Straight To Gay Tag

Two roommates attend a hypnotist show at the behest of one who believes, and the other's hubris turns out to be their downfall as they are hypnotized into becoming chickens, both in mind and, gradually, in body...

A lab mishap exposes two researchers to the effects of a primate-born virus, one that challenges their cherished intellect against the baser desires of their less-evolved kin....

Taking shelter in a secluded cabin for fear of his first full moon as a lycanthrope, a man learns that the change comes with unexpected arousal, and his previous heterosexual inclinations are challenged in the presence of his equally horny friend...

Two men, convinced to enter a local zoo at night, find not only the residents in the midst of carnal acts, but are compelled to partake themselves, finding an empty cage and shifting to fit as they explore their new bodies together...

Years of reading donkey transformation stories prompts one man to make a wish himself, unprepared for it to come true, and though eventually thankful it follows the pattern of his favorite stories. ...

A frat party ends up with food-spread courtesy of a generous donor, one that doesn't mind if they slowly start to pig out...

Two men, compelled by a book's magic, perform a ritual that promises to grant them immense strength, with only the consequence of making them into muscled, hulking sergals in the process. ...