Masturbation Tag

A man pops a few random libido enhancement pills that appear on his doorstep one day, without bothering to read the warning labels...

2 history students actually break an ancient tablet and have to deal with how its spirit alters their bodies and personalities!...

A jilted lover decides to don his boyfriend in a pantomime horse costume, making the humiliation stick in more ways than one...

An injured man, trapped in a cave to wait out a snowstorm, discovers an alien object that literally changes his life forever....

A group of men, getting ready to change into the anthro sea creatures, are unaware that they aren't the only ones looking to join life in the sea...

Trapped as part of a zoo experiment, a pair of men must adapt to the reality that they are slowly turning into lions for the rest of their days, and their increasing sexual attraction to each other...

A Lover's Gift of muscle cream to aid his gym regiments had some very unexpected, if not unwelcome side effects!...

Two men find themselves as part of an experiment where the drives to mate overcome their fear of their growing insectoid bodies!...