inside, up to the wrists now and still being absorbed. 


<Mrrrr, yes, struggle all you like. The more that you try to resist the process, the faster it will occur. It’s a marvelous process of assimilation, do enjoy it for as long as you continue to exist!> The dragon said, lust evident in his voice even as more of Calvin’s body continued to sink through Theodore’s buttocks. 


By this point, Calvin’s arms were nearly inside up to the elbows, and still sinking steadily inside to become part of Theodore’s body. At first, he could still feel his arms as they were sucked inside Theodore’s flesh. The further that his arms were lost to him, the more that the limbs felt numb, as though they were being dissolved completely. But it was more than that. Like the intrusion into his asshole, his weakened skin was easily penetrated by the tissues and veins in his friend’s limbs. They truly were merging, down to the cells if the sensations could be believed.


“Fuck, get out! No!” Theodore yelled out, trying desperately to move his body once more. Yet, his efforts only served to accelerate the rate of his friend’s merger. Theodore could feel every inch of his friend’s arms shoving into his legs, his body taking him inside as though Calvin was meant to be in there. It was a horror beyond anything that he could have imagined, and even standing still was not enough to slow the process and allow them to escape their fates. 


Naturally, the intrusion of his friend’s flesh was enough to force the tissue of his legs to expand, widening and lengthening them almost painfully. He could feel himself being elevated slightly, the bones of his legs merging with that of his friend’s arms to fuel their growth. It was terrifying that he could still feel Calvin inside of him, though the sensations were becoming more muddied as more of him was absorbed. How Theodore’s own body was being parted from the inside to allow Calvin’s intrusion, it was impossible to say. But the further that they were taken in, the more that Theodore could tell that the limbs were dissolving. They were being used to fuel the changes to his own tissues in a way that haunted him to the core. 


Eventually, Calvin’s arms were almost all the way down to his shoulders. Theodore could feel his toes twitch as though the remnants of Calvin’s fingers were being inserted all the way down to the digits. Calvin, too, could feel that his fingers were being assimilated with Theodore’s toes, before the sensation of his disappeared and there was nothing left. Calvin found himself weeping, wimping slightly as his humanity was literally robbed from him. 


The sensation of Calvin’s fingers burrowed into his own toes seemed to signal the formation of claws within them, much like those his hands possessed. Theodore winced as the expected draconic claws slid out of his toes, almost tearing them from their sheer size. Soon, his smallest toes were erased as the rest of the toes thickened and twitched with their new mass. Black scales encroached over the skin as something oozed from the interlocking plates, akin to the semen that the two of them had ejected over and over. Those scales ran all the way up to his knees, where orange ones took over, white on the underside of his legs. Those white scutes spread up over his groin and erased any traces of his pubic hair


All the while, Calvin was doing everything in his power to keep his head away from his friend’s backside, knowing that the slightest touch could start the process. Still, with the way his neck was positioned and the lack of control he had over his body, it was unlikely to stay that way for long. Calvin squirmed for every inch of movement that his neck would allow but was powerless against the being that seemed determined to make their body one, to fuel its rebirth. How could a mere mortal hope to resist such a creature?


<Your resistance fuels me, mortal. Though, I am curious to know how you might react to giving in. Surely, that, too, would hasten your assimilation into my being, corrupting your soul lest you be a part of me forever. But think about how good it would feel, even from your limited standpoint. Far better than any human pleasures, I should think. Why should your last few moments be of horror when they can be of bliss?>


Calvin struggled more, unable to imagine ever giving into the creature’s demands. Yet, it had felt powerfully arousing to feel what he perceived to be the last of his human semen being drained from him. If that was the case, then what was the being rambling on about? 


Despite himself, all it took was a little focus on his member for it to pound erect, seemingly larger than at any time he could ever recall. He wanted to touch himself, but was, of course, unable, given the lack of hands. Yet, the desperate need in his cock far surpassed anything that he could ever recall. The desire was maddening, making him wish to touch himself and cry out as he spilled his load. And what a load, if the tension in his testicles was any indication!


The need to ejaculate was soon to be met with some outside force. It was as though the dragon was willing his wishes into fruition. His cock spasmed suddenly, sending tremors through his body and even rippling through where were once his hands, now a part of Theodore’s legs. The shockwave made his body move of its own accord, shaking him to the core and leaving him powerfully confused.


Before he had a chance to reflect on it further, Calvin could feel his cock explode once more, blowing bursts of seminal fluids onto the fused legs of Theodore’s form. Unlike before, however, it seemed to seep into the skin, spreading a layer of orange and white scales in its wake, as though accelerating the changes. Still, Calvin had no control over his body as he pounded erect a third time, cock spasming like a piston as it grew beyond anything that he could have fathomed. 


Theodore, too, felt himself getting aroused from the sensation of cum seeping into his legs and the sweet scent of semen in the air. It was a catalyst to his own orgasm, as his cock blew uncontrolled, sending wracking pleasure through his body and making the scales across his hide shiver. Theodore wanted desperately to move, to lean into the sensation. But his body was not his own, under the will of the being inside their very souls.


Calvin’s mind was hazy by this point, awash as it was in the multiple orgasms and the sweet scent of semen that perforated from both of their bodies. It was difficult to recall why he was so perturbed, let alone try to muster any form of resistance. Much easier was to allow himself to let go, to get sucked up at the moment. He wanted to fight, to hold onto himself. He really did. However…


Lost in lust and confusion, Calvin failed to realize that his forehead was slowly being forced to touch against Theofore’s ass cheeks. Yet, he was too late to struggle as, like before, his forehead began to be absorbed into the fleshy mass of Theodore’s scaled buttocks. The scales parted easily to allow Calvin’s entry as the bones in Calvin’s head started to dissolve. 


Yet, even with the reality of what was to follow, it was impossible to panic with the pleasurable sensations cascading from his cock. He was harder than ever before, his penis pumping what felt like gallons of sperm onto the floor and making it impossible to focus over such an onslaught of orgasmic pleasure. It felt like his body shouldn’t have been able to produce such qualities without harming his insides. But, a demonic beast was in control now, and it seemed to possess a reservoir of semen greater than anything Calvin could be prepared for. 


In vain, Calvin tried to struggle one more time, though his body was still not his own and there was nothing to be done. Worse, his thoughts were starting to fade as he was pulled in further, making it nearly impossible to react. Reflexively, he shut his eyes as they were forced into the slick ass cheeks of his friend until the melded flesh no longer allowed them to open. His sense of smell was soon taken from him as his nose was absorbed, only his mouth remaining as he opened it to scream. Yet, as he did, the fluids from Theodore’s scaled ass rushed in, nearly choking him and making him gag. It was too much!


Calvin had no time to worry about such things, however, as a fierce orgasm overtook him, rocking him to the core. His mind nearly whited out in pleasure, being taken out of the scenario and into a world of bliss beyond his wildest recollections. The more he tried to resist, the more the changes hurt and discomforted him. Yet, the more he gave in, allowed the dragon’s changing flesh to corrupt him…the more the creature’s words rang true. If it felt this good…if it could always feel this good, then why would he resist? 


Calvin breathed in one last time as the liquid tissue from Theodore’s ass filled his mouth, blocking his airway and lungs. It felt like he was suffocating, making him blackout as the final orgasmic waves overtook him. His entire body was trembling, trying desperately to stay alive in the manner that he had existed all of his life. Yet, his struggles would be for naught as he felt his consciousness fading, getting closer and closer to the swirling voice of nonexistence he thought would come from the dragon’s assimilation. 


Yet, he could still perceive the dragon’s words in his head, as though his cognizance was the only thing needed to still hear.  <No need to breathe anymore, Calvin. At least, not as an individual. You are one with us now, and I will take care of all our needs,> the dragon said, almost soothingly. 


The words were just the push that Calvin needed as his thoughts started to fade under the orgasmic onslaught. A wet moan escaped the remnants of his mouth and lips before they were fully melted into Theodore’s ass cheeks. What little remained of his consciousness and soul faded with it, to be part of the dragon now and fuel his rebirth. 


“Calvin?! Common man! No, NO!” Theodore cried though he knew it was pointless. His friend was gone, Theodore could sense it. And, perhaps even worse, Theodore knew with certainty that he would be next. 


By now, there was nothing left of his friend’s head, pulled inward to the neck now and repositioning itself in order to fuse with Theodore’s spine, he assumed. The bones of his head were dissolving; Theodore could feel them a part of himself now, as though Calvin had been fully merged with his body. Though he still felt Calvin’s form sinking into him, there was a certain sense of finality now that Calvin was gone. It was as though the body left was his own, as horrid as it was. Even the parts of Calvin still present, the draconic legs and tail, felt like they were his, though the connections had not yet been fully made. 


<Your friend is not gone, not entirely. He still exists as a part of me, and you, now. He is at peace, as you, too, soon will be. Now that one is gone, the changes will be…more pleasurable for you. Your own degradation will be expedited, I admit. But, you will experience pleasures beyond your wildest fathoming. Are you ready, mortal? Well, either way, it matters not. You will be taken and used for my purposes, whether you want to be or not!> 


Theodore tried in vain to move, knowing it was pointless but desperate to resist in any way that he was capable of. Yet, the only thing that came of it was a heightened awareness that his body was continuing to grow, as though using Calvin’s mass to fuel its reformation. His torso, in particular, was much larger than it had been, as though his head was pushing in, and his organs were being moved around him to make room. How Theodore’s body was being kept alive for this process, he had no idea. But, it wasn’t his body, his life anymore, he was starting to realize with certainty. 


Calvin’s body hung there, skin giving way to the orange and black scales. His former back was at an odd angle, his head gone but his spinal cord intact, squelching and pushing its way forth, as though seeking something. Theodore gasped when his tail bone started to extend into the remnants of Calvin’s head. A tingle ran through him as his spine connected, and, with a shock, Theodore realized that he could suddenly feel all the way back to the dragon’s twitching tail, now wagging its excitement.


Now that their spines were connected, Theodore could feel their backs lined up as the fluid flowing into them pumped up Calvin’s former skin with muscled dragon hide. It was as though the semen, or whatever it was the magic had infused them with, was seeping into every muscle fiber, changing them into the other-worldly being that they would soon be in body and spirit. The tissues swelled with fluid until it could take no more, and then peeled apart, only to reform and knit together into draconic muscles. The force of their reformation pulsated under the skin before the scales could keep up. But, as they did, Theodore could feel the scales expanding, only a thin layer between them to allow the excess fluids to ooze through. The skin swelled all the way down to the tail, making Theodore sure that he was twice the size that even the combined humans had matched once before. 


A sucking sensation made him want to gag just then, though Theodore lacked that ability in his present state. It was as though the organs in Calvin’s husk of a body were being drawn up towards Theodore’s own anatomy and pushing it to the side to make room. Theodore could see the skin bulging even as his torso was steadily being encroached by dragon hide, forming some sort of horrid configuration that he could scarcely imagine.


The presence of another body within his own, organs and all, fueled the expansion of his torso far beyond human confines. A thick, toned six-pack of abs formed from his formerly pudgy belly as white scales spread over them, black accents playing upward to separate the orange from the white. His chest, too, swelled easily several times beyond human proportions, accented by the same lines of black scales as his pecs flattened and pushed out his muscled arms to bulk up even more. The formation of that level of tone might have been exhilarating if he was not threatened with the loss of himself and his humanity forever!


The process should have been painful, yet the pleasures in Theodore’s cock soon washed over him, enough of a distraction that he was not aware of the process for some moments. His cock, by this juncture, was far too large for a human being. Veins bulged from the surface as the sicky sweet smell of jism seemed to leak from the shaft. As the top of Calvin’s esophagus reached the tip of Theodore’s own throat, an intense wave of pleasure wracked his body, making him shake at the whim of the dragon that was clearly in control of both of their facilities. 


Though Theodore was hardly in a position to realize it, only internal organs were moving out of Calvin’s shell to enter into the increasingly draconic torso that was once his own. It was as though their internal structures, organs, and the like, would to sit within their upper body, extending into the lower half that was once Calvin to round out their new anatomy. Through the repeated orgasmic reveries, Theodore was only vaguely aware that his body was becoming more taur-like, hence the necessity for the two of them to be merged into one!


Next, he could feel his old esophagus opening like a zipper to take Calvin’s inside. It ran all the way down to his stomach, their new combined mass breaking down its walls but somehow not spewing forth stomach acid that would harm his internal organs. This new pathway was longer, his stomach pulled further down nearly past the point of his prostate and testicles. His digestive tract now seemed to run all the way back to Calvin’s anus, his own rectum sealed up by the dissolution of Calvin’s head remnants. His heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, and all remaining organs were part of the upper torso. Additional lungs sank inside his own, doubling their size and sending shivers through Theodore’s body as he learned to breath more easily with the new additions. His massive four-chambered heart, too, beat faster, pumping fluids through his joined body at double the rate. 


Yet, Theodore was hardly aware of this, lost in his own orgasmic reverie as he was. His penis shot another potent bout of sperm, its consistency in line with the draconic spunk that now made up his internal anatomy. Though he could hardly see it, given the haziness from the lust overtaking him, Theodore was vaguely aware that the semen he was ejaculating was pooling on the floor below. Even where it hit the edge of the circle, it was soon drawn back towards his feet. As it touched the draconic skin, it seemed to be absorbed back into it, as though part of him like a living organism.


A series of wet cracks erupted from his backside as it started to lengthen, the extension of his spine enough to push his buddy’s former torso further back. It continued to pop, the spine rippling under the skin as meat and muscle swelled thick with support. Despite himself, Theodore groaned as he realized he could feel the tail move as if it was fully part of his spine now. It was equal parts horrible and wonderful to have such an appendage. Though its exploration was arousing, it was only a sign of how far he had fallen, and how close the dragon was to consuming his body fully!


As Theodore struggled to understand the process still altering their former humanity, the ripplings of growth seemed to center above his shoulder blades. It seemed they were rapidly gathering calcium and minerals to spur on new growths before they prepared to burst through the scaly skin. In his current state of duress, Theodore was not prepared for something ripping wetly from the skin of his back, pushing up twin lumps of flesh that soon rose far above his head. Theodore was disgusted by the sensation of their movement, waving this way and that as though eager to bet birthed. Worse was the sensation of five digits poking through the tips like hatching snakes, joints, and bones and tendons snapping into place as they started to flex and experiment. With their scaled contours, thick paw pads, and five fingers, they looked identical to what had developed from Theordore’s former human ones.


The growth of new limbs, though what should have been a horrific act, forced his cock to pound painfully erect. Theodore moaned a breathy gasp as it started spasming with fierce intensity, preparing to blow a load. Though Theodore had no idea where he was getting such a reservoir of cum, there was no denying the reality that he was once again about to feel the radiating waves of pleasure running through his body. Theodore shuddered at the unexpected touch of the dragon’s scaled hand on his penis, starting to stroke with reverence over the still-human member. <Enjoy your penis for the last time, at least from the outside,> The dragon sneered, making Theodore flush from both fear and arousal. 


“What!? NO!? Stop!” Theodore screamed out, but it was to no avail. He could feel his member jerking violently, the dragon allowing his body to spasm finally as his cock blew what could likely have been his final human load of sperm. It exploded in a shower of semen, the rank stench more bestial than anything that could have possibly oozed from his own shaft. What felt like pints of jism were ejaculated, making him writhe and pant from pleasures beyond anything earthly that Theodore had ever known.


Yet, even in the current state of his post-orgasmic reverence, Theodore was still able to detect a tingling from his groin that was almost arousing on its own. It was as though his shaft was getting longer, impossibly so as it was tugged upward by some sort of invisible force. Despite his broadening chest pushing his height beyond anything humanly possible, his cock seemed to extend towards his face, waving in the air like a flagpole. It stretched up towards the length of his neck, bobbing up and down against the white scales that were peppering his form. It began merging with the skin of his stomach, much in the same way that he had merged with his former friend. By the time it was done, his cock was sealed to his belly, causing no pain from its new position, though more arousal than he had been expecting. Had he not expelled all his semen prior, he might have cum simply from the sinking of his cock into the skin. The sensation of scales opening to take it inside of him was more erotic than he could have possibly fathomed. 


What persisted of his penis was pulled inside of him, leaving a smooth, scaly groin and chest as the texture of draconic hide spread over it. Yet, the sensitive flesh seemed intact within his internal anatomy. Some of the material had obviously melted, a warming sensation that pooled around his prostate, stimulating the flesh as it expanded to encompass the organ. Having such stimulation was almost orgasmic on its own, making Calvin’s former cock forced erect and made Theodore’s still human cheeks flush. Theodore was scarcely prepared for the sensation of not one cock, but two, fully erect and stimulating his internal anatomy more than his mind could handle. 


That final spray of seminal fluids had coated his chest and groin, some of it falling to the floor before being absorbed through the skin. The rest, however, clung to his scales, mixing with the smell of semen oozing from his pores. Though it felt natural to coat his scales, it was still uncomfortable in those spots where his skin had not erupted into a draconic covering. Despite the merging and total takeover of his form, Theodore couldn’t help but want to wipe it away, thinking it was a method to slow the process. Though, with his restricted arms, there was no chance of that as those human areas were covered over with the draconic essence encroaching over his form. 


Though Theodore was scared, there was a curiosity creeping into his mind that made him want to vomit if he still possessed that ability. It was a disgusting notion, one that he would never admit aloud. But the sickly sweet seminal scent was getting to him now, making his thoughts hazy. There was no eliminating the compulsions as soon as they had entered his mind. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to taste it…


It seemed that the dragon assimilating his body could read his thoughts as soon as he had them. Theodore hardly had time to react before the dragon raised a cum-covered clawed hand to his lips. <Why don’t you sample our draconic seed, hmm? I promise you, you’ll find it rather addictive,> The dragon sneered, not allowing Theodore to respond before shoving his claw into the poor human’s mouth. 


Gagging, Theodore longed to struggle and get away, though he knew how futile it was. He was aghast by what he was smelling and tasting, wanting to wretch but was unable with his lower body completely at the dragon’s mercy. So, he was forced to swallow, the rank semen on his tongue the most horrid thing that he had ever sampled. Again, he tried to protest, but the dragon’s other claw was soon there, ready to scope more of his seminal secretions into Theodore’s unwilling mouth. 


The shear viscosity of the semen made it almost impossible to swallow without some effort. He was salivating intensely, drool almost dripping from his still-human mouth. But, the more that he continued to salivate, the more that the flavor of the altered fluids started to grow on him. It started to taste…almost pleasant. Reminiscent of the scents of semen that the dragon was secreting, it was no longer revolting as it once was. The more than he involuntarily swallowed, the more than he craved the decadence, wishing to drink down as much as the dragon would allow him. 


The infusion of semen into his mouth have another effect as it pooled under his tongue and made him gag for a moment, having seemingly had nowhere else to go. The sheer quantity that he could not swallow was getting to be too much, and Theodore wondered for a moment if he would choke. Though, with the rest of the merger proceeding as it was, there was little chance of his death, whether or not that would be the better outcome. 


Soon, however, as with the rest of his changes, the problem seemed to sort itself out. Theodore barely had the cognizance to realize that a hole had opened above his tongue, which itself felt a bit longer and more pointed than its human equivalent. It caused him no pain but was rather part of his anatomy, allowing the semen to sit in his mouth without effectively drowning him. Immediate threat out of the way, Theodore was allowed to relax, to savor the flavor that his body gave him…


“Mrrrmmm, that’s good…I want…no! No! I can’t! Why are you doing this to me!?” Theodore cried out, disgusted yet craving it more all the same. 


<Good, good! You are starting to come around to my way of thinking. You will make such a good dragon. Well, what remains of your soul once I am done with you. Very fitting to be my vessel. In fact, enjoying it more than a human should, I would think,> mused the dragon. 


At the moment, however, Theodore was too lost in the changes to feel offended by the words. It was simply too good to feel his penis sinking to the center of his body, forming a tube between his prostate and what he was now coming to understand was a reptilian glottis. Theodore could also tell it was connecting to the other seminal veins in his body, creating a cycle to fuel further change. The fluid was being channeled within it, pooling in his mouth before siphoning back underneath. Theodore simply couldn’t muster the same repulsion that had been influencing him before now. In fact, despite himself, he found that he actually enjoyed it, the flavor having grown on him


The increasingly pleasurable sensations were starting to flow over his entire growing body now, making him twitch and writhe as his draconic seminal system took root along his own venous one. The heat from the change continued to intensify, making him pant, though he could not sweat anymore. The stink of dragonhide was amplified tenfold by this juncture, though it had long since ceased to bother the changing man. In fact, it sent further ripples of lust through his body, making him hornier than he ever thought possible. 


The feelings of lust and desire were now centering in Calvin’s former penis, pounding it erect and making it leak the pungent dragon spunk. Its aches were becoming more and more insistent, making Theodore moan as though it was his own penis crying out for attention. The pulsations were coming on so strong now, as though it was a second heart beating alongside of his own. The sheer size of it was enough to make even Theodore’s scaly belly bulge from the amount of fluid being adjusted through his body. Its tubes were more akin to a urethra than the venous system that fueled the rest of his body, thicker and able to pump the thicker fluids that evidently comprised draconic anatomy. 


By now, his entire body was shaking, being wracked with tremendous sensations of pleasure as the scales spread faster. His belly and chest were visibly swelling with muscles as the tissues became infused with dragon seed. Though it felt so good, Theodore could hardly sift through the contrasting feelings. Part of him wanted to cry, to beg to be changed back and have Calvin returned as well. He was weeping now, though could not tell if they were tears of semen or water, perhaps the entirety of his body’s reserves overtaken by dragon spunk. He was being broken down, little left of him there was that hadn’t been overtaken by the dragon in both body and mind. 


<That’s good, very good. So little of you left. But just enough, I think to keep playing with you. Let’s try out a new function for you, shall we?> The dragon said, equal parts lust and curiosity in his tone. Yet, could Theodore ever really understand the thoughts of an otherworldly being, one that was steadily corrupting his body and soul to be like itself?


Such thoughts were quickly erased as the throbbing in his former prostate started to intensify, pumping fluids through his body at twice the speed. Theodore could feel it running through his scales, bulging under the skin and making his entire form shake and vibrate. The veins from his prostate were spreading like tendrils towards his chest, even as far as down into his claws. Every inch of his tissue was filled with the seminal veins, stimulating the flesh and making him writhe in pleasure. Muscles bulged faster the more semen was pumped through him, overwhelming his sensibilities to the point where Theodore’s consciousness nearly whited out once more. 


The stink of draconic fluids rang in his nose, cum flowing up from the glottis and almost making him gag. But, acclimated as he was, Theodore found himself only growing more aroused, sinking into the draconic depravity that was steadily corrupting his soul. Try as he might, nothing about the situation could repulse him from the process and everything wonderful it was doing to him. Theodore really was losing himself, and worse of all, he was enjoying it!


Now his attention was being focused on Calvin’s-no-his penis, as it sprang powerfully erect, almost to the point of touching the floor of the circle underneath him. It leaked furiously, making him want to explore its contours and touch himself. Draconic inclinations were playing over his mind at this point, though with the pleasure that he felt, Theodore was remiss to care. Not even thoughts of Calvin or his own soul balancing on a razor’s edge troubled him as he came, spilling semen all over his second chest and legs and spreading the scales over any areas devoid of them thus far. 


The potency of that orgasm was almost enough to knock Theodore over if he was in a position to be in control of his own body. It was impossible to keep hold of his facilities in such a state, though he did his best, nearly whiting out from the bliss. Part of him stubbornly tried to hold out against the onslaught of pleasure, threatening to wipe out his mind. The other part knew such an action was futile, that the dragon was more powerful than any strength he could muster. He would be lost regardless of what happened, why not try to enjoy it as best as he could? It could be blissful, the dragon had told him… 


“No! Stop!” He managed to choke out, coming back to reality and trying his best to hold onto what little humanity he had.


<Ah, such a tenacious soul! You make me desire to corrupt you even faster! Let’s see how many orgasms you can last through before my draconic influence takes what’s left of your soul!> The dragon spoke in his mind, sounding more evil than ever, delighting in what he was taking from the formerly human man. 


By now, the second pair of arms had extended further, adorned with what was functionally an additional set of hands, fingers, and all. Fluid semen was pouring from the tips, as a sixth digit seemed to poke from the wrists and stretch downward towards his back and tail. Though Theodore was confused at first, it was becoming clear as the sheen of fluid oozed from his growths that they were on their way to becoming a functional pair of draconic wings. The seminal webbing raced all the way down to the fingertips, though they retained a frightening level of flexibility. 


Lost in the sensations of the dragon playing with his regrown appendages, Theodore was hardly prepared for another pair of limbs to burst forth from his back, spreading under the first pair as they, too, grew their new fingers. It was almost impossible to comprehend the level of articulation his body seemed to possess, emanating from now eight pairs of limbs. They twitched intently as the seminal system was forced up to fill them in. Jism was pumped under their flesh before it oozed out in rivulets, encapsulating the spaces and giving him a second set of functional wings. It truly was the stuff of nightmares!


By now, the sensations of cum filling up his entire body were almost too much to bear. With it came a pressure, one that was becoming harder and harder to hold back against. To his shock and disgust, something erupted from the center of his chest, between his pecs. A moan escaped Theodore’s lips as the pressure pushed the organ out, ripping the wet skin open. Before he could even begin to contemplate what it could be, the growth opened up, giving him what he could only consider was a third eye, able to see from its slightly different perspective as it looked around of the dragon’s accord. Just as sensitive as his own eyes, the ocular fluids it secreted seemed to be some sort of highly diluted seminal secretion, sensible given the internal components of the creature. The additional perspective was quickly merged into his current field of view, even though its surface was still covered with sticky semen. Though its vision started out as somewhat cloudy, the development of a nictating membrane wiped it away, though Theodore was too engrossed in the process of change to really take note of it.


Theodore found himself hoping and praying that the changes would soon be over, that he would somehow be relieved from the agony. But that was not to be. Muscle under his shoulders had been building the entire time, making Theodore think he was to grow yet another set of limbs. To his shock, he soon did just that, bursting forth from his shoulders just behind his arms, oozing semen as they stretched the same width as their counterparts. Not to be a third pair of wings this time, it was rather that he was growing a second set of upper arms. The alien sensations of fingers being birthed and twitching, each as paw-like as the hands that adorned his arms was almost too much. The dragon took turns playing over his new arms with old hands, flexing the digits as though trying to regain their feeling after millennia of their absence. 


It was when his penis pounded erect yet again that his awareness turned back to its former owner. Yet, at the thought of Calvin, Theodore found it hard to mourn the loss of his friend. Rather, he was simply looking forward to the next wave of pleasure that his altering cock would provide. It was as though the dragon’s words were coming true, that Theodore was becoming corrupted to the point of no longer caring that Calvin was lost or that he, too, would soon be. All that mattered was the pleasure emanating from his rod, pounding painfully erect and leaking clear fluids that quickly grew in viscosity the more his seminal system fueled its secretions. Finally getting an outlet for the pent-up semen, Theodore groaned, wishing nothing more than to cum from his mutating member, forgetting all the fear and apprehension that had him a prisoner in his own body. 


<Good…good…almost there…only a few more changes and then you will be mine…but you want that, don’t you, mortal? Yes, you will be part of me forever as I set out to conquer and rule…a worthy vessel…now feel my rebirth in its glory!>


Yet, Theodore hardly heard the words over the sensation of his member altering, already twice its former size and growing still. It was getting harder for him to focus on anything other than the twitching of his cock. The tip grew pointed as the cleft started to sink into the head and a rough ridge started to spring from the former separation. Several ridges continued down the shaft, creating scaled segments as the entire shaft ripped and pulsed out with a widening urethra to match the viscosity of semen that he would produce. 


As the overall color darkened to red, what remained of his foreskin started to peel downward, merging with the skin of the base and opening it slightly, forming a reptilian slit. It was as though the foreskin was wrapped tightly around his rod, peeling down towards the base. Its very presence stimulated the scales and segments of his penis fiercely, threatening to make him cum once more. A wet sucking sound erupted as it rubbed against the innards of his male sex, making Theodore pant as he became overwhelmed from the stimulation. 


<Ha! Experience what it is like to feel pleasure as a dragon! Let it corrupt your soul so that you become my perfect vessel. You’ll beg for me to take your body if only for a modicum of such pleasures!> The dragon said in his mind, though Theofore was largely lost in the series of orgasms that were plaguing his loins. 


Now largely part of the reptilian slit, his former foreskin pulled at his cock tightly, giving him more stimulation during orgasm than anything Theodore thought possible. As it opened below his swinging testicles, the flesh seemed to be pulled inside, as though they were no longer needed outside of his anatomy. Theodore winced as the sensation of his balls being tugged inside made him orgasm, his penis pulsing up and down like a piston ejecting sperm all over the scales of his legs. 


The changes to his cock were not completed yet, as the base of his shaft started to swell beyond the point that Theodore’s cock could not be pulled into the slit even if he wanted it. It was as though his cock was unable to deflate, its newly formed knot swelling with cum like a second pair of testicles. Best yet, or perhaps most detrimental, was the fact that no amount of orgasms could possibly cause him any chafing, pain, or strain from lack of refraction. The dragon that was changing him was truly a sexual being if there ever was one. 


Lost in the multiple orgasms that came with his enhanced male assets, Theodore hardly noticed that his neck was thickening, leaving only his head untouched save for the headdress that still sat on his features, forgotten by the horrors of the transformation. His neck was thicker, leaving his human head comically out of place with the hybrid being that he had become. That was soon to change, though, as the dragon had taunted, Theodore could hardly care, lost in lust as he was. He was willing to give himself to the beast so that this pleasure could last even seconds longer!


The first thing to happen was that the head of the costume pulled over his own, sinking into his skull and burning into his very brain. He knew that such an intrusion should have been powerfully painful. Yet with the waves of ecstasy that were flowing off his penis, it was hard to find even the most minute ache in the process as the head of the costume grew warm and sank into his flesh. Strangest yet was that when the mouthpiece of the costume spread down over his forehead, obscuring his eyes as it settled above his nose and reshaped its form towards what would soon be a living muzzle. 


<Only a little more…YEESSSS…that’s it…you want this, don’t you? You can feel me burning into your mind…corrupting you…until there’s nothing left as human…but you don’t care anymore do you…not with the pleasure that I can grant you….even better than what you’ve felt already….and all you want is more, isn’t it…?> The dragon taunted, his voice all-encompassing in Theodore’s head. 


The voice continued to ring through Theodore’s head as it started to stretch out with the costume head that was slowly becoming coated with living flesh. First, the scales spread over his form, running under the costume jaw from his neck and merging with the orange scales that had spread from the former costume head. Though the scutes that covered his chest and neck ran up to the underside of his chin, they remained bare for the moment, though indents of orange seemed to indicate their eventual color. The costume’s head was orange like the rest of his back, though the horns that had been hastily pasted on were black, as were likely to be the final part of the dragon’s form. 


Meanwhile, the costume’s snout seemed to sink down into Theodore’s head, forcing his skull to slope slightly as it lined up his nose with the extension. The presence of the thing pushed his nose out to match it, melding the flesh like putty as Theodore could feel his nostrils being pulled up into the nasal holes of the costumed ones. It raised his face up slightly, pulling his upper jaw along with it as it expanded at the edges to enter the costume.


The teeth of the costume head seemed to burrow through the upper part of Theodore’s new skull, piercing through his former teeth and making them pop out of his jaw before being replaced with their new, draconic indents. The rest of the costume seemed to sink in as well, slowly running through the formerly human skin and infecting it with draconic essence before pushing the very cells aside. Down to the cells themselves were fused with a combinate of seminal fluids and the heat of the costume. The efforts pushed Theodore’s head further out, stretching the muscles and tissue as it formed the top half of a dragon’s jaw. His nostrils flared as the costumed ones overtook them, making his breathing ragged for a few seconds until he was sucking in air more freely than before, needing more oxygen to fuel his massive body.


The fusing of the costume with his skull should have painfully expanded the skin under it to meet the proportions of the rest of his head. Yet, with his cock still pumping out jism like a piston, Theodore was hardly in the position to mind it. Any pain was accentuated by the pleasurable sensation of his penis spasming more semen that was reabsorbed in an endless cycle. It was easy to ignore sensations of his body altering, his skull expanding to encompass the massive body that he now possessed. To his determinant, the larger brain that came with it seemed to wear away at the remaining fringes of his mind. Though Theodore knew part of him needed to resist, to prevent the changes from eroding the last of his humanity, the sensations of the changes and the pleasures of his cock were too much for him to bear. It was as the dragon had taunted. He would do anything to further the pleasures washing over him, for only a few added moments of that bliss!


By this time, the horns of the beast that Theodore was being enveloped by were burning into his skull, hardened to a substance denser than bone as they took their proper shape. Theodore could feel two massive ones forming ridges forming along their length like the antlers of a deer. They were almost heavy on his head, weighing it down from their sheer size before the rest of the dragon’s mass could keep up. They swept back along his head, almost the length of the wings that twitched slightly as though the dragon inside his mind was eager to fly. 


That was not the only thing to adorn the top of his head, the hairs of the costume fusing with his bare scalp before burrowing inside, as though connecting with the seminal system within. It ran down his head like a mane between the two sets of wings that created a rather fetching visage. To round out the look, a series of short horns burst out of the sides of his scalp, closing in on the position of his ears. Those started to extend to match the dimensions of the horns, pointed and twitching with their newfound ability to do so. Several spines burst forth from his cheeks, thin sheens of cum forced between them to form a series of webbing that gave him the semblance of frills.


Yet, even through all of the painful facial changes, the ecstasy of repeated orgasms kept Theodore from focusing on all he was to lose. His cock exploded once more, draining onto the floor before being reabsorbed into his feet, a vicious cycle of ejaculation that kept Theodore’s mind placid. Little chance persisted of Theodore mustering resistance, even if he was still inclined to. But, by now, so much of his soul had been corrupted that he barely noticed the final vestiges of his visage being eroded f the dragon that was taking over his body. 


Even through the pleasure, however, a sliver of himself was able to make it through, to allow a chance to fight back and retake what was once his. Against all probability, he was able to force his muscles to move, fast enough that even the draconic force could not stop him from rubbing his face. Part of him wondered if the powerful claws could remove the scales, rip them away from his visage and restore the humanity that was being steadily robbed from him. 


Too late, the dragon’s voice in his head made him stop, a crackling laugh eviler than anything Theodore had heard before in his life. It made him powerfully afraid for what was happening to him. A moan escaped his lips as Theodore tried to call out, to do anything to make the changes stop and to be returned to his former humanity. But now, even his vocal cords seemed lost to him as he struggled to speak, to hold off against the steady onslaught of pleasure that had already taken most of his soul from him. 


<Hehe, you’ve only made the process faster! Now let’s take what’s left of that mortal soul before I claim your body as mine! This last one burst will erase what little resistance you’ve been able to muster!> The dragon claimed, and Theodore braced himself for what he assumed would be the most potent orgasm yet. 


Yet, it didn’t come, at least not all at once. Rather, the pressure started to build slowly, rising from his loins and towards his belly and chest, threatening to encompass his head. His cock exploded once more, making him moan with what little control he still had. The semen spewing from his rod grew more persistent, sending coursing waves of orgasm through him. Slick squelching sounded louder as his body seemed to generate more jism than he thought was possible to pump through his system. It was rising up through his chest, filling his heart, his lungs, and his gullet. Semen was dripping from his mouth, more than even his glottis could siphon. Even his eyes felt like they had a layer washing over their insides, momentarily leaving him blind. 


With a burst of pain. Theodore could feel the eyes of the costume squeezing into his own to force them larger, able to fit the huge sockets of the beast. He could barely perceive his own changing to yellow as the spectrum of the world around him altered forever. Their menacing visage further cemented his fall from humanity and the erosion of his soul for the beast that was overtaking him. Though, he was remiss to care, having lost so much already that the eyes of a dragon would hardly be a detriment. 


A wet pop erupted from his forehead, semen leaking out like blood from a wound. It dripped down over the scales of his face, coating the last remnants of his human skin with lovely orange scales. Finally, it opened wetly, blinking the semen out of it for a few moments as he grew accustomed to its contours. Each eye possessed a different level of visual acuity, and the dragon was elated that the familiar spectrum of the world had been returned to him. 


Theodore was barely aware of this, however, lost to the lust and sinking into the being that was literally ripping apart what little humanity remained in him. Blinded by the changes, Theodore was scarcely able to sense the world closing in around him and the loss of himself as the powerful waves of pleasure pounded his prostate. It was as though every inch of his body was being converted to the same sensitive flesh as his prick, just as stimulated by semen pumping through him before he could even think. If this was to be the rest of his existence, it was easier to let himself go, to fade into the being he had become and fall into what little ecstasy his mind could comprehend. There was no fight left in him, and his last human moments were ones of joy and ecstasy. With a final, gurgled gasp, the human Theodore was no more, his soul finally eroded away completely. 


With that, the human inside him was swallowed, and The Dragon smirked, knowing that his birth into the world would be complete. The souls inside him were like an open book, one that The Dragon was eager to read in its entirety. There was much information for him to learn about the human world, the centuries that he had been imprisoned having accelerated their civilization far faster than he could have fathomed. But, that could come later. There was much pleasure to take in his body before he set out into the world. 


At that, The Dragon came again, sputtering thick torrents of semen all over his legs without having to touch himself. His form was powerful, lustful, and deserved to be fully enjoyed now that there was no longer anyone in his head to dissuade his personal tastes. Though it had been his absolute pleasure to corrupt those poor unfortunate souls, now their cries of ecstasy and torment were so powerfully arousing that he needed to revel in his final changes. 


Curling into a ball shape, The Dragon reached down to stroke his penis, allowing it to alter finally as his desire for his draconic essence grew. It had already swollen to three times the contours of its former humanity, but now the shaft was left to redden further as the head grew bulbous, the pointed tip leaking thick strings of seminal fluids as the sections of his cock throbbed and pulsated. Though the veins fueling his penis were pure blood, the semen from his secondary heat and prostate was sufficient in tandem to power his orgasms beyond anything that morals experienced. 


The last bit of his changes swelled from the bottom of his chin, which still appeared like he was wearing a mask of living skin. A series of wet cracks erupted from the lower jaw as the mandible bones pushed out to match the size of the head that he now supported. Weakened human teeth were pushed away to make room for draconic fangs as the new beast grinned, his muzzle and jaw finally reached their proper contours. Cum-fueled webbing erupted over the button of his chin as layers of hard scales accented the edge of his chin and The Dragon’s form truly came into being. 


With the knowledge that he was complete, The Dragon had no desire to hold back. He wished to be encompassed by the waves of pleasure that his body could grant him, revel in orgasmic bliss in a way that he could not as an astral body from his own dimension. How he missed the pleasures of physical flesh that could only be experienced in the mortal realm. And now, with a body of his own, he would be free to bask in them whenever he desired!


The Dragon’s powerful orgasm rocked his entire body as cum began to pool around him on the floor, soaking his scales and filling the room with his draconic essence. He was far too horny to stand up, laying there as he sprayed load upon load of semen all over himself. The semen was thick, almost latex-like in consistency as he rubbed it into his body, loving the smooth texture and reveling in the tactile sensations. 


Gradually, The Dragon’s awareness returned to the living world, beyond his rediscovered sexuality. The semen that he had sprayed all over the floor was slowly being reabsorbed, the veins on the surface were enough to pull it back into him, refueling his body and sending it back into circulation. It was the source of draconic magic, a physical manifestation of his power that could only exist in this mortal realm. And The Dragon would have it no other way, equal parts pleasure and power. 


The Dragon had no name, or at least not one that would still be spoken in the tongues of mortal man. Besides, he had been cast away into that other dimension so long ago that he’d forgotten it. A passing thought made him wonder if he should try to conceive of one, reflecting on the voices inside of him and their pool of knowledge. Yet, that was a matter than could be resolved at any time. Such a being needed the perfect name, one that it would take him a certain level of reflection on to conceive of. ‘The Dragon’ seemed a simple enough moniker for now, being the only of his kind to survive and exist in this plane of existence. The world was truly his for the taking!


The massive beast surveyed his new territory, finding the room far too small for his dimensions. His two sets of wings, two sets of arms, and two sets of legs in his taur-like state were menacing, but clearly not meant for what humans passed off as dwellings in this century. He was easily four times the size that the humans had been, much more massive than the room could easily support. Though, he quickly ascertained that he was on an upper level and that the late evening air was beckoning to him, calling him to experience all the world had to offer. 


Unfurling his two sets of wings, he took to the air, his powerful body making quick work of the ceiling and wood and concrete of the human dwelling. No, this would not do, not at all. A dragon such as he needed a more suitable lair, something to hold him as he grew and collected his power and prepared for his conquest. But for now, he was content to enjoy the warm setting sun on his scales, and the screams of terror from the humans below that would soon be his subjects.