DD: Meeting Of The Asses


Sweating profusely, Lorren riffled through her papers one more time, nervous about presenting the information they carried. Not that she had much to worry about, her tenure as head of the research department for the CDC being nothing but exemplary. It was not the first time she was tasked with giving a presentation to the CDC board, debriefing them on her team’s recent findings. Yet, she was anxious as hell as of late, having second thoughts about the work they were doing here. Not for the first time, given the dubious nature of her department’s research. 


Part of her position involved the development and distribution of vaccines against the latest virus strains, in particular, one her lab had worked to develop and cultivate. While it had not been released on a large scale, several trial runs had been used on small populations, to devastating effect. While not fatal, the effect of transformation on the cellular and macro level was unprecedented for a virus, giving a purpose for their unorthodox methods of research. Thankfully, the CDC’s latest vaccine protocols proved inoculation against this particular disease. However, with her knowledge that the version provided to the public wasn’t as effective as some of her recent models, she had to wonder why they were still distributing them. With some of the recent goings on in the company, Lorren was becoming less and less comfortable with the morality of her position. 


In truth, the presentation she prepared should have been welcomed by the upper crust. She had been working to develop more virulent strains of the virus in an attempt to discover its upper range of mutation. Recent days showed model infection rates were soaring, something that would inspire further trials, which she would be spearheading. Still, the more they requested of her on that front, the more she found herself worried about what they might be used for. Such a virulent strain could easily infect large populations and change those people present into mindless, horny beasts. And in the wrong hands…hell, she wasn’t one to buy into conspiracies normally, but things within the CDC were a little suspect as of late. Thankfully, she was fully inoculated with the latest version of the vaccine, though it felt like a small reprieve with the concerns nestled in her thoughts. There was no getting out of it now, as much as she wished otherwise. 


Regardless of what she told herself, her trepidation could not be ignored, even as she walked down the hall toward the boardroom. Not since her first job interview did she feel so nervous, sweating profusely through her dress suit. Despite having a shower this morning, under the scent of soap and perfume, a strange, rank odor seemed to be wafting from her body, one familiar but strange in these circumstances. She was sure she smelled it before, down in the stockades when she had gone to study the ‘victims’. But she hadn’t been around the beasts today, and surely they wouldn’t have been brought up to the offices. So then, why was she unable to get it out of her nose? In the end, she figured she must have been imagining things and entered the board room, trying her best to keep her composure. 


Yet, there was something in recent memory that bothered her, even as she opened the double doors. It was not the first time Lorren had smelled the bestial odor on her person, often just before long periods of unconsciousness that left her groggy and confused. She might have correlated them to bouts of nervousness that caused the pungent odor to burn into her nose just before her mind went blank. Given her work, it was likely a phantom aroma that seemed to perturb her. Still, with her nervousness greater than usual, the smell seemed to worsen, though there was little else she could think to do about it without canceling the meeting. 


Sitting around a circular table, a room of twelve members of the CDC board were chatting, sipping coffee, or staring at their phones. A pair seemed to be casually eyeing each other across the table, and Lorren found it a little perplexing they didn’t just sit beside each other. Such obvious indiscretions were hidden by all but the thinnest of efforts in a job such as this, however. Lorren had it under good authority that some of those on their phones were chatting with other members of the company, some of whom they were clearly having affairs with. Such was not a close-kept secret, though each member had dirt on the others to the point their working relationships were relatively stable and benign. In a company that dealt with such consequential viruses, most people were adamant about remaining amicable with each other!


In most instances, she might have been offended by the lack of attention as she set up her presentation. Yet, given her current state of trepidation, Lorren felt it best to blend into the background. She was itching all over, and sweat stains were beginning to form on her blouse, obvious if anyone was staring at her. And the barnyard stench was still clinging cloyingly to her, making her wish to gag had she not been somewhat used to it. Even that was little reprieve, especially as several noses around the room started to wrinkle in disgust. If they didn’t know the smell was coming from her, they likely soon would, and such was more trouble than it was worth. At least they didn’t say anything, though it was more than embarrassing to be caught smelling like one of those filthy beasts. Hopefully, the meeting wouldn’t take too long!


Ignoring the cloying stench of her own body, Lorren set up her projector and went to work with her presentation. It was mostly charts and graphs displaying the latest projections of viral loads and likely infection rates if the virus was exposed to large urban centers. Their current iteration of the mutagen was far more infectious than anything the company had previously studied, which had the older members more pleased than she was comfortable. At least her tests had shown that their newest antigen was still effective against this purified strain, and she, as well as most of the higher-ups, were already inoculated. She couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to the reports than what she was privy to, but without more information, she was unfortunately forced to keep such concerns to herself. 


“As you can see, the viral load is far more potent with the purified variant, able to infect at an exponential rate compared to our initial variation. It seems that airborne vectors are possible sources of infection, though they still do not persist long on surfaces. The changes do not come any faster, though as before, the victims experience brief periods of memory loss and unawareness of the process until-” Lorren stopped, raising her arm and seeing a swash of something gray that had not been there before. Was it…fur? That wasn’t possible, was it?


Yet, despite her confusion, a deep sense of shame was enough for her to lower her arm, not wanting it to be seen. She had to be imagining it. All the latest tests using her own blood had shown her to be immune even to the purified strain of the mutagen. Hell, she wasn’t even a carrier with her state of immunity, which was not the case for some of the earlier variants of the antigen. Still, no one seemed to notice anything was amiss, and she continued with her presentation.


However, before she could switch to the next slide, a sensation from her tailbone made her gasp. It was as though something was crawling within the back of her panties, pressing against the skin and creating a rather sizable lump. Part of her was terrified that she had perhaps relieved herself, though no horrid scent came with it, leaving her confused. Part of her knew she should get out of there and try to figure out what was happening. Yet, doing so would embarrass her in front of her bosses, and if she moved to leave they would surely see the lump and wonder what the hell was going on. So come hell or high water, Lorren decided to stay till the end, hoping she could make it out unseen after it was over.


“So, all tests concluded that the new strain of the virus is resisted by our current vaccine. If you haven’t gotten it, it’s best to do so soon in the event of exposure, given how highly communicable it is. There are concerns that our early variant of the vaccine isn’t as effective as-yes?” She remarked, answering a hand that was raised. 


“What effect does this strain have on those already infected?” A woman asked something that Lorren had been expecting. There was a point to be made further along in the presentation, though she had not yet delved deep into the topic and figured it was a fair enough question. 


“It’s cawwwwwwHHHAAAWWWing!” Lorren asked, shocked at the sound that came out of her mouth. Despite the fur on her arms, she quickly raised her hands in embarrassment. Everyone in the room raised their heads to look, confused as to where the sound came from. As impossible as it was, she had made a perfect asinine bray in the wake of her speech! 


The touch of her hands against her nose gave her pause, realizing she could see it in front of her face. Drawing in deep breaths, the scents of her own body were amplified tenfold, though they no longer carried that nuance of disgust. In fact, the barnyard stench of her sweat was more natural, and barely noticed over the other scents growing in the room. One was of sexual arousal, and not simply from the pair of board members still staring longingly at each other. Some of the others who had been looking at their phones were tenting in their pants as well, excited from the lunchtime romps that made up their office shifts. Above all, however, was a rising odor that was oddly familiar and comforting. It was as if she was scenting her own musk emanating from others in the room as well, though it was impossible to be sure. And in her confusion, she was hardly able to discern what that meant.


Blinking a few times, Lorren felt a little concerned as some of the colors in the room, especially the greens of the plastic plants, seemed to fade from her sight. Something seemed off about her vision, as though the scope of things was too narrow. But she ignored it, unaware of the reflection of dull, feral brown eyes or the rectangular irises of an equine. Something she had seen in the eyes of viral victims but nothing like she expected on her own face!


As concerned as she felt over her strange actions, it was obvious none of the board members were paying attention. The scent of their sweat was rather distinctive, and if Lorren focused on it a little more, she felt she could almost determine what they were thinking or feeling. Lust seemed to be rising between the two who had been staring at each other, the man grinding on his desk and the woman rubbing her clit. Several of the men were on their phones, parsing their lips as they browsed for pictures sent by their mistresses. Some were likely shifting their attention to donkeys, videos of others changing that Lorren could hear as her ears twitched. A few people smelled concerned, though the more she took in the scents of the room, the more relaxed she became. 


All the while, Lorren carried an awkward smile, strangely larger as her lips felt raw and rubbery. She was sweaty and red-faced, her body struggling as distinctive pops and cracks rang through it. It was all she could do to manage standing there, and while she didn’t fully understand what was going on, she was thankful the room was distracted. Still, she was left awkwardly clutching the lectern, notes falling from her shaking hands as she did her best to catch them. Several were scattered now, and as she tried her best to turn the slide to the next one, the stack fell entirely, making her call out with a rather heavy bray. As much as she was used to the sound from the victims in the stockades, it was jarring to hear it coming from her own lips! Some of the staff were inclined to mock their bestial brays from time to time, something she saw as childish and disrespectful. But they had gotten rather good at imitating them, and the sound she made was just like them! 


Still, it seemed not to draw any unwanted attention, and Lorren bent over for her notes. Pressure in the back of her pants left her to freeze, forgetting about the growth until then. Yet, she was too late as the appendage found its opening and pushed insistently against its confinement. Before she had a chance to hide it, a long, thick ropey donkey tail burst its way out, raising itself as a black equine pucker kissed the air. The shock of it turned Lorren’s features white as the thing moved of its own accord. Worse was a loosening in her bowels that was followed by a rather pungent fart. Tail forgotten, Lorren felt her heart sink, knowing there was little she could do to hide her actions. If for some reason her bosses hadn’t heard it, they would certainly smell it!


Faces wrinkled with disgust as her flatulence hit the gathered board members, who were not expecting to scent something so rank in the office. “Did someone visit the subjects before the meeting?!” One of the men asked, clearly annoyed. No one answered, and as the smell lingered, some of them eventually seemed to ignore it, as though part of the background.


Ignoring the words and looks of disgust, Lorren did her best to pick up the papers, trying to compose herself and get back on track. As futile as it was to hide away her ailments, a stubborn streak seemed to settle in her mind. That part of her knew she needed to finish the presentation, and Lorren reached down for the papers, ignoring the insistent twitching of her new growth. Yet, as she tried to do so, she soon discovered a stiffness in her fingers that made picking them up difficult. The more she attempted to grip, the less ability she had to move her fingers, as though the middle two were swelling into some misshapen semblance of a hoof. Worse was the thickening keratin over their surfaces, making it hard to feel the papers against her touch. Such was frustrating especially as she brayed her annoyance, once more confused as to why she was making that sound. More to the point, she couldn’t fathom why there were mini bowling balls at the ends of her fingers. She couldn’t pick up her notes like this!


Another strange scent soon caught her attention, this time from her front end. It sent a shiver through her being, as though she was feeling a flush of arousal. Looking down as she was, an obvious stain on her pants left her confused, wondering where it came from. Nothing should have been able to turn her on in the middle of an important meeting! Time seemed to be standing still even as her body ached and stretched and stank with an animalistic odor. Yet, there was no denying her arousal, how wet she was down there, or how an odd swelling seemed to be overtaking her sex, like nothing she could imagine. 


That was not the only part of her body to feel strangely wet, this time in her breasts. While she had no way to rub at them directly, she could feel them ballooning outward on her chest, tight against her suit. Soon, they hung heavily on her frame, bloated as though full of milk. It made little sense, though the sensation was somewhat familiar, if not easily explainable. 


It was worse than that, as she was soon to discover. The pressure in her panties was starting to increase dramatically, like something within was growing and rubbing against the inside. It was impossible for something to be swelling there, in the space where she might perceive her clit. Surprisingly her female sex was still there, underneath, if such was possible. Regardless of its source, the development filled her with a greater sexual arousal than she had ever known. Thankfully, she was still bent down beyond the lectern, but with the pressure rapidly growing from her sex, it seemed unlikely she could stay there for much longer. 


“I need to use the HHHAAAAwwwshoom!” Lorren blurted out, though it was far too late for that to matter. The moment she stood up and exposed herself, the moment the strange changes would be obvious to everyone. Even if she didn’t understand them, she didn’t want to be seen in such a state, damnit!


“Just be quick about it! We don’t have all day!” Yelled one of the men, though he seemed to quickly go back to looking down at his phone once more. As if that was far more important than a changing woman in front of his eyes!


Looking up, face flushing with shame, it seemed the board members were more annoyed with their own alterations than concerned about the presentation being delayed. Many of them were typing on their phones, though the clicking of hard nails against them left them frustrated. It was as though they were gaining the same thick nails that Lorren had developed, though, in their ire, they hadn’t noticed at first. As much as it concerned Lorren, she had no time, wanting to use the chance to get out and figure things out!


“I’LLLLHHHAAAAWWWW! HHHEEEHHHAAAWWW!” Lorren called out, unable to suppress the bray any longer. 


The moment she stepped out from behind the lectern, she fell over, having been unaware of a pressure in her feet. The same keratin nail was present on her middle toes as well, though much thicker, enough she could no longer feel the digits there. With her heels stretched as they were, there was little ability to maintain her balance, even with her tail sticking straight out. Raising her hands to catch herself, Lorren was thankful to discover her nails had thickened enough that they could hold her weight without discomfort. Still, the force of the fall was enough for the growth on her crotch to burst forth, looking more akin to a cock than anything else. Worse, perhaps, was that it was rapidly reaching full erection, head rubbing against the carpet as Lorren grunted from the contact. A shiver of fear ran through her, overriding the clouded concerns that had plagued her throughout the process. As impossible as it was, there was no denying she was changing into a donkey, but one with a penis as well!


Struggling to get up, she brayed her frustration, only to feel her guts elongating and her spine stretching her tail to full length. Once more, her tail raised and her puckered anus let out an equine stink, alleviating the build-up of gas through her changing intestines.  Yet, that was not the only thing she needed to relieve as her bowels let go against her wishes. Puckered black anus pushing outward, several rank drops of donkey manure fell to the floor behind her. Yet, as much as the stink reminded her of all those infected souls, it was hard to muster any embarrassment in the act. All that mattered was the relief she felt as she arched her back, forcing more of her clothes from her expanding form.


As strange as it was to grow a penis from her clit, the bizarre sensations were not to stop there. As best she could perceive, Lorren still possessed a cunt, sat just below her stained donkey pucker. But a swelling within preceded the descension of testicles, encased in a swaying leathery sack. They were not large enough to close her cunt, leaving her with both sets of genitalia. That, and her breasts were still present, Lorren was able to brush her hoof hands against them as her shirt pulled up. Coated with black skin now, her sagging tits were more akin to udders by this point. Their surface was more sensitive as well, and Lorren started mashing them with her hooved fingers, desperate for sensation. Any fear of infection or the consequences of change was erased from her mind as she pleasured herself. Braying all the while, cognizant thought had no room under such pleasures.


By now, Lorren’s longer ears became aware that the rest of the room was panicking at the sight of someone changing their number. The infection was highly contagious, and even airborne, dangerous in close quarters. Yet, they were soon to find out it was too late, and the properties of the virus made them largely ignorant of their own changes. Terror coursing through them, trembling fingers brushed against longer ears, covered with fur and twitching at the touch. The bestial stink from their presenter was well amplified by this point through flared nostrils, and now each of their sweaty hides as their clothing grew tight and fur sprouted from rips in the fabric.


“The vaccines aren’t workkkeeehhawww!” Someone called out, stumbling over as a ropey tail burst out of the back of his pants. Bowels rumbling, a puckered anus pushed out a pile of manure, the stink of which led the man to shame. All around him, the sounds of rips and thuds made his ears twitch. The rank odor of urine and manure burned into his nostrils as they widened, and despite himself, a shudder shot through his loins. Arousal was a significant part of the change, and all he could do was feel his clothing grow tighter around his loins, stiffening hands unable to remove them. 


The board head, aware of his situation if not able to recall its previous effects firsthand, pressed the emergency button on his desk. With that, the door sealed shut preventing any of them from escaping and sealing off the air in the room. While no one else in the building would be infected, everyone in the room was effectively doomed. For now, at least. It was likely that Lorren did not know the pure virus’s effect on even those inoculated. While it was true they were changing, it was a temporary result to being exposed directly. The vaccine would carry enough of their former DNA to reverse the changes in a little over a day. It was degrading and disgusting, but having seen it happen to himself in a recording, he knew his fate would not be to join their stables permanently. 


Some of the others who had fallen over, braying for a reprieve, would not receive it. Hands were changing into hooved digits, shoes tore open to reveal shiny black hooves, and torsos expanded into hybrid proportions. While a vaccine administered to someone changed might reverse it, the newest strain all but assured they would remain stupid half-animals forever. Any increase in heart rate or activity would make the process permanent, and with how sexual the changes made those infected, there was little chance of them holding back. 


“If you haaawwwwwve the vaccine, you’ll soon change back!” Someone yelled before their mouth pushed forward into a muzzle, and their speech was mostly converted to brays. 


“But I hhhaaawwww taken hheeeehhaaaawww!” The man tried to call out, though his own voice was warping beyond the ability to be understood.


“That’s your problem,” the man said, standing awkwardly and moving toward one of the women pleasuring herself. At his presence, she moved to get on her hands and knees, raising her tail and wafting the stink of her heat. Without regard, he pushed his flat cockhead into her wet folds, temporarily feeling his humanity erased as he fucked her. Knowing he would soon revert was enough solace as he allowed his brain to turn bestial, fucking them both into oblivion as they enjoyed their burden. 


The man who had not been so lucky stared terrified at the changed Lorren, seeing bestial stupidity in her brown, rectangular eyes. She stared back, only lust in her expression as she regarded the rest of the staff with a lack of concern. Such was a mirror for their own fates, though it was hard for any of them to hold onto those thoughts as clothing tore and donkey musk filled the air, causing cocks to enlarge and cunts to leak their need. 


Lorren’s focus, even within her fading mind, was on her cock, rubbing it against her barreling belly as it leaked its lust. It felt better than anything had a right to, a sensation of maleness that was oddly familiar. While her mind was still somewhat intact, any hint of shame or embarrassment was long removed as her awkward hoof hands oriented it toward her rubbery lips. With her other hand, Lorren still reached for her scattered papers, as though recalling they were still important somehow. Bringing them to her mouth, trailing lips played over them, nipping them a little before dropping the chewed paper once she determined it wasn’t tasty.


Her primary focus was getting off, however, feeling the floor against her puckered black anus and leaking cunt. One hooved hand moved over her fattened breasts, the skin of which had turned black and leathery. As her muzzle pushed out further, a thought crossed her fading humanity, moving her lips toward her leaking cock and caressing the flared mushroom head. It was difficult with how her fat belly had become, offsetting its trajectory somewhat. Yet, she was delighted to discover that her lips could reach down and suck the tip of her cock, sending shivers of pleasure through her being. Horny as she was, it did not take long for the tension in her testicles to grow past the breaking point, with no inclination to hold back like the beast she had become.


“Hhhaaawwww!” She brayed, nothing more than a stupid beast as her donkey cock erupted and sprayed her face with rank fluid. Copious amounts splattered over her lips and neck, dripping onto her chest and filling her nose with the rank essence. Yet, enough filled her muzzle that she was able to taste it, licking her lips and savoring the flavor. Body shivering in the afterglow, she hardly noticed that her udders had leaked some milk as well. Some had gotten on her hoof hand, and she raised it, eager to taste her secretions. 


With that orgasm, her changes finalized, though Lorren was long past caring as she rubbed her udders and licked the cum from her cock head. A mane had bristled its way down her back, and the uncomfortable sensation of her anus on the floor was prompt to get up, Lorren standing awkwardly on her hind hooves. The newly changed donkey-woman was all beast in mind, feral and disregarding the panic of the changing donkeys around her. The scent of their waste and their heat burned into her nose, bringing her cock to bear and wishing to mount. First, however, her cock moved halfway out of her sheath and her bladder released, filling the air with rank donkey piss. Much of it splattered over her fur as she walked forward, the only one to be fully changed. Given the increasingly bestial scents in the room, however, that was unlikely to be the case for long.


Already, many of the people in the room carried dumb, animalistic expressions on their faces as they urinated or defecated in their clothing. Most were masturbating in some form, playing changing hands over massive penises, or into leaking cunts. Even though each knew sex would damn the unvaccinated to remain partial donkeys forever, bestial stupidity took over. Blackened noses were eagerly sniffing for cunts and assholes, anywhere to bury their donkey pricks. In the heat of the morning, nothing else mattered!


The sight of men arriving in hazmat suits did little to deter the dumb donkey who had once been Lorren, cum leaking from her cock as she pulled from one of her boss’s slippery donkey cunt. Dumb as she was, she didn’t mind the sight and scent of them, something familiar about them kept her calm. And with the tranq dart hit her, she simply laid down and went to sleep, comfortable after having mating through annoyed from being a little hungry. Maybe she would wake somewhere with food? All she could hope for was that her herd mates would be there, the lust in her loins still not quite sated. The scents of their heat and musk made her certain they were ready and receptive to her advances, whatever they might be!


It was sometime later when a naked, reeking Lorren woke up in a holding cell, one she slowly realized was used for those who had been infected to transition. Confusion crossed her face, unsure what possible reason she would be taken here. Best as she could recall, she had been in the middle of a meeting, and then had…what? Fallen asleep? Surely that didn’t warrant her being kept in a holding cell, especially when she had proof she wasn’t infectious. A dirty cell, one covered with hay and reeking of donkey shit and piss. Her own body stank as well, and she was sure she wouldn’t be able to get it all out after several showers!


To her surprise, the cells around her weren’t vacant, either, though the sight of many of the board members naked as she was gave her pause. A few of the cells contained transformed victims of the virus as they brayed their frustration at confinement. Had there been an attack on the board members? It would certainly explain things, especially why most of them hadn’t changed. They, too, had been inoculated from the virus with the latest vaccine. It was pretty obvious not all had been so lucky and were now, unfortunately, permanent members of the onsite stockades. 


Still, one thing bothered her above all else as she moved to the coms, waiting to call for someone to let her out. Often, the staff was primed to humiliate those changing, writing things on their cages that had to be removed later. On her own cage, the words were obviously recent and made in permanent marker, fresh enough that she could still smell it. What had she done to be deserving of the title of ‘No Good Dumb Donk?’


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