Given a free invite to a casino's grand opening, a man isn't expecting the cost of losing chips to be his humanity, and must game in the hopes the house isn't rigged in order to hang on to it! ...
Two men visit a local pool, only to find out the lack of other swimmers might have a more sinister cause, one that leaves them never able to leave...
Looking for a way to make some quick cash, two friends with a love of transformation offer to produce ethically sourced fish eggs from their newly changed bodies...
As part of an experimental new university course, ten students are quizzed about what they learned all semester from their studies in zoology, with the consequence of wrong questions leading to a week to learn about the species their incorrect answers were intended for...
For several months now, two men had been called toward the sea, their bodies altering to match until one day the compulsion to enter an underwater world and service the being who summoned them became too much...
In this avatar Fan-fic, a scientist crashes on an island and is aided by one of the Tulkun he and his research team had been hunting, with the goal of making him see through her eyes in more ways than one....
Two summer employees at a local camp find that one of their charges is too interested in the life cycles of salmon, and requires some first hand knowledge to speed things along...
A man with the ability to transform into his anthro dragon self prepares for the next moon when he will be able to fully change once more....
On honeymoon in California, a newly married couple visit the local aquarium and a killer whale show, not knowing that being in the splash zone would have permanent repercussions and change both of their lives forever. ...