Scurrying About the Cataclysm
One man's journal after finding refuge from the world, though not unscathed from a virus that changes him from man to mutant, even as he tries to hold onto humanity as long as he can...
One man's journal after finding refuge from the world, though not unscathed from a virus that changes him from man to mutant, even as he tries to hold onto humanity as long as he can...
A college student, bitten by a Were and destined to become one himself, strikes up an unlikely friendship with another Were, one who offers to guide him into his new life as they discover themselves together....
A man riding the subway alone wishes to change into a rat, and finds his granted wish everything he could have hoped for and more...
A promiscuous Princess earns the ire of her stepmother, who may come to lament the repercussions of her attempts to sabotage her conquests...
A lab accident has unexpected results for a third date, making the couple more amorous than either had expected...
A young man is to experience the full range of nantie transformation technology over a weekend at a family friend's mansion...
A haunted house tour truly transforms your fears into a horrifying reality...
A cruel witch gets her due when trying to mess with a Goddess...