Sighing, Eric took a long swig of his drink, the product of birthday money his grandmother had generously given him. Eric was not usually one to blow it at the campus pup, but they were not as strict about IDing there, and he was not quite the age of 21 to buy his booze from the liquor store. The drinks were cheap, and his smaller stature made it so he was already buzzed two drinks in. After this one, he would be wasted for sure!
Not normally one to drink away his problems, Eric was not having the best time in his second year of college. Having not picked his major yet, he ended up overextending himself, leading to several classes in different disciplines, none of which meshed in terms of workload or study styles. As a result, Eric was going into final exams with below the 50s in every subject. If he failed, he would be required to drop out, back to his hometown and homophobic family. Such was not preferred for the recently out young man, who would subsequently be forced back into the closet until he procured the funds to leave again. And with college debt due six months after his failed tenure made that reality a fever dream.
“Hey, honey!” Called a familiar voice, and Eric looked up to see his boyfriend Henry walking toward him, drink in hand. Eric sighed. They had only been together for the last few months, but it would be a moot point if he lost his school life and they were forced into a dead-end long distant relationship. Depression was his motivator for solitude, desiring to keep his problems and his drinking to himself so as to not worry others.
The look of despair on his face was obvious, however, and Henry came up behind him, putting his arm around him and a little surprised when Eric didn’t recropicate. “Awww, you don’t look so good,” he said, concern on his face as Eric tried his best to smile, not wanting to share his state even with his significant other.
“Yeah….fuck…” Eric said, unable to hold back the pain in his voice as he did so.
“You should have invited me, honey. I’m here for you, you know?” Henry said, and Eric almost let himself believe it.
“I just thought it would be better to be alone, you know?” Eric said, almost standing up. He didn’t want to leave his boyfriend hanging, but there was every chance he needed to get back and sleep off what would likely be a hangover. And, in his depression, he didn’t think it mattered as much as he hoped it would, seeing their relationship doomed and not being able to do the right things in order to support it healthily.
“I’m here for you, honey. Don’t worry. I know how rough you’ve been having it lately. I’ve got just the thing. At least I hope so!” Henry said, and Eric perked up at that, not really sure what that could mean but feeling curious about it all the same.
Seeing the perplexion on his boyfriend’s face, Henry simply smiled, getting up and motioning for Eric to do the same. “Why don’t you come back to the room with me, sweetie? We can get up to something to take your mind off things, I’m sure,” he said with that lusty tone Eric had come to know and love.
Eric didn’t want to admit it, but drunk as he was, there was little chance of his body responding to anything his mind might have wanted. “I’m not sure tonight would be the best night…” He admitted, not wanting to confirm whether or not he was drunk, though such was likely obvious to anyone watching.
“Oh, don’t worry about how much you’ve had to drink, I won’t judge, and you’ll like what we get up to,” Henry replied, that same sexiness on his features that convinced the drunk man he could at least get up to give it a go. Eric took his boyfriend’s hand, stumbling a little as he paid for his last drink, and the two of them made their way back to Eric’s single-room dorm.
Closing the door, the two of them settled into a messy kiss, Henry obviously not minding the taste of boozy breath. Henry was all smiles and excited glee, reaching down to rub his boyfriend’s crotch. Eric felt himself coming to a head, even to the point he was leaking a little in his pants from the excitement. Surely, he shouldn’t have any stamina with the drunken stupor he’d fallen into, but there was no denying the physical effect his lover was having on him.
Eventually breaking the kiss, Henry stepped out of the room for a moment, saying simply that “I got something for you! I’ll be right back!” and leaving Eric excited to see what he would bring. He didn’t have to wait more than a few minutes before Henry returned, brandishing what looked like a collar, like an animal might wear. Rather than being offended, however, Eric was excited, being a little into that sort of thing and perhaps admitting it on one occasion or another. He wasn’t expecting his boyfriend to actually purchase such a thing for him to try so soon into the relationship, but he wasn’t in a position to say no, arousal reaching its zenith before even taking off his pants.
“Where did you get that, a kink shop?” Eric asked, excited. He didn’t know there were places like that close to campus, and honestly would have liked to join his lover in exploring one. Still, with his current state of depression, he wasn’t going to complain about some fun, especially when his body was so clearly into it!
“Yeah, found one downtown that I didn’t know existed! I found something really cool and cheap I recalled you saying you’d be into it!” Henry said, and Eric blushed a little at that, though figured it was a moot point. Surely, his boyfriend was into the same stuff if he went out of his way to purchase it for him. Eric found himself thankful and excited if he was being honest with himself.
“Awww, you didn’t have to! I’d love to use it!” Eric said, reaching in to give his boyfriend a kiss. Henry returned the gesture, unclasping the collar and putting it around Eric’s neck. For a moment, Eric thought it might be a little too small for his thicker neck, but as Henry worked it over him, he found the collar fit perfectly to the point Eric grew excited. It was comfortable, almost as though a part of him. And, to his delight, there was a little bell on it, one that jingled as he flicked it. It really was a little like becoming an animal, or at least as close as he could get. Not that he would ever confess that being his true interest in such kink wear, but he couldn’t deny how much it was doing for him!
The first thing Eric noticed was that his foggy haze from the booze seemed to fade a little, as though he was sobering up. He was thankful for it, given that simply wearing the collar was enough that his cock was throbbing in his pants. It was almost like being in a dreamlike state, far removed from being buzzed. Was it the anticipation that was doing it for him? Did it really matter?
Seeing his boyfriend’s eagerness, Henry got on his knees and pulled down his lover’s zipper, underwear following suit as Eric’s fat cock hung in the air. Wasting no time, he reached out with an eager tongue and started to lick and suck at it with talent and expertise that made Eric moan. Eric really did love his boyfriend’s skill with oral, something that they partook in whenever possible. With his arousal at its apex, it took him no time to reach his end, calling out that he was about to cum and not wanting to make it happen too soon. Henry, however, had different ideas and continued to suck and rub at Eric’s balls to the point that Eric could not hold back. And as his orgasm drew near, he found he didn’t want it to stop, allowing himself to give in to the pleasure.
“Oh…yes…so good! Fuck!” Eric called out as his testicles spasmed, and he shot his load inside his lover’s mouth. Henry, for his part, didn’t bother to pull back, taking Eric’s seminal load like a champ. Unable to swallow, however, he quickly got up, grin on his face as he made his way to the bathroom to spit it out. Eric didn’t mind, of course, knowing how hard it was to swallow a mouth full of cum and not really able to do it himself.
But it was the sensation of tingling in his cock, one that persisted even after he had come, that had Eric’s attention. As he looked down at it, the tingling seemed to intensify, as though his member had become numb. Reaching down to rub at it, Eric was shocked at the sight of it growing longer, swelling larger than he had ever thought it to be before. Thinking himself to be drunk again for a few moments, he soon came to the realization there was no way he was hallucinating, the weight of his cock heavy on his groin and the sight of it at least twice as long as it had been, if not more. How it was possible, he couldn’t say, but there was no denying the truth of it.
That was hardly to be the only change as Eric rubbed at it was reverence, fascinated that he had such an impressive member. His foreskin started to swell like it was separating from the skin of his shaft all the way to the base. Stranger still, it seemed to be pulling itself toward his groin, the skin from the base merging with his groin as though stuck with some sort of glue. Not wanting to touch it, Eric was left to stare as his cock was hitched up toward his belly, merging into a singular pouch, like nothing he had seen on his anatomy. Almost as though he had the shaft of an animal…
Now, the skin seemed to be darkening toward a red shade beyond any rash or irritation could inflict. Soon, the entire shaft, all the way to the skin, was the same dark red shade, stopping at his groin. It was more than the shade to alter. The skin of his cleft was shifting as though being molded into the shaft itself. Its leaking head tapered to a point, pisshead still oozing fluids despite the fact he had just cum. It was stunning to the point Eric could hardly believe what he was watching, staring with reverence at the impossible change. His cock was clearly inhuman as Eric tried to wrack his brains to determine the animal. Too much like a farm beast’s, he was sure, though it was impossible to be certain. Especially since it was attached to his own anatomy!
Given the sight of an animal’s cock on his groin, it was understandable that Eric’s erection raised itself to its apex, certainly double his modest human length. He was amazed by the sight, something he found attractive but never something that should have been able to happen in real life. He could only stare at it for so long before reaching out to touch it, the flesh more sensitive than before, be it his lust for the change or the change itself. It was only his boyfriend’s presence in the other room that stopped him, not sure how Henry would react to such a thing. He wanted to hide it away, but there was nothing to be done about it. The size of the erection was certainly more than he could stuff in his pants!
It was soon to become worse as an itching crept over the skin enveloping part of his member, running down to its base as wiry hairs poked from the skin like weeds. What started as a few dozen soon seemed to cover every inch of the shaft, soon making the skin look dark from the pepperings of hairs. Eric wanted desperately to scratch it but forced himself to stare down as his entire groin was soon covered with what had to be fur. The itching was almost maddening to the point he couldn’t suppress a moan, trying to keep his voice low but not enough to prevent his boyfriend in the other room from hearing.
“What’s happening?” Eric said loud enough that his boyfriend could surely hear. In truth, he wanted the comfort his boyfriend could provide, thinking having him here would at least help him figure out a way to-
“Oh, wow! It’s really working! I mean, I figured it would, but this is amazing!” Henry called out, and Eric was shocked to see his boyfriend coming from the bathroom with a look of excitement rather than horror at what was happening to him. Almost like he had been expecting it, much to Eric’s chagrin.
“What, what?!” Eric said, equal parts fascinated and afraid. He wasn’t sure what was happening, but if Henry had done something to him, surely it wouldn’t hurt him. And, given the goatish nature of his junk, Eric had a suspicion that his drunken interest in either farm animals or Greek mythology might have had a hand in his decision…
“Oh, sorry! I figured you wouldn’t believe me if I told you about it, so I let you find out firsthand! I hope it didn’t shock you too much, babe!” Henry said and took him in an embrace, Eric feeling his cock throbbing and leaking even more from the contact. Whatever was happening to him, Eric couldn’t deny how much it was turning him on!
“You’re right about that…” Eric said, not sure what to think about the whole affair. It had to be a dream, or maybe he had drunk too much. But everything certainly looked real to him, and the feelings stemming from his rod could not easily be ignored. And, if his boyfriend had a hand in it, then maybe he could allow himself to calm down.
“So, what do you think?” Henry said, sounding a little hopeful. There was no denying that Eric was into it, his erection at its apex. And the more he thought about it, the more turned on he became, to the point that…
Without thinking, Eric got up and started kissing his boyfriend, feeling his bobbing goat cock rubbing against Henry’s stomach and sending shivers through his body from that contact alone. Henry returned the gesture, and the two of them made out like that, Henry even reaching down to stroke the bestial erection that his lover now sported. Eric would have been sure the action would be enough to make him cum again, but he managed to hold out for a little while, loving the attention and moving to play with his boyfriend in tandem.
Expecting to feel the same sensation of change coming from his lover, Eric was a little surprised to note he was largely the same size, impressive for a human but nothing in the face of the goat cock that he himself possessed. “Are you going to change too?” Eric asked after breaking the kiss, looking at his lover with some expectation.
“Nope, it’s in the collar! I guess I could have bought one, but I wanted to play with your changing body, give you all the attention, you know?” Henry said, and with that, the questions started to come.
“Where did you find something like this? How long is it going to last? How did you know it was going to work?” Eric blurted out all at once, wondering sincerely how this would affect him going forward.
“Woah, slow down! I found it at a magic shop, the proprietor showed me something similar, and it lasts as long as you keep the collar on. It’s a bit of a slower change, and sex definitely triggers it to go faster and brings higher arousal. Satyrs are mythical creatures, after all, and they can apparently go all night if they want!”
With that, Eric moved in to kiss his boyfriend once more, loving the taste of his breath, his smell, and, best of all, the sensation of their cocks frotting together. His was far more sensitive, and knowing that he was not one and done, Eric was down to cum as he needed, not even caring there was a chance he might spill his load all over his boyfriend’s chest. Par for the course of turning into a real-life satyr, something Henry was just going to have to deal with!
Yet, Eric was soon distracted by itching running down his leg. Pulling away from their kiss, Eric was treated to the sight of his relatively hairless legs sprouting their own pelt, the hairs peppering the surface and moving between already present follicles to the point where he could no longer see the pale skin. Rubbing it, the texture delighted him, and he continued down to his calves, hoping to encourage more to grow over him.
Soon, Eric was taken away from the sensation of fur growing as an ache in his spine triggered his attention. Reaching back to alleviate the stiffness, it seemed to push against his hand, as though reaching for it. Eric started rubbing it eagerly, as though encouraging it to grow. For Eric, it was obvious what the protrusion was. To his delight, the tail twitched at his touch, leaving him to shiver at the excitement that he had one on his own backside! Playing with it for a moment, Eric found himself enamored by the texture, experimenting with lowering it over his ass, raising it up, and wagging it back and forth, his boyfriend giggling all the while at his satisfaction over the thing.
The fur running over his legs was hardly the only aspect to change, muscle swelling underneath as they contracted in some spots and expanded in others. His calves, in particular, began to compress, shortening his overall height. He figured he was meant to be smaller in his new form, though was soon set off balance by the stretching of his heels, raising his stature to the balls of his foot as they doubled in length. With that, Eric was granted a digitigrade stance, something he was not quite prepared for but at least could stand stably as the changes continued over his form.
Figuring the beginnings of numbness in his feet would indicate his next series of changes Eric thought it prudent to sit on the bed, trying to wriggle his toes, knowing that he would soon lose the ability. It seemed he was already unable to, the numbness quickly making it impossible. A series of soft cracks, numbed by the changes themselves, was a sign of each foot in turn being robbed of its large toes. Eric watched with fascination as they were taken inside his heels and left not even a semblance of bone to denote their former presence.
That was not the most extreme thing to happen to his feet as the nails of each toe started to swell, encompassing the surface of his foot and leaving nothing left as the toes themselves drew inward. Even through the numbness taking them from his anatomy, Eric was able to feel the weight of them as they continued to swell with keratin, incorporating the internal muscle and bone within. Pointed tips pushed horizontally from the ends, leaving flattened bottoms, the two toes swelling to the thinning circumference of his feet. The two remnant toes, rather than sucked into his foot as his large toes had been, were instead rotated backward, forming nubs tipped with keratin in their own right. They remained much smaller on his anatomy, unable to touch the floor.
“How do you feel, honey?” Henry asked though Eric found he wasn’t sure what to say. Getting up and taking a step, hearing the click of hooves on the floor was a little disconcerting, though they were sturdy against his weight, at least. It was rather the lack of sensation against the floor that left him stunned. “Numb!” Came the reply, though Eric was quick to get past it, walking around and balancing on the new hooves. It was amazing being a satyr, something he never thought possible but something he relished all the same. Walking around the small room, and even dashing a bit was possible, though was all he could manage with the lust burning into his loins and his desire to have it quelled.
“This is amazing! I can’t believe it’s real!” Eric exclaimed, cock bobbing up and down. It was taking all he had not to touch it, wanting Henry to do so and have his fun with his boyfriend’s new anatomy.
“I knew you would love it!” Henry said, moving over to kiss his boyfriend once more. Eric got into the kiss, moving into position to frot his cock against his lover’s smaller human one. He would have preferred his boyfriend change as well, imagining him with satyr’s legs, but he was still powerfully turned on to possess the changing anatomy as he did.
Part of Eric wanted to wait and bring his boyfriend to cum, orgasming together and enjoying each other’s bodies. But with the changes that had come over him thus far, there was little chance of him holding back for very long. And with the promise of satyr stamina, there was no need to save himself, figuring he could cum again soon after. So, letting himself get into the sensations, he ground his more muscular hips into his lover, feeling himself getting close enough to fall over the edge. The pressure in his massive satyr testicles was too much, and he let out a cry of release as his cock spasmed and his shaft unloaded its burden over the two of them. Cum seeped into his fur, coating his lover’s hairier chest with the sticky fluids as well. The release sent shocks through the changed man’s body to the point he was sure he was going to fall over from the sensations. Never before had he felt his body so powerful and sexy!
“How was that, my love?” Henry asked, and all Eric could do was nod, a dopey grin on his face. It was the best orgasm he’d ever had in his life, truth be told. But the best part of the whole affair was that it was not to be the last one, something he looked forward to with eagerness. The night was still young, and his boyfriend had not yet cum!
An ache in his temples brought his attention upward, and rubbing the spot, Eric was greeted by the texture of something bony, pointed at the tips as they pushed their way bloodlessly through the skin. The skin was irritated, though otherwise not pained as he would have expected it might be. With that, Eric rushed to the bathroom, wanting to see them form in the mirror. He was just in time to notice the short horns poking through his hair and sitting on his head as though they belonged there. Eric found them sexy as hell, always wanting them to the point of having played a satyr one Halloween. And now, they were real!
Horns were not the only goatish features to adorn his face as the now familiar tingling of change started to play over his ears. Not sure how much further the changes would go, Eric was still delighted to see the ears twitching, muscle and joints at the base allowing them to move back and forth. Their surface itched with the growth of short brown hairs, longer through more sparse within their widening opening. Best of all, their tips grew pointed, rising slightly on his head but only just enough to denote their difference from human equivalents.
The last change to overtake him, Eric felt his nose start to twitch, and he reflexively sneezed. Breathing in deeply, Eric was hit with a plethora of scents he would have never been able to otherwise notice. The strongest odors were from his own body, especially the cum still clinging to his furry groin. Though his nose remained in its current shape, his sense of smell seemed somehow enhanced to match the form he possessed. Eric would have half a mind to clean up, but with his cock in its current state, he was sure he could go again and then some.
Eric walked into the main room, loving the sounds of his hooves clicking on the floor. Heny grinned at him, his boyfriend being slightly taller now and sexy besides. The two of them kissed again, and Eric felt his cock rising again for the third time. But instead of frotting them together, Eric was sure the way he wanted to be taken. Given their penchant for anal sex, Eric usually being the one to bottom, he had it well in mind to take it in his goat’s ass for the first time, unable to fathom how much better it would be with his changed body!
“Fuck me, babe,” Eric said huskily, getting onto the bed and raising his tail in the air, wagging its excitement. Not having time to get properly prepared, his lover moved to the dresser where Eric kept condoms and lube. Putting one on and prepping his rod, Henry teased the rim of his lover’s anus, the meaty pucker slightly wider than its human equivalent but far more sensitive than anything Eric was prepared for. “Oh fuck…that’s so good…can’t wait to have it inside me…” Eric muttered, and with that, Henry pushed in unceremoniously, making the goat man squirm. Rather than being pained, his anus was open and ready, and Eric started to reflexively thrust, wanting to take it as far inside of him as possible.
Henry was quick to oblige, centering himself to the hilt before he started thrusting faster and rougher than Eric was used to. Still, it seemed that Eric was built to take it, feeling more pleasure from the act, and even wanted his lover to fuck him faster. The pounding on his prostate was sublime, already the best sex he’d ever had and making him crave even more!
“Oh yEEEEEEah!” Eric called out, not realizing the goat-like inflection in his voice until a moment later. He was a little embarrassed to be making such a sound, though figured it was just part of the transformation.
“Ah yeah, bleat for me!” Henry called out, and Eric immediately felt his concerns alleviated. He tried to bleat of his own volition again, though the sound came out of his lips as naturally as anything he could say in his own voice.
“YEEEEEEAH! I’m your satyr! I’m you MMEEEEEEEEHHHH!” Eric called out, feeling his end drawing near already. Even the previous two orgasms were not enough to deter his eventual release, Eric feeling his boyfriend’s grip on his cock tightening to the point he was sure he could not hold back. The head of his penis was simply too sensitive, slapping against his belly as much as the hand stroking him off. The stimulation caused his muscles to grip his lover tightly to the point there was little chance of him holding back any longer. And with the intensity of Henry’s thrusts, it likely wasn’t to last.
The spasming of his cock was soon followed by that glorious sensation of warmth filling his bowels as his lover let loose with his load. The pleasure was almost more than he could bear, especially with the knowledge of being filled by his dom. With that, Eric no longer wanted to hold back, pent up as he was. The hands stroking his cock were skilled, of course, and it took him little motivation to blow his load, not caring that they hadn’t set anything up for him to cum on.
“I’m gonna…MEEEEEEHHH!” Eric called out as he blew his load over the bed, some of it getting on his belly and the hand stroking him off. Eric could hardly be brought to care, waves of pure ecstasy flowing over him and making him nearly pass out. And with how much he’d cum in the last hour alone, it was a wonder he’d be able to stay awake much longer…
Pulling out, some of Henry’s cum getting onto the bed, Eric prepared to get up to clean himself off, finally feeling spent after their romp. Yet, something about that last orgasm had him exhausted beyond understanding, and he was left to lie there, unable to force his muscles to work. His lover was there, petting his hair as Eric felt himself passing out. He knew he needed to get up, needed to…to…
The sounds of birds chipping and the pungent smell of manure were the first things that came to Eric’s awareness as he roused for the day, sleepy mind not sure what he was detecting. The stench hung heavy in the air, something he was able to recognize but only just. It was not something he was used to, being a city boy, and a certain sense of disgust ran through him. He wanted to be out of here, to avoid the smell, but his body felt heavy, and it took him some effort to fully rise.
Mind still fuzzy, and head with a hangover, it took a little bit for him to recall what had happened the night before. It had been bizarre, and the ache in his head made him wonder if he’d simply drank too much. And there were powerful memories of change, of being something other than human. Hell, if he wasn’t sure he was doubting himself from the mere notion alone, he would be sure that last night had been a dream. But as he was soon to find out, it was much more than that as he tried to get up and take stock of his surroundings.
The moment he tried to rise was the moment his digitigrade stance caused him to pitch over to the point where he almost fell flat on his face. Not expecting his feet to be in their current state, Henry looked down to the sight of hooves at the back of goat legs, looking as they had from his memories of last night. It hadn’t really been a dream after all, he was left to discern. And it hadn’t worn off as much as he expected it to, though that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. He did love the form he had been given, but it was a bedroom affair, something he’d want to repeat if possible, but only in safety. And he certainly didn’t want to be out here, in a barn that smelled as bad as the goat half of him would if he lived here.
With that notion in mind, the sounds of what he perceived to be other goats hit his ears and they seemed to twitch in response to the noises. He was more than a little nervous, not sure what he was doing out here. It was a little disconcerting to be in the presence of animals that shared some of the same parts as he did, but it was a barn, and some animals had to be present to produce the reek he was still privy to. Damn, this superior nose!
More carefully this time, Eric finally allowed himself to rise up and take in his surroundings. He was in a barn by himself, still naked, coat sticky from the cum he had gotten on himself. There was no explaining how he had gotten here, especially without being seen in his current state. Sure, at a distance, his appearance could be played off as some sort of cosplay, but anyone who came close could see his goatish additions were real, and certainly smelled that way, given the scent of rut still present.
“Ah, good morning, honey! I hope you slept well,” came the familiar voice of his boyfriend, and Eric felt his ears raise at that. Surely, his boyfriend knew how he had gotten here and would be able to give him a helping hand. The fact that his lover had done anything to bring him here in the first place did not occur until Henry appeared at the gate, a rather sinister grin on his features instead of the loving expression Eric had come to know over the past few weeks and months.
“What’s GoEEEEEEEEEing on?” Eric called out, those goat-like inflections getting in the way of speech even worse than last night. Part of him needed to know, but the other part was worried he wouldn’t like the answer. Waking in a barn as a half-goat man couldn’t be good, no matter how Eric looked at the situation. Was the collar really made to reverse the changes after he took it off? He could still feel it around his neck and reached up to take it off, though could not manage to find the clasp, no matter how much he tried.
“Isn’t it obvious? You’re in your new home! I had you brought here after last night. You were amazing, babe, but part of the collar’s magic puts you under after you change. Well, after you go through the first part of the changes, at least. There was no chance of you waking up on the way here, not that it would have mattered. No one but me is even going to see you as human anymore!” Henry said, a bit of a laugh in his voice that made Eric shiver.
“What did you do to MEEEEEEE?” Eric called out, but there was nothing he could do about it. Without help to get the collar off, he was completely at the mercy of its magic. And he was sure to find it was about to get much worse than the pleasurable satyr experience he’d had thus far if Henry’s words were any indication.
“What did I do to you? I gave you exactly what you wanted to,” Henry said, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You loved Greek mythology and you loved the idea of turning into and acting like an animal, right? Well, I might not have told you how far you’ll eventually change, but the rest of it held off until now. Oh, don’t worry, you won’t change all the way, not into a dumb goat. Well, most of the way, enough that you’ll make a nice obedient pet, but you’ll look like a human from the waist up. At least, to me, anyway!” Henry said that same sinister streak in his voice that was nothing like Eric had heard in their short relationship.
“WHHEEEEEEEEY?!” Eric called out, a shiver of fear running through him. He thought the man loved him, damnit! Why would Henry do this, turn him into an animal and keep him in a barn? Even as he was scared of further changes coming on at any moment, he knew he had to try and get out to release himself from the curse.
Yet, the moment his fingers touched the collar, a tingling started through them as though they’d become numb. The sensation was familiar to the man as he’d experienced it just last night when his toes had become hooves. Was the same to become of his hands? He had to stop it!
There was little he could do about the fact that his thumbs started to twitch uncontrolled, pulling them toward his wrists. Eventually, the cracks and pops within their joints made it impossible for them to even flex by his will. Their shrinking contours moved to the inside of his wrists, to be forever taken from his form. A panicked bleat escaped human lips as they were lost to him, leaving only four functional fingers.
That was soon to change, much to his dismay, his middle and ring fingers starting to swell against the other two, pushing them behind the skin. There were swollen and bloated to the point he could hardly feel them, the tips numb and his nails enlarging toward the dirty nails of the goat he would become. Their tips sunk into the goatish nails encased by keratin and forever stuck to the insides of them with blood vessels and connections he had no specific knowledge of. Their tips grew pointed, the undersides of them flattening out and forming functional hooves to match the ones on his back goatish feet. The outer digits were soon to follow, pushed back by the force of the front two and left as little more than functionless dew claws at the backs of each front foot.
“Well, I’m sure you’re sad to see them go now, but just think about it! You don’t want to be on sensitive hands walking around a barn, now, do you? No telling what you’ll step in, and hooves are a lot better for waking around on all fours!” Henry declared, and for a moment, Eric was confused. After all, he was still walking on two strong, if not goatish legs. Therefore there was little chance of him getting down and-
A sharp ache radiated through his pelvis just then, and Eric moaned, almost stumbling over and putting out his hands to catch himself. It was as though his pelvis was tearing apart, the bone parting between muscle and tissue as it reformed into something more. Spine already lengthened, he was forced to feel the crunch of it expanding, filling the space and stretching his already lean stomach taut. It was almost like his hips were being forced forward, the spurs of his hips moving visibly under the skin until they settled into a new shape. It was one Eric was sure would prevent him from moving upright as he had, though there was little to be done for it, save for bleating his lamentations.
The rest of the changes went largely unnoticed as Eric tried futility to stand, unable to push up with his hooves and hips not designed for that type of movement any longer. His legs were changing in length, moving underneath him as his thighs flattened and reoriented to a more comfortable quadrupedal stance. The length of his legs, thankfully, were altered to match his front ones, leaving him still a little off balance but enough that he could still walk on all fours comfortably in his new stance. Though his chest and upper arms remained in their relatively human state, the muscles underneath seemed to be swelling slightly to make his four-legged travel more manageable in his current state. It mattered little to the goat man, wanting nothing more than to be changed back and freed but stuck in the middle ground between beast and man.
“Looks like you’re stuck on all fours now! Nothing more than a smelly goat’s life for you! Sorry, but that’s the way it has to be. Better you than me, ‘honey’,” Henry said, no trace of regret for what he had done in his tone. How he could be so callous when he’d pretended so well that he loved him, Eric had no idea. A true sociopath, it seemed, though there was little to be done about it with the position Eric found himself in.
“Why did you do this to…to…MEEEEEEEEEEE!” Eric tried to articulate, though he possessed little ability to do so, and he was sure his voice would soon be robbed from him, possibly forever.
“Why? I needed to do it to someone. And you really fit the bill. You aren’t that good of a student, honey, no offense. You hate your family, and let’s be honest, they aren’t going to care if you go missing. Not that you’d ever want to see those homophobes again, in my opinion. And students drop out of school all the time without a word. It will take them some time, and surely someone is going to come to me and ask me where you went, but I can let them know after a fight we stopped talking. Happens often enough, and without an ability to find you as a human, we don’t have anything to worry about!”
“Aww, don’t give me that look! You’re going to love it out here! No school, no shitty parents, no responsibilities! You’ll be my pet of a sort, I suppose. Sure, you’ll be a dirty animal, but I’ll treat you better than most! Hell, maybe I can come out with you and have a little fun now and then? Hmmm?” Henry said, and Eric felt a shiver run through him at his words.
“WWWEEEEE would youMMEEEEHHHHH! MEEEEHHHH!” Eric tried to call out, but there was nothing human left in his voice as he struggled more and more in vain. It was obvious that his voice was gone from him, as part of the spell or change or whatever fucked up force had changed him into a goat man.
It seemed the changes were not quite done with him yet, much to his chagrin. His mouth ached, the taste of his breath suddenly even more awful than he was expecting. It was as though his teeth were expanding within his gums, gross and fuzzy and slab-like to the point they almost hung out of his mouth. It was impossible not to drool a little, making him disgusted. Why was he being changed so much? The only reason he could think of was that he would be expected to eat grass and hay like a simple farm animal. It was more a degradation than he’d been expecting, and hardly the last one he would be forced to undergo.
“There, that should be the last of the physical changes. Don’t worry, you won’t lose yourself, that wouldn’t be right. You will have to act like a goat, but that shouldn’t be hard. You can’t really do too much else anyways with your body like that I’m sorry to say. Thankfully, the magic that changed you won’t let anyone but me see you as more than a goat, so don’t worry about my family coming out to find you here! Not that they aren’t used to magic, but this particular practice is…shall we say, out of favor. Necessary, but something I need to keep on the down-low. You understand it’s the way these things are sometimes,” Henry said with a shrug that sent a wave of fury through Eric’s being.
“MMMEEEEEEHHHHH! MMMEEEEEHHHHH!” Eric tried to angrily bleat, though nothing interpretable came through with his voice gone as it was.
“Alright, alright, if you must know, it’s an old family curse. A rumor now, maybe. But anyone who practices magic, like myself, needs a familiar, one mostly animal to channel our powers into. If we don’t have one…we might turn into an animal ourselves, to be someone else’s familiar. It’s a rumor, I know, but with all the cool stuff that I’ve been practicing, better safe than sorry, right? And, the way I figure it, there’s no need to change you all the way into an animal, not when I can make so everyone but me thinks of you that way! No one, not even the family, will be able to see you as anything but a full goat, which I think is for the best. They might not get why I wanted to keep you the way I did,” Henry explained, though it hardly made any sense to Eric, save for the comment about having some ‘fun’ eventually, not something Henry approved of at the moment.
“Besides, I really do love you. It might not look like it, but it’s the truth. And you were always talking about your shitty home life. You didn’t ever want to go back there, right? This might not be what you hoped for, but it’s better than dealing with those homophobes, am I right? Besides, if you did that, we’d end up breaking up, and I know you didn’t want that, the same as me. We can be together this way, though maybe not in the way you hoped. That’s why I left enough of you human so that I can ‘have some fun’ with you from time to time. Well, I’m sure you won’t say no when the time comes!”
“MMMEEEEHHHH!” Eric bleated out. In truth, he couldn’t believe the words coming from his former lover’s mouth. It was all too bizarre had he not been living through such things himself.
“I know I have to keep you in here, honey, but there’s no other way. You won’t be able to get out without hands, but you have run off your own outdoor pen, at least. And I’ll keep you away from the other goats here, they were never human, so I’m sure that would be uncomfortable!” Henry said, though very little of it served to alleviate Eric’s fears in any way.
“I have to get going, but I’ll be back later today! Try to enjoy the freedom, honey. It’s all yours now!” Henry said, and with that, Eric was left alone.
Living as a goat was just as arduous an affair as he figured it would be. There was nothing to do, no creature comforts games, movies, or anything else to quiet his human mind. Surely, Henry could have hidden something for him, but there was no way for him to ask. He was alone; walking outside, he could see goats, and beyond that, more pigs, cattle, and horses. Were they all human once like him? Would it be worse for him to be a dumb animal, forgetting he was human, or retaining part of his body and mind when he was forced to live in the same conditions as they? Being in his own enclosure was only a mild reprieve from what was promising to be a nightmare experience.
It did not take Eric very long to conclude he hated it. The smell of manure was ever present, burning into his nose and making him want to wretch. Even with his nose having goatish abilities, his senses did not acclimate to the smells. Hell, they became even more pronounced, making him wish he was anywhere else but here. Animals were dirty, the ground was muddy, and even though he was alone in his pen, he was sure other animals had been present before, their waste likely mixed into the muck and making him happy he had hooves and not hands, the only benefit for their presence.
Having drank as much as he had the night before, thirst and hunger soon came to the forefront of his being, and as much as he didn’t want to stick his head in a trough of dirty water, there was little other choice if he wanted to quench his thirst. He did so, finding the warm water a bit deplorable, if not plenty of it to sate his thirst. It was clear enough, having been prepared specifically for Eric’s presence as much as he could tell. It was the notion of eating grass and hay that had him mostly bothered, however. But he was starving, and to his nose, the smell of hay elicited enough hunger that there was no point in resisting. It was the only thing to make him happy he had goat’s teeth to chew them properly, and the taste wasn’t too bad, all things considered. It was enough to fill him up, even as he spent the better part of the next half hour eating to achieve it. Not that he had anything better to do, wanting to stay in his stall and not be seen by the other animals.
Naturally, his diet had an unwelcome consequence, one that left his belly grumbling and his bowels churning. Having no desire to relieve himself, there was little choice in the matter with the urgency he felt, likely a consequence of his high-fiber diet. He was barely able to get outside into the mud as they let go. Smell worse than anything distant animals had made to his nose, the experience was made worse with his cock sliding from its sheath and unleashing a pungent stream of piss, much of it getting on his belly and fur. It was disgusting, and worse that he had almost as little control as an actual animal!
“You must be Henry’s,” came a voice, and Eric felt himself blush in shame before looking over at an unknown man in overalls, rather large gut but also muscled, likely from years of farmwork. “Sorry about that. I know he’s been looking for a familiar. I’m sorry it has to be you, but I won’t interfere,” he said, and Eric got the vibe that he really meant it. But no matter how much he bleated, the man walked away, leaving Eric to his fate.
The rest of the day passed slowly. Eric had little to do other than eat and unfortunately relieve himself once more, this time in his stall, much to his chagrin. Perhaps worse than that, however, was the persistent horniness playing over his cock. When he wasn’t getting ready to take a foul-smelling piss, his cock was painfully erect, aching at the bit to be touched. It was worse than last night, with no hands to touch himself, and only the slapping against his belly to get off. Eric was left to suffer, trying to think of some way, any way to get off, mind coming up blank. It was maddening to be in such a state, with no reprieve in sight.
“Hey, ‘Honey’, I’m back! I have some free time to-damn, you smell!” Came the familiar voice of his former lover, who came into view and started to waft his hand in front of his nose. The shame crossed Eric’s features to the point where he could do nothing but cry. He didn’t want to be an animal, standing on hooves in his own piss and shit, damnit! But there was no other option without hands or a toilet. The shame was palatable on his features, surpassing the rage toward the man that had done this in the first place.
“So, it’s been your first full day as an animal, Babe? What do you think? Better than school?” He taunted, and Eric felt the compulsion to yell at him. But only a series of bleats escaped his lips, forgetting that he could no longer speak.
“It’s OK. I forgot you can’t speak! But don’t worry, I’ll get you cleaned up. After all, you’ll need to be for what comes next,” Henry said, coming into the pen with a hose and bucket. Part of Eric’s mind wanted him to go away, to leave him to his fate. But he was dirty, and there was nothing he could do to clean himself without his hands. He figured at least it would get the smell out of his nose for a little while until he had to mess himself again.
What Eric was not expecting was for his former lover to spray him down with warm water, getting into his fur and making him feel refreshed, like a warm shower. It was just his coat and feet that were cleaned, though Henry did take care to do it properly. Some of the love he felt for the man floated back, though he could hardly forgive what had been done to him. Still, it was nice to be cleaned up, the animal stink he had attracted gone for the moment, and Eric was allowed to settle into the smells of soap and the feeling of curly fur being blowdried. It was wonderful!
Yet, Eric was not expecting the sensation of warm water on his asshole, as his pucker reflexively opened to take in the water being sprayed into it. A little confused, there was no way for him to ask about it, though the more he was cleaned out, the more evident the purpose became. Was Henry going to fuck him? Would he allow that? He couldn’t. And yet…
With that, Eric felt himself relaxing to the point his cock was once more inclined to slide out of its home, bobbing against his belly against his better inclinations. His cock erect as it was, there was no denying the need to be fucked that was welling up inside, having no way to touch himself. And there was an attraction to the man, be it memories of their lovemaking as humans or something in the spell that had changed him. His cock was soon rock hard, and there was no denying his need to get off and the sexiness of the man that could help him out. How could he say no, especially after the care given in his cleaning?
Eventually, clean and dry, Eric was left to stand there waiting as Henry diligently changed his hay and water, giving Eric a comfortable place to sleep for the night. But with the force of his erection and the inability to get off, he was sure he needed help from the other man to bring him the needed release. And even the part that equated the feelings to Stockholm syndrome or the like could not deter him from the promise of orgasm.
Eric couldn’t help but notice that his lover was erect as well in his pants, ready to top in the way that Eric was used to. Before he did so, however, Henry produced another collar, this time one that he fashioned on his own neck. For a moment, Eric waited with bated breath to see his former lover change as well, to become a satyr or even a goat like himself. But nothing happened, and Eric was left confused, with no ability to ask what was going on and waiting to see what the collar would do to him.
It seemed that Henry could read the expression of confusion on his former lover’s face. “This one won’t change me as it did you. It will make us both invisible to people outside the spell, however. That way, we can fuck to our heart’s content without getting caught. I’m not one to look like I’m into bestiality, and I don’t want to take you without consent. But I’m sure I’ve got you in a mood, my love. All you have to do is bleat the word.”
Part of Eric’s mind was sure that he should say no, that he should try to resist. But he was sure there was no point in such. He would not only be denying his own needs but anything that could be perceived as pleasurable within his own life as it was now. And, the more he thought about it, the more his mind drifted to the events of the night before, having Henry’s thick cock deep inside his rear and bringing him blessed relief…
Before he knew what he was doing, Eric had his back turned to his former lover and his tail raised, showing off a pristine goat’s pucker for Henry’s inspection. It had been sensual in its own right to be cleaned out, and Eric was as hard as he was in his own bedroom waiting for his lover. Despite what Henry had done to him, there was something special about having it be Henry be the one to take him and that no other human man would do for him. He didn’t even bother to bleat out his need, making it obvious his intention as he backed up toward the man’s rod, wanting to take it inside him.
Just like the night before, the sensation of the man’s prick against his pucker was more than Eric could bear, and he bleated his intentions as his tight anus clenched against the rod, eager to pull it inside of him. His body was a lightning rod needing that shock of stimulation to take inside of him and bring him the relief he craved. And with that prompting, Henry was quick to push in, sending shivers of excitement through the two of them and preparing them for the romp to come.
Like the night before, Henry’s rough fucking was exactly what Eric craved to the point where he bleated out his desire to be fucked even harder. His insides were on fire, craving the rod within him like air or water. His insides were alight, and the pressure on his prostate forced his rod to its apex, leaking onto his fur and the hay on the floor. His body perfectly supported the man atop of him, front hooves firm against the ground and keeping him in place to the point he was the perfect vessel for the fucking he was receiving. As much as he hated to admit it, this was the best fucking he’d ever received, even superior to his hybrid form in sensitivity and bestial lust.
Feeling his former boyfriend start to stretch his insides to the point of blowing his load, the slapping of his cock against his belly was almost enough for the goat man to cum alone. He wanted to beg to be stroked off as he had the last time they’d fucked, needing the stimulation to cum. And he was thankful for the grip against his rod just then, as though Henry had been reading his mind. The pressure was just enough for him to reach his end, the tension in his bowels and cock bringing him to the breaking point. With an ecstatic “MMMEEEEEHHHH!” Eric came, the pressure to his rectum bringing him the relief he so desperately craved. In some ways, sex while being over half animal was even better than the times he’d had sex before, to the point he almost wanted to have it happen every day, leaving his old life behind. Almost…
“We can do this every day if you want to, honey,” Henry panted, Eric barely aware his lover had cum with him and only now noticing the pleasant warmth of semen in his bowels. Eric, cock still erect as he was, wanted only to cum again here and now. And, Henry was quick to oblige, reaching down to stroke him off in just the right way…
Even as Eric was brought to orgasm for the fourth time that day, Eric found his thoughts drifting, thinking about all the things in his life that had been left behind. Sure, food, freedom, and flush toilets were to be missed, and more so in the hours and days as he was forced to wait for this man to help him get off. But, school, parents, and all the daily stressors of life…would he trade those worries for the few moments of pleasure each day, only able to bleat his lusts forever more…?