Donkey Dreaming
You wake up from an erotic asinine dream, unaware that it has started to carry into reality...
You wake up from an erotic asinine dream, unaware that it has started to carry into reality...
Washed ashore, a man discovers why he'd never heard of the island he'd landed on, as no human explorers ever leave...
A man, unsatisfied with his life, takes a drink from his bartender that helps him towards a more pleasant, if asinine future...
On a dare, an 18 yr old boy breaks into an abandoned water park, only to become infected with a chemical that starts some 'fishy' changes...
A young man looking after a family farm for a week gets a kiss from a bull and a backstage look at life in the herd...
A man finds the perfect pair of fangs to complement his costume, not knowing what it could possibly infect him with...
A sequel to 'Two heads are better than one', Eli and Alister encounter an unfortunate victim to make their Cerberus merger complete...
A video game brings two men closer in more ways than one!...