17 May Ignorance is Udder Bliss

A strange, persistent bloating sensation left Sorez unable to concentrate on the lecture. Not that microbiology was interesting on the best of days. But, today, no matter how much he rubbed his belly, he couldn’t seem to get rid of it. He didn’t want to pass gas from either end in the middle of class, and he’d discreetly made it to the bathroom to try and remove it there. But with no success, there was nothing else he could think of to alleviate the discomfort.
Sorez had never felt any discomfort to this level before in his life. He couldn’t explain it. Nothing had changed in his diet the past few days that could cause this. Hell, he hadn’t even had so much as a beer in the last few days, worried about upcoming midterms as he was.
The only thing that deviated from his routine was a virility injection he had received the day before, as part of a test he partook in to make a quick buck. Sorez was surprised more guys hadn’t signed up for it, with its promise of increasing his libido and stamina in bed! But, it was experimental, after all. Only a limited number of students were allowed to partake, and Sorez was one of the lucky few. At worst, it would have no effect, but at best, he would be a real stud in bed!
So, he did his best to ignore it until his classes were over. As he left to head back to his dorm, a sudden hunger assaulted him, making him feel more ravenous than he’d recalled in recent memory. He was famished, feeling as though he hadn’t eaten in weeks. The hunger pangs made it hard to even move as he made it a detour towards the cafeteria.
Piling his plate of burgers and fries gathered a few stares from his friends, but he was too hungry to care. Sorez started eating like a starved man, devouring the entire contents of his plate and gathering a second one before he was done. Tail wagging excitedly, he finally felt some relief from the sudden hunger pangs. To his dismay, the food only served to make him feel more bloated, but he was remiss to care with the fullness of his stomach.
After an unusually long time in the bathroom, Sorez started feeling more of himself as he made it back to his single-bedroom dorm room. He knew he needed to study, but like in class, it was hard to focus. Thinking he needed a break, he turned on a streaming service. settling on a nature documentary. He put it on in the background as he tore through textbooks and notes, hoping to make something stick.
Yet, the sounds of lowing cattle on the screen kept calling his attention. Putting the book down, he turned to the video discussing a milking operation. It displayed images of cows grazing in a field, looking content and satisfied in a way that Sorez could never have imagined in his own, busy academic life. It was relaxing just to watch the cattle going through their carefree lives. Not even paying attention to the documentary’s words, Sorez felt himself relaxing as he hadn’t allowed himself for a long time. Enough that he started to nod off…
The dreams came vividly that night, making Sorez feel almost awake. He was standing in a field, just like those with the cows from the documentary. Instead of a wagging, canine tail, a thick cow’s ropey protrusion adorned his massive backside, flicking away flies. His head was down, gazing at the green grass and filling all four bellies he possessed. His udder hung empty, having been just milked and relieved of his burden. What more did he need? The dream filled him with a reason that was beyond understanding…
Sorez awoke to a heaviness in his chest that had not been there the night before. Rubbing the area, he was shocked to find that the skin was flabby, distended slightly, as though he had gained a ton of weight in the night. It was almost like being hungover, but Sorez was sure that he hadn’t had a drop of booze.
Making his way to the mirror and taking off his shirt, Sorez was greeted by the sight of what looked like man-boobs. Never the thinnest of guys, it was nonetheless far more weight than even the freshman 15 could add to his size. His normally purple fur was lighter in some places, as though it was turning gray or white. Some patches seemed even darker, running over his fur in blotchy patterns
Yet, in his half-awake state, he was remiss for chalking it up to a trick of the light. Ignoring the tightness in his shirt, Sorez donned his pants and went about his morning. The hunger he felt was ten-fold from the prior day, and he went towards the meal hall with a purpose that defied explanation. Yet, this morning, he was off-put by the smells of bacon and eggs and his normal breakfast foods. It was as though the salad bar called for him today. That, and sugar-free cereals!
Sorez sat by himself, chowing down on his rather large plates of food. He could hear the murmurs of people questioning his dietary choices, but he didn’t care at the moment. The hunger was too intense! Soon, using his spoon and fork seemed insufficient for him to gorge himself in the way his body seemed to demand. Yet, it was too embarrassing to stick his head in the tray and start chowing down. Wasn’t it?
Eventually, he felt full, though a bit more bloated through a shirt that seemed to ride up to his belly slightly. It was more than just his stomach that was full; his pecs felt rather loaded as well, heavy on his frame. And his nipples were distended slightly, feeling particularly sensitive against his shirt. But, Sorez found it hard to care at the moment. He was compelled by the single-minded drive to eat until his belly was full, and head to class as was his prerogative.
Class went by relatively slow as it had the day before. Sorez found he could hardly focus on the lectures. His thoughts drifted to the dream of having warm sun on his backside as he ate and grazed and flicked flies with his tail. The images were false, but they were powerful nonetheless. Reflecting on them made him content in a way that surpassed logic.
His distant, far-off look seemed to have gained the ire of his professor, who called him out to answer a question about the composition of a viral cell wall. Sorez stared dumbly at the man, who was getting impatient. It was so hard to think today with how slowly his mind seemed to work!
“I dooooon’t knoooooow!” He yelled, almost bellowing in his response. How dare he be put on the spot like that!? The professor ignored him after that, though Sorez was left fuming, and the whispers of other people in the class at his outburst only left him madder. What the hell was up with everyone today!?
Sorez struggled to make it through the rest of his classes, doing his best to hang back where possible. Once more, his stomach began rumbling its insistence and it became impossible to think of anything else. He found himself staring out the window, the lush green of sweet grass making him salivate. What he wouldn’t give for a nice, big salad to ease the aches in his belly…
The sounds of a door opening and his classmates leaving shook him from his reverie. Coming out of his stupor, Sorez barely realized that he had been drooling. Words of ‘weirdo’ and ‘freak’ made his ears twitch but they did not enrage him as they had before. Sorez was simply too hungry to care!
Making his way to the meal hall, he nearly pushed a few students aside in his bid to get in line. He felt somewhat larger and bloated, even from this morning, but it did little to stem his appetite. His shirt was riding higher on his frame, his fuzzy belly sticking out as he waited. But Sorez found it difficult to feel concerned, even with how tight his shoulders seemed to be in the sleeves. Worse was how big his chest was. His pecs were sagging, almost heavy as if they had swollen into boobs.
His mind drifted back to the shot he had gotten a few days ago, how he was supposed to report any adverse side effects. Certainly, weight gain would be one of them. But, where was he supposed to go? Where had he put the flyer after he had used it? Why was it so hard for him to remember these things lately!
An audible gurgle sound escaped from his belly, bringing his attention back to the hunger pangs that had been ailing him so. It made a few of the other students glance at him in annoyance as they waited in line for their own dinner. Their stares were irritating him, however. Hadn’t any of them been hungry before?!
Once more, his plate was filled with greens and grains as he made it back to his seat. The weak plastic seemed to groan a little as he sat down. Normally easily able to fit his fluffy tail into the back, the whole appendage felt rather ungainly; longer, thinner, and more ropey than it should have been. Sorez had to struggle with his larger ass before it finally allowed him to sit comfortably. Where was he getting this weight? He was certain he hadn’t eaten that much in the past day!
Yet, it soon became of little concern as dove into his meal with gusto, not even bothering to use utensils and just sticking his head in and chewing. Sounds of jeers and disgust hit his ears, making them twitch as though in confusion. It did escape his notice how flexible they seemed to be, and how much lower on this head they had become. All his focus was on his meal, drowning out the other sounds as he cleared his plate and got up for seconds, walking past his dorm mates as their whispers died down.
Without prompting. Sorez’s tail lifted and he left out a rather loud fart, much to the chagrin of those gathered. A few people nearby coughed, one muttering ‘Geez, Fuck!’ under his breath. Sorez, for the life of him, didn’t understand why the guy was so mad. He had to fart, so he did. Didn’t any of these people ever fart? Geez!
After second and third helpings, the ache in his belly had finally abated. Sorez got up, letting out another pungent bout of gas as his belly and breasts jiggled. It seemed as though his body had doubled in size from that meal alone! His shirt was riding up his belly now, stretch marks under purple fur visible where he had gained the additional weight. Stranger still, the area of his chest seemed damp, as though he had been sweating. How was he possibly this out of shape?
Sorez had been determined to study for an upcoming test in his micro class. But, even as he set up his books, his focus was elsewhere. It was as though the papers held no meaning for him. The world outside, with its sounds and smells, made everything else dull. Although he already harbored a superior sense of smell, the scents of grass had never appealed to him the way they seemed to now. It elicited not only hunger, that seemed weird enough considering how much he’d eaten already. But, there was a peace that came with the odor, one that filled him with a sense of calm that called to him in a way that the books could never compare to!
The gasses building up in his belly made him uncomfortable, and Sorez was unable to resist letting out a wet burp. Yet it was the feeling of something forced up his throat, rather than the action itself, that was truly surprising. It was half of the meal he had eaten prior, coated in his digestive juices.
Part of his mind was disgusted. Yet, in his related state, Sorez found it hard to keep his concern, especially as his teeth started chewing of their own accord. The motion quickly grew on him, making him relax and actually able to concentrate on some of the lessons he was reviewing. He was remiss for not noticing how his molars were flattened from their former sheering sharpness, chewing his cud with a reflexive motion he continued to eat unabated.
The scents in the air, in tandem with the relaxation he felt, brought Sorez’s attention to his member, which had come to life without his notice. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d jacked off; the stress of his regular school week left little time or energy for such things. But now, in as relaxed of a state as he was, Sorez was too tempered to close his books and reach down to stroke himself off!
Though his belly was distended significantly, Sorez was still able to rub his member through his pants, eliciting a deep-throated moan. His cock head seemed smaller than he recalled, but it was hard to tell from how bulbous his belly had gotten.
Getting his pants off was cumbersome, given how thick his thighs had become. But, Sorez somehow managed, finally seeing first hand how large his groin had grown and how massive his ass had become in his underwear. He barely noticed the changes to his tail, how its once fully fur had matted and changed color and texture. Nor did he notice the odd tuff at the end. All that mattered at the moment was playing with his cock!
Never before had Sorez felt so sensitive as he stroked the widened cock that leaked so eagerly in anticipation. His member was certainly shorter, almost half the length erect than he was used to. But, Sorez couldn’t bring himself to care due to how horny he was! Every stroke sent shivers through his body, making his extra belly fat jiggle from the pleasure. His balls started to swell, as though his hormones were delivering every bit of energy to eject as much of his seed as possible. With such insistence, there was no chance of him holding back!
“OOOOOOHHHH!” He bellowed, blowing his load all over his groin, his fingers, and the bedding as what felt like gallons of semen shot from his balls. Never had an orgasm lasted him so long, and he couldn’t help but bellow his release.
“Hey, turn down animal planet! Sounds like a fucking orgy in there!” His hall monitor exclaimed, banging on the door a few times trying to get his attention. Yet, Sorez didn’t care, awash in hormones and orgasm as he was. He wanted for nothing but to bask in his afterglow, savoring the post-orgasmic sensations of the best release he had felt in his life!
Sorez didn’t even bother cleaning himself off after that. The stench of his spunk was a delight to his nose, more musky and sensual than he’d ever recalled. It drew his attention to nostrils that were far wider than he’d recalled on his angular features, though he couldn’t be bothered to care.
Still, a gurgling in his guts made him aware that he had little time to get to the bathroom, and Sorez beguilingly got up to take care of his business. It felt like he was in the stall for hours, making Sorez question why he bothered to come to such a place to deal with his bodily functions. Several moans of disgust made his ears twitch, others who were in the public bathroom hardly able to deal with Sorez’s smells. “What the fuck did you eat?” one yelled as all scrambled to get out of the bathroom, evidently unable to stand the stink!
Sorez wasn’t bothered in the slightest as he exited the stall and went to wash his hands. As he did so, the sight of his chest attracted his attention. His man-boobs were even larger than before, taking up more of his chest, even more than his rather expansive gut. They were sweating, thick fluids leaking from his chest even now from the sensation. Yet. Sorez hadn’t done anything to perspire, save his previous masturbation.
Reaching to rub the area, the warmth of his fluids hit his fingers, making him slightly confused. Pulling off his shirt revealed more than he’d been expected. His nipples were massive, sagging down over his boobs and down towards his belly. They seemed pink, almost inflamed, and covered with a milky-white fluid that left the fox-man confused.
An explorative finger played over the flesh, forcing a shiver of pleasure to run through his body. Sorez moaned his deep bellow, not caring that there were others nearly that could hear. The slightest touch to his sex caused ripples of pleasure through his body, as his nipples leaked more of that strange fluid.
The fleshy sacks where his nipples lay were heavy, almost irritating him from their weight. Yet, the more he stroked them, the more fluid leaked onto his hands and the counter, and the more relief he felt from the persistence pressure.
Curious, Sorez reached his fingers up to lick at the liquid staining his hands. It tasted faintly familiar, though he could not place it. Slight salty, but not overly unpleasant. Sorez continued to squeeze his nipples, not caring about others that were coming in and out of the restroom, staring in shock at what could only be breasts on Sorez’s features, but not saying anything.
Yet, their stares did nothing to hinder the pleasure that Sorez felt in the moment. He even discovered a bit of sensitive skin underneath the flesh and fat that gave him equal pleasure, rubbing at it with gusto. By the time he was done, his chest was coated in the white stuff!
Deciding to wash off the sticky fluid, the shower gave him more time to play with his massive tits uninterrupted. They seemed to grow larger and more full of the milky fluid the more he fondled, but Sorez was remiss to care. By the time they were empty and Sorez felt enough relief from the uncomfortableness, it was time for bed!
Sleep did not come easy, in part due to the sensation in his breasts, and the other in tandem with an ache in his temples, as though something was trying to pierce through the skin. Yet Sorez eventually did pass out, unaware that the tingle in his groin was indicative of his cock being pulled apart into a growing cleft. A cavernous opening was forming between his legs, one situated behind an anus that was farther up his anatomy, below the increasingly ropey tail he was now in possession of. His balls were forced inside that cavern as it continued to open up and blossom into a pair of cunt-lips. Sorez’s anatomy was more in line with a female now than his former maleness!
Yet, he didn’t even notice when he woke up, with the now-familiar ache in his boobs taking precedence. The had been leaking during the night, coating his bed in more of that milky white fluid. Sorez didn’t care, however. The sensations that squeezing his pillow-like boobs gave him were far too amazing. His actions forced them to leak enough fluid to reduce their size somewhat. He even had time to start playing with the new pair that clearly sat underneath. Yet, Sorez cared only for the relief they gave him, not the fact that he had them at all!
Struggling to find a shirt to fit him, Sorez then realized that his nipples were far lower on his body than they should have been. It was as though they were being pulled through his belly, the combined weight of which made it impossible to fit under the largest of shirts he had. Sorez had no choice but to walk to class with his belly exposed, swaying this way and that and exposing the now-white fur that had replaced his former purple.
He almost tripped going down the stairs as though his paws were longer, their toes entirely stiff and hard. Had he been able to view himself, he might be concerned that two of the toes seemed to be stuck together with a hard substance that made a clacking sound as he walked. Yet, he couldn’t even see them below the vast expanse of gut he now possessed, so he paid it little mind.
The morning’s hunger seemed to assault him far more intensely than even the past few days, making it almost impossible to fill. His gorging actions were followed by several pungent bouts of gas, and a series of wet burps that brought up his salads to be chewed again. The gurgling sensations seemed to be coming from only one location in his belly, as though his stomach had shrunk to make room for something else.
It was nearly impossible to focus on the test he had to write for his first class, as cramped as he felt in the chair. Ignoring the ache in his spine was nearly impossible with how much it seemed to pain him to sit vertically. He wanted to get up, get down on all fours where it was comfortable. Yet, no one else was. He couldn’t do that, could he?
Sorez was just becoming aware of the aches and pains plaguing him as the test papers were handed out. His spine was much longer than it should have been, and he was almost certain that it had stretched due to his distended belly. The itching against his shirt was driving him mad. Normally used to the sensation of fabric against his fur, it was as though the fox hairs were shrinking, becoming more coarse under skin that was stretched and thickened in several places.
Sorez found he could barely hold the pen as he started working on the test. Two of his fingers seemed shortened, and his thumb lacked the flexibility that it should have had. He grunted his frustration, nearly dropping his pen several times. His sounds of annoyance earned the ire of his seatmates, who kept giving him dirty stares.
The test itself was impossible to write. His mind kept wandering to the outside, to the scents of grass and nature that beckoned his presence. Sorez could hardly focus when a simpler existence beckoned him forth. And the words on the test made such little sense that he wasn’t even sure it was English!
Worse, the arousal in his loins was even more intense from how they were rubbed against his udder and the chair. It was as though he needed something inside him, needed to be fucked. The sensations were foreign and alien all at once, but the urge was undeniable. Nothing in the room would do. He needed a big, strong, musky…
“MMMOOOOOOOO!” He bellowed, the frustration getting the better of him as he got up, knocking the chair and table away with his motion.
“Get out!” The lecturer yelled, as did several of the students. Sorez felt he should be ashamed or enraged by the act. Yet, all he experienced was a sort of flaccid dullness, one that told him what he needed wasn’t here. Without a word of complaint, he left, getting up and moving out towards the door and the outside.
The scents in the air were even more delectable as he found himself drifting towards the lawn and the field of unkempt grass. Even though he had eaten not an hour ago, his body was nearly quivering with hunger and the knowledge that this was what he had been craving was overwhelming.
Getting down on all fours was easier than it should have been as Sorez lowered his head, sniffing at the succulent blades of grass before him. A small glint of social convention flashed through his mind at the thought of eating grass on all fours like some sort of animal. But, the hunger was simply too great to be ignored as he lowered his head and pulled out a mouthful of greens.
The moment the grass hit his lips was the moment that Sorez felt his mind go. The taste was more than anything he would have ever expected, the texture divine. It was exactly what his stomach had been craving, and he was determined to eat as much of it as he could! The whole field was his for grazing!
Sorez lost track of time as he continued to eat, his tail flicking of its own accord as it did so. His ass was growing massive, tearing apart the seams of his pants and making them fall to the ground. His tail lifted of its own accord, and he farted, the loud but of gas rippling into his ears. Without warning, his tail lifted further, and his bowels opened, releasing a massive pile of manure that started to collect on top of his torn clothing.
Yet, the stench meant little to the former fox-man as he continued to eat with little concern. His jaw ached only slightly as it expanded to allow him to munch faster, pulling more greens into his hungry gullet. His head throbbed as the growths from his temples started to pierce the surface. His nose, glistening and wet now, was visible in his field of view as Sorez continued to eat, unconcerned with his mess and smell. At the moment, he cared only for the taste of grass and the hunger in his belly that compelled him to eat his fill!
It was only the sounds of horror and disgust from people watching that made him decide to get up from his dinner and stare at the onlookers gathered. A flush of red shame passed his features, realizing what he had done. He was on all fours, naked, and shitting himself like an animal. Yet, somehow, he found it hard to be ashamed by his actions. It was more akin to being mocked and rejected unfairly by these bipedal beings.
Standing was a troublesome affair. His arms seemed short compared with his massive bloated belly and torso, though, somehow he managed. His pants were ruined, and he made it back to his dorm room without even bothering to don any covering. His massive fleshy breasts and swishing tail were in the way to hide anything too shameful. His twitching ears still picked up the sounds of shock and disgust as he walked, but Sorez kept moving with a single-minded purpose. ‘
The sounds of disgust followed him through his door as Sorez struggled to find his car keys. Whatever he was looking for, it wasn’t here. He needed a nice, expansive field, where he could graze in peace. Most of all, he needed cock, in the worst way…
Having difficulty remembering how to drive, Sorez was lucky to make it out onto the highway and away from town without incident. His frame made it much more difficult to get into the car than he recalled, partially due to hips that didn’t work the same way, and partially due to how massive his udder had become. It sat below his belly now, and continued to bloat even though he’d emptied it of milk before leaving!
Sorez was compelled beyond town towards the fields and farmland outside of it. The scents of hay and grass and animals wafted into his nose as he grew closer to his goal. His steering wheel moved of its own accord, bringing him where he wished to be…
Suddenly, his car drove a ditch, forcing him forward with a little bit of a jolt as it did so. Thankfully, his massive body was relatively unharmed from the impact, leaving him unconcerned about the incident. The sounds and scents of the fields before him beckoned, making him want nothing more than to crawl out and join his bovine brethren.
His two remaining fingers were far too thick to grip the wheel anymore, much less the key to the door. Thankfully, the door had come ajar from his consistent struggling and the lucky press of a button. He hadn’t bothered to don a seatbelt. Getting out was far too cumbersome for his larger body. Yet, he was able to use his weight to his advantage as he pushed out past the door and fell heavily onto the grassy field.
Exposure to the open air seemed to be a catalyst for the changes that Sorez was undergoing. A series of rips and tears of clothing echoed through his ears as they twitched in response. He was getting massive in a matter of moments, proportions more in line with the feral bovines that kept playing over his thoughts.
Little remained of his clothing but rags as he made his way across the field. Yet, the thicker skin and short white and brown hairs were more than enough protection from the sun as he stumbled along, now more comfortable on all fours. He was so much larger now, far more ungainly as he plodded along. The damn weighty sack kept tickling on the grass as he walked, painfully full of fluid. Sorez’s only regret was that in his current configuration, he had no ability to rub out the fluid within!
The scent of the grass flooded his nostrils, eliciting more of that familiar hunger in his gullet. Sorez found it easy to reach down his head and pull up more of that delectable grass, chewing with gusto as he stood there, swatting flies from his dirty behind. Thoughts started to dull with the realization that he had almost everything he needed right here. School and social judgments be damned!
He was hardly aware of the cracks and twitches that signaled the last bits of his change. His head expanded, muzzle allowing him to chew more grass through those massive jaws. His wide nose sat at the front of his expansive muzzle, and thick horns crowned the tip. His eyes were forced to expand, the world around him in his periphery, not that he cared at the moment. He was nearly all cow, a she now as she continued to graze unbothered, tail swishing flies away before lifting and releasing another load of manure unchallenged.
A thick, pungent scent wafted into her nose just then, one that elicited a different need as she stepped forward. Her sex swollen and moist, she turned around to see a bull walking towards her. He was clearly interested, thin red penis waving in the grass as he approached.
No longer caring about social convention, Sorez raised her tail in invitation. It took no time to feel the bull climbing on her back, spearing for her sopping cunt lips. As massive as her new body was, the bull’s thick cock was enough to make her squirm as it stimulated her insides, opening up her womb in a way that she never thought possible.
Any remaining thoughts leaked out of her head, into her womb to be washed away with the oncoming rush of bull semen. She mooed her relief as her insides were rubbed in all the right ways, sending her new sex into an orgasm that ripped through her body like ocean waves. The splash of warm cum only served to accentuate her pleasure as she realized that she would soon be with calf, as was her purpose.
Eventually, the bull dismounted with a rush of semen, leaving the new cow feeling content and relaxed in a way she had never known. She was compelled to follow him as he walked towards the distant farmhouse. Her udder was heavy, and she could no longer alleviate it herself.
The sounds of humans approaching barely registered in her ears as she walked. Words of “We got another one” and “The formula should have turned him into a bull, not a cow!” echoed in her ears, though they had no meaning for the former fox-man now.
Soon, sturdy human hands guided her towards a milking machine and clamped down on her udder tight enough to strain the liquid from her turgid teats. Relief washed over her, as her udder was drained and emptied from her fleshy sack. She was happy. She was home.
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