Masturbation Tag

Trapped as part of a zoo experiment, a pair of men must adapt to the reality that they are slowly turning into lions for the rest of their days, and their increasing sexual attraction to each other...

A Lover's Gift of muscle cream to aid his gym regiments had some very unexpected, if not unwelcome side effects!...

Two men find themselves as part of an experiment where the drives to mate overcome their fear of their growing insectoid bodies!...

A novella-length tale where a man, suspecting his wife of cheating. finds out her interests follow more equine pursuits, to an ultimate goal for both of them that he could never have prepared for! ...

A man heads back to his family's farm for his monthly curse, but to him its been more of a blessing...

A man spends some time alone with a nanite transformation program that allows him to indulge in his darkest fantasies...

Washed ashore, a man discovers why he'd never heard of the island he'd landed on, as no human explorers ever leave...

A man, unsatisfied with his life, takes a drink from his bartender that helps him towards a more pleasant, if asinine future...

A man finds a meteor that houses an alien orgasm, who trades symbiosis for the gift of the werewolf form that the man had been craving all his life!...