Male Character Tag

A new couple are about to enjoy their first night of intimacy, though find it more intimate than either would have expected ;)...

On a dare, an 18 yr old boy breaks into an abandoned water park, only to become infected with a chemical that starts some 'fishy' changes...

A young man looking after a family farm for a week gets a kiss from a bull and a backstage look at life in the herd...

Part of the Zoomorphic Virus universe: When a virus sweeps the world, a man with horse hooves tries to go about his new life, hoping desperately his changes stop there....

You wake up from a wonderful dream, only to find it was something in the waking world that influenced your thoughts...

A series that focuses on second-person TF in expanded physical detail! This time, a male into a feral wolf!...

A man, tired and fed up with the heat in his office job, makes a wish to be away and comfortable with the heat, not expecting that something was listening...

A victim of the zoomorphic virus, needing relocation to a proper care facility, reflects on his new life living like an animal in a barn while he slowly turns into a bull. Tags: Male Characters, Feral, Bull, Pig, Sheep, Horse, Partial, Zoomorphic Virus, Unwilling...