
Waking up and forgetting how he came into possession of long-awaited piercing gear, a man finds his concerns fleeting as they provide him more pleasure than he could have hoped, and a massive stature his twinky form could barely imagine...

A trio of farm hands remain largely unware of their true purpose as they go about their work for the summer, only to find their bestial degradation desirable, as well as the enhancements they are granted once their changes are done with them...

On a search to discover his Ex's fate at the hands of her debtors, a man discovers not only has she been changed forever as her punishment, but that he is to become part of it as well...

A man wishing to escape his human life is heard by beings able to grant such a wish, and his delighted to feel his body heating up and swelling into a more preferred form and experience the simpler life that comes with it. ...

Getting back at a braggard asinine ex, a man invokes a spell that turns an alpha dom into a needy jock, donking out in the process. Perhaps, however, he takes too much fun in the man's descent into donkeydom...

Taking on a clinical trial takes a bizarre turn as over the course of several months, a man starts to notice changes that make him increasingly more like an animal, though not a single one he can put his finger on at first...

A Wandering Entity with a penchant for Equines uses a fancy resort as the basis of his new riding school, and changing the patrons of the hotel into its equine inhabitants....

Years of reading donkey transformation stories prompts one man to make a wish himself, unprepared for it to come true, and though eventually thankful it follows the pattern of his favorite stories. ...