M-TG-F Tag

In this Jurassic World Fan fic, a stray experiment brings sentience to one familiar raptor, while making her even more familiar handler more appealing as a mate...

A trio of frat boys try to prank a stable, not realizing that its inhabitants were once human, or that the beer they were given to drink was tainted with the same chemicals...

A frat party's newest beer has an expansive effect on the partiers as they start to get lusty for each other's increasingly equine attributes...

A college drop out moves back home to try to help on his family's farm, but in his parent's eyes, there is only one job he can possibly help them with ...

6 people are forced to participate in an experiment in solving world hunger by becoming food producers themselves...

Based on the film that introduced many of us to the concept of TF, a North American chapter of the coven tries to eliminate college-aged people by making asses of them...