Paws for Reflection
Two friends with benefits make a wish while hiking in the woods...
Two friends with benefits make a wish while hiking in the woods...
Two men find themselves as part of an experiment where the drives to mate overcome their fear of their growing insectoid bodies!...
On a college dare, a man breaks into a basement, breaking an artifact and granting the presence within a body to alter as it sees fit...
A pair of zookeepers wake up into an alien experiment, swapping lives with their former charges!...
A man heads back to his family's farm for his monthly curse, but to him its been more of a blessing...
A man spends some time alone with a nanite transformation program that allows him to indulge in his darkest fantasies...
While out hiking, you stumble upon a strange staff and the torn remnants of clothes that signal your eventual fate...
A couple attending a cosplay convention are blissfully unaware as they start to transform into sexy beasts of burden...
You wake up from an erotic asinine dream, unaware that it has started to carry into reality...
Washed ashore, a man discovers why he'd never heard of the island he'd landed on, as no human explorers ever leave...