Spider Tag

A spider bite leaves a woman feeling invigorated under the light of the moon, exploring her sexuality and the baser instincts that steadily come with it...

In a medieval setting, a King allows his mage to use the Queen as a test subject for his mage's latest curse, one that has her literally falling to pieces...

On a camping night, a man's throbbing spider bite reminds him of rumors of Weres in his family, though even the sudden heat and lust that overtakes him can't be equated to the simply lycanthropy he was familiar with before now...

A trio of girls, wanting to win a nantie-transformation based party, choose the most monstrous forms available, even if they are at first sickened by the choices...

In a LARP park, one where nanite transformation technology allows those fans to live out their fantasies for real, 2 employees decide to transfer from their positions as beasts of burden to vicious monsters vanquishing the adventures. however, they haven't expected the monsters they are...

A rising Youtube influencer makes a living showcasing Nanite Transformation Programs, but is required to showcase some more disturbing forms as part of her contract...