Ungulate (Other)

A trio of disrespectful college students on a camping trip piss off a practitioner of the old magics, and in his bid for his god's assistance, turns their combined ire upon them, regardless of the consequences to himself and his morality....

Taking on a clinical trial takes a bizarre turn as over the course of several months, a man starts to notice changes that make him increasingly more like an animal, though not a single one he can put his finger on at first...

A married couple decide to spice up their love life in the bedroom with a stag-shaped sex toy, only to find it fits a little two well both physically and mentally...

A group of partiers drink what they don't know is a tainted brew, one that they find utterly delightful when paired with their still-male friends! ...

A college couple experiment with a collar that turns one into the form of his dreams, not knowing his boyfriend has something else in mind for the pair of them...

Two hunters come into contact with a hypnotic stag, which awakens a lust in the other and a desire to delve deeper into the forest and all it has to offer...

A man learns it's not always best to stop and help as an old woman decides to make him a more permanent assistant for her needs ...

A man on vacation accidentally disturbs a statue and finds himself victim to its curse to make him wander the desert forever...

A man's errant wish causes the growth spurt he always longed for, but with unexpected, if not pleasurable results!...

Long bus rides suck! The cramped seats, the heat, the stink of animals, of musk, seatmates mating as you try to resist mating as well...