
A man with wyvern wishes has his requests heard by a strange presence, though his trepidation is not enough to keep him from enjoying every moment of a monumental change!...

A man fixated on the character of Midgardsomar from the game Dragalia Lost finds his interest attracting the attention of another dimensional being, one who can reach through the cracks and grant him the form of his desires. ...

Eager to leave their old lives behind, two men use nanite-inspired programs to change into their ideal forms, literally tearing their old possessions apart in their drive...

Two men, compelled by a book's magic, perform a ritual that promises to grant them immense strength, with only the consequence of making them into muscled, hulking sergals in the process. ...

A man exploring an abandoned mall finds a stature containing a being that intends on changing the man's body to suit his needs, though doesn't intend on letting the man keep control of all of it...

Two men explore a cave with a mythical creature's treasure, not knowing who its true owner was and not understanding what it meant for one of them to be shown such treasure by the other...

An elf knight is eager to share his true nature and feelings with his partner, but is unaware of the properties that could change the other elf into a form that could match his own...

A man is gifted a werewolf tooth with the promise that a scratch from it will grant him lycanthrope, and things turn out better than he could have hoped for, including revenge on a dorm mate bully...

Two men performing a dragon dance ritual to summon a dragon fail to realize the consequence of such an action actually working...

A young elf, trying to earn his master's approval, tries a spell to summon a dragon mount, only to be trapped in the summoning circle himself...