Synthesizing A New Life

Lying in his hotel bedroom, Alex felt his cock twitch from the excitement of what he was about to do. His lover was not yet there, though he would be soon. Alex was gay and powerfully attracted to the male Synths, the ones with external male genitalia. And, given the opportunity for a night of fun with one after meeting him online, Alex was all the more eager to take his new beau to bed, regardless of the fact that he was of a different species!


It had been many years since the alien race that had come to universally be referred to as ‘Synths’ arrived on earth. Though their arrival had been met with skepticism in those early months, the Synth race seemed benevolent, coming with advanced technology that solved many of the earth’s long-term problems. Most of the world’s diseases, reliance on fossil fuels, climate change, and more were easy to repair with the technology that the aliens brought with them. All they asked for was the space to resettle, not even requiring warm climates and able to make the most inhospitable parts of the planet their home. 


Fast forward several years and Synths were essentially melded into human society. Their technology was everywhere, integrated into the very systems that aided the human race. Communications, virtual reality, infrastructure, and every facet of human technology had been literally enhanced by several hundred years almost overnight. It seemed almost too good to be true, though it soon left the populace to take them for granted, a part of life as much as anything had been prior. 


For their part, Synth labor was also an integral part of life, needed to operate exclusively their own complex machinery. Not that their presence harmed the economy; the boon of Synth technology created all new job markets that led humanity into a new tomorrow both technologically and economically. A post-scarcity society, all due to the arrival of a gracious alien species. 


The Synths themselves were bipedal machine-hybrid creatures, coming in a variety of colors and patterns as was the preference of the individual. They had an overall draconic appearance with muzzles and tails that were likely modeled after another alien race, though Synths were not forthcoming on that information. Despite their rather objectively cute appearance, they were considered rather attractive by many people, their bodily aesthetics and general friendly demeanor being selling points. 


There was another aspect of Synth physiology that was an attractant to many humans. Synths had the ability to use their technological prowess to convert any human into one of their own via the use of synthetic arguments. The process was reported as arduous, though not painful. For many, it was considered an upgrade of sorts with what was considered a timeless body, one longer-lived than human biology could allow for. Those converted into Synths reported feeling amazing, happier than ever, renewed, and reinvigorated from bodily deterioration. Because of this, the notion of allowing a total change into one of the Synths was becoming more and more popular within the populace. Memory and personality remained intact, and, often, people that chose to convert returned to their jobs and lives as though nothing had truly changed. Job possibilities for Synths were for life and highly sought after, income and happiness all but guaranteed. The process was, of course, entirely voluntary, if irreversible, not to be something undergone lightly. 


Alex, for his part, did not wish to be converted to a Synth. Not yet, at least. He couldn’t see himself ever undergoing the process, though he had only general interactions with Synths as of yet. He, however, found Synths powerfully attractive and wanted to bed one, as was something that happened often between humans and Synths. There were dating websites specifically for that purpose, and he’d found this male Synth to be charming, exciting, and cutely shy. After almost a month of communication, he was ready to meet the Synth in person to consummate their budding friendship. It was, of course, safe to have intercourse with a Synth, something that many people engaged with regularly. 


Therefore, Alex found himself at a hotel, waiting for his lover to check in. It had been some time since he’d been with anyone, but he was eager to get down to some fun with the Synth. In some ways, it was more exciting than being with a man. Synths were more honest, personable, and far less judgmental than any of the men he had ever been with. And, they were certainly hung in the downstairs department, if the images that had been shared with each other were any indications! Though, the Synth that he had flirted with had not been judgmental about Alex’s own junk, which was something that allowed Alex to relax in his presence. 


Before too long, the beep from his phone indicated that his lover was at the hotel, and coming up to meet him. Alex couldn’t contain his excitement as the knock came on the door, and he opened it up to greet the handsome cyborg that had him so enamored over the past few weeks. Though he wanted to kiss the alien right then and there, Alex was feeling too shy, and simply motioned for him to come inside, not really sure how to proceed. He was certainly never this clueless with the human men he had bedded before this!


Yet, his Synth lover was all confidence as he walked into the room, looking over the meager hotel accommodations before sitting on the bed, tail moved out of the way. He then patted the bed, looking up with an adorable expression that made Alex shiver all over. It was equal parts excitement and compassion, as much as their video calls had shown. Alex was ready to play all over again, and it was impossible to deny that his cock was tenting in his pants for the fun they were likely to have!


<Why don’t we get to know each other a little? Here, come sit down, if you would like,> The Synth said, in a metallic voice that almost made Alex melt. He could do naught but walk over, smile on his face as he regarded his lover’s light-up eyes. Alex sat down, and all at once, the Synth’s arm was on his shoulder, feeling surprisingly warm as he did so. Alex had read that Synth’s could alter their body temperature to match that of a human’s to make intimacy more comfortable. It felt powerfully sensual for the Synth to touch him, and Alex felt himself relax as the Synth rubbed his shoulder, eventually pulling him in closer. 


Eager to get into the moment, Alex allowed himself to move towards the Synth’s mouth, opening slightly to reveal a mouth and lips. Alex drew in, taking the alien in an exploratory embrace, tasting the metallic flavor of the being’s lips. It was strange, like kissing something metal, though not entirely unpleasant, rather more warm and comforting. Soon, Alex allowed himself to get into the sensation, bringing his arms over to rub the Synth’s back as the Synth explored his own. Alex was informed that Synth’s metal skin was just as sensitive as a human’s when they allowed it to be, making the contact just as pleasurable for the cyborg as for a human, if not more. 


<How would you like to explore? I don’t mind you taking the lead,> The Synth said in that sexy drone that made Alex melt. The nervous man felt a surge of confidence, knowing his actions were welcome. And there was something that he wanted to do more than anything else…


Giving his Synth lover another kiss on the lips, now used to the metallic texture, Alex got up and onto his knees on the floor, grinning up at his lover. Though he knew that Synths possessed external genitalia, they were hidden unless the Synth chose to reveal them, hence no need for clothes. Still, Alex had the wherewithal to take his own shirt and pants off, leaving himself in his underwear. Alex was leaking furiously from the anticipation. What he was about to do was powerfully arousing, to suck off an alien and see what his semen tasted like!


To his delight, so sooner had the Synth realized what Alex was in a position to do that his groin started to swell. Alex stared in rapture as a latex-covered organ rose from his groin, where only a flat surface once existed. What seemed like a human-shaped penis swelled from the bare crotch and glistened from the elastic material that comprised it. Alex would have once worried that his Synth lover wouldn’t feel any pleasure from the act. Though, he had been assured that a Synth’s penis could be given as much sensitivity as the rest of his skin, more so, even. And, it could even achieve orgasm, the release a safe cocktail that would easily dissolve in a human’s body and cause no ill effects. Alex was eager to try drinking it down!


The size of the latex-covered member was rather impressive by human standards, 9 inches, and glistening a translucent fluid from the tip. Alex was powerfully turned on by the notion that the Synth was just as eager to be sucked off as Alex was to sexually pleasure him. It was all he could do not to dive on the alien’s knob and experience what it was like to give fellatio to a Synth.


<Yes…please…go ahead…explore me…> the Synth said, and Alex could not hold back, opening his lips over the tip and tasting the leaking fluids. 


The flavor was not something he had been expecting, thinking that there would be the same metallic flavor he had just tasted on the Synth’s lips. Yet, it was sweet, the tangy taste almost like nectar as Alex lapped it up willingly, even getting his mouth around the tip and sucking. It was a little bit difficult to get all the way down the shaft, sizable as it was. But Alex was eager, and warm metal hands were soon on his head, as though encouraging him to continue. It was the best feeling he could imagine, and Alex found himself eagerly wanting more!


<Yes, so good…don’t stop…oh Alex…> the Synth’s voice rang in his head, encouraging him to drink down as much of the leaking fluid as he could. With all the encouragement he needed, Alex continued to suck with gusto, going down on the Synth’s latex-covered dick as far as he could. Once he got comfortable with the size of the cock in his mouth, Alex began bobbing up and down, his jaws sore but only from lack of experience. Alex didn’t want to let his lover down, so he continued his suck, the flavor burning into his mouth far better than any cock he had ever gone down on before. 


Keeping up the same pace as long as he could, Alex found himself wondering how long it would take for him to bring his lover to release. Yet, the thickness of the fluids oozing down his gullet was increasing rapidly, and the moans from his mechanical lover were becoming less nuanced, more uncontrolled as though his orgasm was coming. Though Alex was strained by the girth of the Synth’s penis, the knowledge that the Synth was about to cum was all the motivation Alex needed to bring his lover to a conclusion!


<Yes…Alex…don’t stop…I’m going to cum!> Cried out the synthetic voice as the cock within Alex’s mouth started to vibrate uncontrolled. Alex sucked faster into the pulsations, and his efforts were rewarded with an injection of robotic sperm, running down his gullet and making him pull back from the sheer force of it. 


“Oh wow, that was…amazing…” Alex managed to moan out, still reeling from the sensations. Not one to really swallow, Alex was stunned by now easily that he had taken his mate’s load. It was exciting, elating, and made him horny as hell!


Alex went to stand once more but then stopped, feeling a little dizzy as he did so. A powerful sensation of tingling started in his chest and mouth but soon was running through his form. Alex tried to get up, but it was hard for him to move, not really sure what was happening. It was as though he was a machine of some sort and needed time to reboot. It was alarming, yet Alex hardly had the wherewithal to try and escape it. 


“Wh-what….happening…to…me…me…me…” Alex tried to say but ended up simply stuttering over and over, as though his body was a frozen hard drive. It was impossible to get himself out of what was essentially a brain overload, and Alex was stuck there, struggling against his own body. Was he dying?


Yet, it was not like his body was trying to keep him alive from a life-threatening ailment. Rather, he was in a state of stasis, not in danger. It was bizarre, something Alex had never experienced in all of his life. He tried to question over and over, unable to speak anymore. Yet, a voice did answer him, though not one spoken by the Synth in the room with him. The words came from within, and if Alex tried to focus on them, the more they started to make sense to him. And what they said to him scared him to the core…


<Initiating transformation protocol. Downloading data packet VS 1.0. Preparing host for assimilation> Stated a force in his head, and Alex pulled up, trying to struggle against the mental commands. Though he first thought it to be some sort of joke, the fact that his body slowly stopped moving in tandem with mental instructions made him sweat reflexively. There was every chance that what was happening to him was real, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. 


Though his mobility was largely robbed from him, Alex did have the cognizance to look over towards his benefactor, to see a robotic gleam in his eyes. The Synth’s eyes were red, as opposed to the friendly pastel they’d been when the pair met both online and in person. It was almost as though some program had been activated from within. But he was sure Synths were beyond such things as being hacked, right?


A strange tingling began to play over his groin, and Alex winced as what felt like a thousand pins and needles were throbbing into the skin. His groin hair started to fall out in waves, and lines of black started pulsating under the skin. Alex was forced to feel the disconcerting sensations as they focused in his testicles. He moaned, surges of pain and pleasure bursting through his balls and making him wish to writhe in place to try and evade them. But he could do naught as his balls continued to turn black, the discoloration over the bare skin coating him up to the base of his penis. 


To his surprise, his cock remained turgid the entire time, still leaking fluids. The normally clear precum looked darker, almost black. It was as though he had been bleeding, though the expected coppery scent was not present in the fluids. Rather, it seemed more akin to an infection, making Alex terrified for what was happening. Had sucking down the Synth’s cum done something to him? Had he been poisoned? 


The voice in his head confirmed what he feared. <Preapring testicular conversion. Nano-Machine factory function initiated,> Said the robotic tone, and Alex felt a shiver of fear flow through him. He didn’t want this, he’d only asked for a night of sexy times with a friend. What the hell was going on?


As though his sexual urges were a catalyst, the skin of his ballsack started to change, what had to be nanites tearing through the skin and altering it to something like living latex. It was the same thing that coated the Synth’s own testicles, it seemed. Soon, his balls were covered with the organic black substance, a numbing sensation playing over his sex as the conversation continued. 


<Allow me to assist,> Came the Synth’s voice, and, involuntarily, Alex felt himself getting up and going towards the bed, the Synth’s eyes glowing all the while. Alex was starting to understand that he had been injected with something from the Synth, something had gotten into his body and was making him his lover’s puppet. Alex wanted to call out but had no control of even his mouth as he struggled, and could do nothing but lie on the back, cock waving in the air. 


The Synth, for his part, opened his mouth, a grin on his face if such a thing were possible. He then began to return the favor, as it were, enveloping Alex’s cock with his muzzle. Alex would have groaned outward if he could, the pleasurable sensations more than he was expecting. His cock was changing color, altering as whatever machine organisms he’d ingested centered in his sex. Still, Alex had not anticipated their presence to make him more sensitive. It was then that a horrifying thought entered his mind. Was he being converted into a Synth against his will? They weren’t allowed to do that, damnit! Yet, there was little he could do to resist as his cock was sucked, the Synth getting into a steady rhythm. 


<Intitiation primary driver version 1.0. Sensitivity increasing by 300%. Commencing dermal conversion> Came the voice in his head, almost hypnotically. Though Alex struggled mentally, the words repeated themselves once more, as though a directive was being given directly to his synapses. Like the command was being fed directly into his cock, the pleasure did increase what his humanity perceived as exponentially. Alex was left reeling from the sensations, unable to resist or even contemplate what was going on. 


His hyper-sensitive cock did elicit some bizarre sensations, ones that Alex was barely able to perceive over the rhythmic motions of his Synth lover’s oral ministrations. Strangest was a sensation akin to getting even harder, even though Alex was already impossibly erect as it was. His cock was clearly larger, though the Synth’s mouth was easily able to take it. He didn’t want to be taken against his will, though that droning voice in his mind was persistent, telling him to take it, to lie back. And the pleasure was simply too much, it would be impossible to fight back in this state. It was then OK to let himself go…


Lost in lust as he was, Alex was hardly aware of the nanites that were coursing their way through his bloodstream, the veins turning black as they pressed against the skin. His skin tone started to shift, darkened towards black as though the skin cells were being altered, prepared for something else. Alex could even taste a familiar metallic texture in his mouth, as though his saliva was now lined with nanites. Perhaps the kiss had something to do with it, though it was impossible to say given the circumstances. 


Given the immense euphoria coursing through his body, there was little chance of Alex holding back as his cock shot its nanite-fueled load unto the Synth’s mouth. Expecting the usual post-cordial let-down, Alex was stunned when his penis retained its erection, as though it could go again. The Synth, for his part, was not bothered by the sheer quantities of semen Alex was ejaculating. By the time Alex was spent, there was little left of his cognizance, drained and fatigued beyond anything humanly imaginable. He was hardly aware that the process was making him placid and subdued, though was not in a place to fight back against it as it was. 


<Now let us go to the conversion center. I’ve taken the liberty to register you for conversion. You need just provide the appropriate signatures. Your search history has been altered to make it appear as though you have already spent months looking into the conversion process. This is untraceable by your human technology. You will appear to all your friends and family, that conversion is something you have been planning for quite some time. That is to be your existence now, and you will have given yourself to it fully and totally.>


Though outwardly, Alex confessed to be going willingly, deep down, he was screaming to be let go. He didn’t want to be a Synth and didn’t want to be taken against his will. Though, there was nothing for it, regardless of how much Alex wished to struggle and escape. He had no control of his body in this state, even his mouth not his own. Telling people in a clear voice how excited he was to become a Synth came out as though they were his own words. Alex could do nothing to fight back from what was essentially a living nightmare. 


Fastracked into the program as he was, Alex was left to bemoan his fate in those brief moments of cognizance. Though the Synth, his ‘handler’ as Alex came to understand, kept him placid with frequent sexual interactions. Alex was given his ass, taken up his own ass, and sucked off more times than he could count. Each release left him craving more. It became to the point Alex was far too fatigued to even contemplate fighting back when the Synth’s nanites took control of his motor functions and made him act as they dictated. 


By this point, minor changes heralding his eventual conversion had already occurred over his form. His balls were impossibly swollen, three times their size, and covered with a black metallic sheen. He understood they were the factory to produce the nano-machines required to fuel the technological merger he was about to undergo. His body was skin ashen and sickly from the nanites within them, as though the tissues were trying to reject them. However, it seemed as though he was no worse for wear; even his ghastly appearance was a sign that he was undergoing the first stages of conversion. The inside of his mouth, from the direct infusion of infectious semen, was already coated with a nanite-developed mechanical sheen. It left that same taste in his mouth as kissing the Synth, though he was used to it by this point. 


Yet, that was but a drop in the bucket for what was coming. Though the conversion process itself was not something Alex had ever researched, he was soon to get a crash course in human to Synth transformation. It was something that would take the duration of several days to undergo. Several major surgeries would be needed to complete the process. His skin would be bathed in chemical coagulant to create that biomechanical covering, the highly flexible undercoat that comprised Synth skin. It would literally fuse with his cells, soaked into them until it was a permanent part of his soon-to-outer shell. 


Then, the more difficult changes would come. Appendages would be surgically grafted to Alex’s body, the face plate, the tail, hands, and leg coverings burned into his skin and fused with his nervous system. The nanites in his system would dull his immune process so that eventually the additions would be accepted as part of his body like he had been born with them. It would be a highly painful process, one that would drive most humans mad. There was a reason it would be permanent, after all. 


Alex was shown all of this internally, much as he was given the mental orders to obey and was compelled to accompany his Synth handler. Though the Synth said nothing, the mental commands played over his mind and showed him images from past conversions. It was as though he was being forced to watch a movie inside his head, one that he could not turn off. It was terrifying, it was exhausting. Yet, whenever Alex was too terrified, his handler took him to bed and relaxed his nerves with sexual activities to the point where nothing else mattered. 


Eventually, the day arrived to take him to the factory, and even the frequent sexual sessions could not totally relieve his trepidation. Knowing how much it would hurt, Alex was terrified, but yet could not fight against the programming. Without the ability to resist the mental commands, Alex allowed himself to be taken to a table, strapped down, and in sight of a variety of mechanical arms. Pristine Synth parts lined the room, ones that he was sure would soon make up his new anatomy. Something that caused him a great sense of dread. 


It was his cock that was to be changed first, his testicles the source of the nano-machines coursing through his system. He was brought to full erection by the blow job of his life by his handler, one that surpassed even that first time. It seemed as though the handlers were a fundamental part of the conversion process, their own nanites embedded in Alex’s body and used to compel his actions. 


Though the pleasure surpassed anything he had felt this far, the next part of the process was anything but. Unlike the rest of his skin, his cock was meant to be enveloped into a smooth, rubbery black flexible casing, one made to fuse with the skin at the dermal level. The casing was applied quickly, and Alex was left at full erection for two hours while the merger completed. He would have screamed in pain if he could have, though the sensitive skin of his already altered cock burned and pulsated in equal measure. Alex was sure he orgasmed a nano-machine-infused load of cum several times during the process.


Left to rest before the next part of the conversion, Alex was finally able to explore the sensations that came from his new penis. It was powerfully conductive and meant to be an interface with Synth technology, providing potent stimulation in the process. It made a queer sort of sense that would make every interaction sexually explicit, each complacent and eager to perform the tasks required of him. Part of the covering was comprised of special material to dull its sensations when not directly needed. It was the reason that Synths were able to function in the real world without being distracted by the level of pleasure that they could experience. 


It was soon after that his body was submerged into a liquid polymer, one that was far too hot for normal human skin. He wanted to cry out at the burning etched into his flesh, eradicating the nerves and sensations. Though he was submerged fully, the nanomachines circulating his system kept his cells oxygenated, removing the necessity of breathing and preventing him from drowning.  He was forced to be soaked into the concoction, combining with the nanites already pulsating through his skin. It would, eventually, alter his epidermis into a black, slick rubbery material, enough that they could attach the rest of his armor and give him a protective coating. 


It was many hours later when he was finally brought back to the surface and allowed to rest until tomorrow for the next series of conversions. Without the omnipresent compulsions of his Synth handler, Alex was allowed to move just slightly, to at least rub some of his altered skin. The sensation was already not unlike that of his would-be lover. It terrified Alex to know this was part of him now, and that the pain or change was not yet done with him. Still, it was to be his fate, and as soon as his handler’s eyes glowed red, the nanites in his body would activate and force him to move as the alien willed. 


Alex was thankful for the pleasure his prick could give him for the next part of the process. In the morning, he was turned around on his stomach, the sensitivity of the skin seemingly turned on so that he was aware of all the ridges along the bench. Though he was tied down, it was largely to prevent his body from moving as the next part of the process was initiated. His exposed ass was to be fitted with the attached of a Synth tail, organic tendons tunneling through the skin to connect to his spinal column. The burrowing organic tubules took time with their work, branching out with thousands of connectors to seek out every vessel in his body. Though the nano-machines guided their connections, it was still a tedious process and one that made Alex want to twitch if he was able. At one point, he felt it moving of his own volition, a terrifying sensation at having a new appendage. 


Alex was thankful for the sensations in his groin now that his cock had been altered. His penis came to life at the behest of the Synth altering him, and having it rubbed sensually into the semi-organic table provided a modicum of pulsating pleasure. It enveloped his penis like a warm blanket, making him shiver despite his inability to move. As though torn between pain and pleasure, Alex tried to fall into the sensations of his Synth prick and was largely able to ignore the numbed pain of intrusion as his tail was made a permanent part of his anatomy. 


After what seemed like an eternity, the process was finished, and Alex was left to rest until later the next day when he would receive his body armor. There was a terrifying realization that he was too far changed to ever revert again, that he was a Synth now and would always be. But, such was a conflict in his mind. He would live longer, be more powerful, and be immune to diseases. And the sexual pleasure and stamina were beyond anything that he could have fathomed. Yet, he had been taken from him by force, without even the ability to fight back. Maybe someday, he would have wanted it to happen to him. But like this?!


Thankful for the fact his skin’s sensitivity could be turned off, it was still powerfully uncomfortable to have the next series of attachments applied to his outer covering. First was the application of a back plate, Alex’s position left on his belly for ease. There was some mild burning as several tendrils burrowed into his back muscles and fused with the armor. The inside was flexible, adjusted to the contours of his back as the new malleable hybrid skin worked around it. It was not meant to ever be removed, though bacteria would not persist on his hybrid skin, and he would never sweat or stink or need the skin washed again. 


He was turned around for the placement of a front plate to be sealed around his chest and belly, given enough room within to flex the joints and muscles within. While the back plate had been firm, his stomach was softer, not as flexible as the skin underneath but still pliable nonetheless. His back was black, the plate on his front a pristine white.


Next were the gauntlets for his hands and feet, Alex thankful for the numbing sensation as well as the paralysis. The process was more delicate, the nerves in his fingers needing to be fused with the circulatory systems in the plates over his hand so they retained their acuity. His feet, too, were handled with care, and Alex found that their sensitivity was amplified tenfold, able to determine the composition of any surface they were inclined to walk on. It took some time after the surgery for him to get used to his new fingers, numb from the inclusion of the armor though just as flexible and able as his former digits. Still, he did enjoy the enhanced tactile sensations that his new appendage granted him, another ‘gift’ of his Synth physiology. 


Finally, it was time for the visor, one with a muzzle that he could operate with his still-human mouth. It was a bizarre feature that he’d seen on humans turned Synth, though the muzzles were much smaller than the species that were originally Synth. It was still difficult to fathom having a face plate with an extended muzzle, one that was even provided teeth to give the appearance that he’d never been human in the first place. It was bizarre, though less painful than the changes thus far. He couldn’t see with the visor on, though his vision would soon be completely robbed from him for a time. 


The final application was the plate for his skull, the most difficult yet. The nano-machines that comprised his blood had been multiplying exponentially, finally sufficient in numbers to alter his brain chemistry. They would allow the fusion of the tubules within to tunnel into his brain and fuse the plate with his skull. Alex could have imagined screaming in agony at the forceful burrowing into his cranium. But, like a skilled neuro physician, the Synth changing him applied the outer shell with expert precision, fusing it with the skin and now part of his anatomy forever. 


It was terrifying to be blinded, to lose his senses while they were integrated into the face plate’s systems. Though everything was shut off in the interim, Alex was left with his thoughts, scared for what might come but excited by the pleasures that he was experiencing thus far. He could still sense that Synths were stroking his cock, making him cum and cum again. It was a reprieve from the discomfort of his skull being penetrated, his brain being melded with Synth technology. 


Part of the skull plate was comprised of slots for installations of drivers, something that his internal voice seemed to imply he should be excited for. It was the basis of their society, after all, something humans had never been told of. His first update was to occur soon, and then he would be free to go, allowed to perform his first tasks without interference from Synth programming. Alex felt that he would struggle if allowed to go, though the contrasting pain and pleasure of the transformation had him conflicted. But, that was not to be the case, as he was soon to find out. 


As the drivers took their place in his mind, Alex started to understand what the Synths were as a species. Far from being benevolent saviors from the stars, they were conquerors, their technological advances meant to infiltrate their target species with insidious purpose. Unable to reproduce by themselves, they needed to assimilate other species and convert them into Synths so that they could propagate themselves. Far from doing so by force, however, their tactic was to coerce individuals to join their ranks, promising infinite pleasures and a much-improved quality of life. Though that was preferable, others, like Alex, could be infected through intimate contact. Though it would take decades, enough of the planet would eventually be converted so that the rest could be conquered with little resistance, thus claiming the planet for the Synth race. 


Yet, far from being disturbed by this, the installed drivers had another effect on Alex’s psyche. He could not fight against the programming implanted inside his being. However, even if he could, he would not want to, the installed drivers bringing with them the promise of untold pleasures. He was aware that there was a hive mind of sorts, though he was hardly lost in the cacophony of noise that should have made up such an order. Rather, the drivers filtered out his specific commands, telling him what he was to do. Best of all, the rewards for fulfilling the driver’s objectives were a sexual euphoria beyond even his current understanding, making Alex excited to perform their required tasks. New drivers were promised every so often, changing up the sensations as a reward or such of admiral service. It was something that Synths strived for, one of the chief reasons for their existence. It would be like that forever, his hundreds of years of life ones of untold pleasure and excitement. 


Eventually, his Synth systems came online, and Alex was allowed to look at the world through a Synth’s eyes. Looking into a reflective surface, Alex was surprised to see glowing blue eyes staring back at him, though the world was in much sharper focus. New shades and even dimensions of vision were given to him, almost enough to stun him had he not had the neuron alterations to process such information. His hearing, despite having no external ears, was even more acute than anything he’d been able to process as a human. Even his sense of smell was enhanced, though odors meant little to the techo-organic being he had become. 


Yet, Alex found he accepted this readily, eager for the sensations of pleasure that could be granted. To his surprise, it was his handler that was the one who offered his ass for the first time to the newly changed Synth. Part of him was surprised that Synth still conducted sexual activities. Yet, the drivers in his mind told him Synths were highly sexual beings, loving the sensations of physical pleasure, and the drivers compelled them to engage in them often. Part of Alex’s mind was aware that it was a form of complacency, that he was being allowed his free will only because of the driver’s impulses. But was it really that different than having urges of his own? Alex could hardly fight the contrast with the thoughts before he plowed into his lover with abandon. 


It was as though the pair were picking up where they had left off as Alex pounded the other Synth’s ass with his pliable, sensitive cock. Sex had never felt so amazing, never so powerful, the pleasure not only building in his phallus but all through his being as well. Even touching the Synth’s back, the contact of their armor on armor was more than he could bear, and it took him no time to reach orgasm, which rocked through his core with unfathomable release. 


Their sexual activities were not to finish there, however. His handler Synth offered his cock as well, and the two of them performed fellatio on each other, getting into a 69 position and drinking down their nanite-infused precum. The infusion of fresh cum was refreshing, not only from a taste and texture standpoint but rather from simply exchanging nano-machines with new information and experiences. Though it was best for a Synth to perform sex with as many different Synths as possible to refresh their nano-machine supply, for now, his handler would provide seminal nourishment in these first few formative days. 


Throughout all of this, Alex could feel his thoughts, his fears, and his worries all fading away. Though taken by force, Alex was sure that if he knew there could be even a modicum of the same pleasures he was given, he would have said yes to the initial conversion. And, now that it was happening, drinking down the tasty nanite-infused cum his lover was granting him, Alex couldn’t imagine wanting anything more…




It has been some months since Alex’s conversion to a Synth, though for him, it felt like he had been part of the Synth collective all of his life. Though he still possessed the memories of his former human life, they were of little concern to the Synth he now was. He was part of something larger, something more important and fulfilling than anything his humanity could have conceived of. Even with his initial forced conversation, he was certainly happy now and understood how the Synth hive mind allowed them to appear so desirable and kind to humanity. 


As part of his new position, Alex was assigned to the same conversion factory that had changed him. The operation had been increasing in business as of late, with more humans being turned on a regular basis. The operation was going well, converting enough of the population within the next few decades to ensure a 97% success rate for total assimilation and conversion of the population. Such was the goal of the Synth race, something they had achieved across dozens of worlds for the propagation of their species. 


Even if Alex was not influenced by the hive mind he was part of, the sensations being a Synth granted him were enough to ensure he was a loyal servant. Everything he did to obey the will of the collective was powerfully pleasurable, giving him a burst of orgasmic ecstasy beyond anything he could have imagined as a human. Even mundane jobs like moving boxes came with them a bust of release, though without the expulsion of nanite-infused semen. Even hearing the screams and cries of those being converted before being fully assimilated, was enough to make him cum, feeling no compassion for their fates, knowing they would soon be enough like himself, converted towards a more pleasurable existence. 


Best yet was the infusion of drivers initially installed during his conversion process. Each driver contained a certain pleasure program associated with the completion of common tasks. These drivers amplified his bliss to even greater heights, making him elated to be a Synth. It was his delight when it was time to have a driver added to his being, an old one removed. As was to be the case today, for the first time since his initial assimilation. 


There was a moment when the old drivers were removed to make room for the updates, that Alex felt a modicum of fear. The eternal pleasure of being a Synth was temporarily taken from him. Then did the fear of what he had become and what had been taken from him returned full force. He had lost his humanity, all that it took to make him who he was. And he had just let it happen, unable to fight, unable to save his species, unable to-


Yet, all of that was forgotten the moment that the new drivers had been installed. A euphoric pleasure charged through his being, their mere presence tingling every organic nerve in his body. What had he been so worried about? It was everything he wanted and more to be a Synth, to have these drivers installed in his being. He would welcome the chance to serve in his new life if it meant even a modicum of the pleasure he had been allowed to feel thus far…