After finding a magical item to make her dream come true, a beautiful woman uses it to change into a massive smelly bull, eagerly forsaking her human life in the process....

Two roommates attend a hypnotist show at the behest of one who believes, and the other's hubris turns out to be their downfall as they are hypnotized into becoming chickens, both in mind and, gradually, in body...

A scientist researching the properties of a dragon's venom experiences first hand how that venom is used when the dragon's species is in need of a mate...

A woman, tired of the rigors of college life, finds solace in a hypnotic program that might just be enough to lull her into bestial fantasies and bring all those she comes into contact with as well. ...

A married couple decide to spice up their love life in the bedroom with a stag-shaped sex toy, only to find it fits a little two well both physically and mentally...

A group of partiers drink what they don't know is a tainted brew, one that they find utterly delightful when paired with their still-male friends! ...

A frat party ends up with food-spread courtesy of a generous donor, one that doesn't mind if they slowly start to pig out...

In this fantasy setting, a trio of warriors befell an evil wizard threatening their land, though not before being infected with his intention to make them part of his draconic army, and leaving them eager to repopulate their new species ...

Following the events of 'Ready and Willing to Serve' Jon and his friends attend a transformation massage pallor, wishing to have their bodies worked into animal forms of the opposite gender to recapture the magic of their time as dogs...

A trio of hunter's wives gets hit with a strange ailment after bagging a bull elephant, which turns them into elephants themselves, or at least parts of them...