Straight To Gay Tag

A man gets caught after hours in the zoo and is made into one of the exhibits, not knowing his friend is already a part of it...

Two hunters come into contact with a hypnotic stag, which awakens a lust in the other and a desire to delve deeper into the forest and all it has to offer...

Two men end up visiting the wrong farm and are added to its inhabitants, only to discover an attraction to each other in addition to their equine forms...

A pair of rich girls piss off the wrong old woman, whose words turn them into burdensome beasts with new genders and proclivities ...

In a sequel to 'Bull Frontal', Two more men reach the same farm with bulls that are more friendly with each other than the average beast, and that those same urges come over those men...

A man is gifted a werewolf tooth with the promise that a scratch from it will grant him lycanthrope, and things turn out better than he could have hoped for, including revenge on a dorm mate bully...

Two men on a backpacking trip find a man willing to put them up for a week, provided they work the fields and fuck like the beasts of burden he is slowly turning them into!...

A man purchasing some muscle-building supplements finds they have unexpected results, complete with a new love interest!...