An adult Trainer trying to take on Team Skull winds up the subject of the latest experiment from the Aether Foundation ...
An adult Trainer trying to take on Team Skull winds up the subject of the latest experiment from the Aether Foundation ...
A pair of zookeepers wake up into an alien experiment, swapping lives with their former charges!...
A woman in the midst of a global pandemic worries that she might be next to join in an animalistic life ...
An insult to a homeless woman leaves the protagonist a permanent position in her work place as their newest Clydesdale ...
A man winning a prize spin at a casino ends up hoping the only prize he leaves with is his humanity! ...
A pair of town trouble makers might be able to get help dealing with a witch's slow burning curse...
A Kobold Alchemist drinks a potion to try to get a pair of draconic wings...
On a dare, an 18 yr old boy breaks into an abandoned water park, only to become infected with a chemical that starts some 'fishy' changes...
A man, tired and fed up with the heat in his office job, makes a wish to be away and comfortable with the heat, not expecting that something was listening...