Romance Tag

Two men explore a cave with a mythical creature's treasure, not knowing who its true owner was and not understanding what it meant for one of them to be shown such treasure by the other...

Two men end up visiting the wrong farm and are added to its inhabitants, only to discover an attraction to each other in addition to their equine forms...

A college student, bitten by a Were and destined to become one himself, strikes up an unlikely friendship with another Were, one who offers to guide him into his new life as they discover themselves together....

A new couple finds out, too late, that their genetic heritage leads to their lustful activities changing them in body towards hulking beasts, the smaller of the two awakening to a new persona in the process...

An elf knight is eager to share his true nature and feelings with his partner, but is unaware of the properties that could change the other elf into a form that could match his own...

A woman-turned wolf, looking for love in all the wrong places, finds a newly-changed man looking to join the wilderness, and puts him through his paces to see if he ends up being a worthwhile mate. ...

A couple who have been trying to get buff try a new protein powder, only to find its tainted properties work too well in both the gym and the bedroom...

A witch schemes to turn herself into a horse to be auctioned off for some quick cash, in a series of mishaps, ends up enraptured by a stallion's instincts...

Two friends join a gym working towards the end goal of becoming their digital avatars and serving a higher purpose...