Free Stories

A pair of elves come across a stone that infects one with a lustful curse that reveals his true nature. One that he's more than happy to share with his friend...

An elf possessed by a lusty dragon comes to accept the new arrangement until he is unexpectedly attracted to a handsome stranger that seems somehow familiar...

a man earns the ire of a witch, who decides to turn his comment of 'thick skin' back on him to a bestial end...

A newly bitten werewolf changes in the most inconvenient of locations, but the only one who enjoys the change more than himself is his best friend...

An elf encounter's the soul of a long-dead dragon looking for a new host body for his rebirth. But the experience may not go as planned for either of them...

A foxy curse gets into the heads of two long time friends, making it more and more tempting to get down on all fours and run away into the woods...

The purchase of a bear tooth necklace slowly starts turning the protagonist into a muscled version of his favorite videogame character...

Coming of age, a wealthy girl is allowed to use nanite transformation technology to change into her wildest dreams for her parent's Halloween party. ...

A disgruntled water boy gets his revenge on his teammate bullies and cheerleaders with a bizarre scientific breakthrough he'd been assisting with during off-hours....