Feeding Tag

Winning a contest for a tour of a candy factory comes with a cost, finding the establishment is in need of new workers, for a variety of fantastical candy-making processes...

A spider bite leaves a woman feeling invigorated under the light of the moon, exploring her sexuality and the baser instincts that steadily come with it...

Two roommates attend a hypnotist show at the behest of one who believes, and the other's hubris turns out to be their downfall as they are hypnotized into becoming chickens, both in mind and, gradually, in body...

A college student returns home to find her town deserted, and seeks answers on the fate of her family, not knowing the reality of the situation could be far beyond her darkest imaginings...

Four Cannabis enthusiasts score tickets to a premier event with special blends that take them back to proverbial prehistoric times with bodies and bestial inclinations to match...

A Wandering Entity with a penchant for Equines uses a fancy resort as the basis of his new riding school, and changing the patrons of the hotel into its equine inhabitants....

At the end of his rope, a man unknowingly pisses off the wrong witch, one whose spell of vengeance has consequences for not only him but for the city and perhaps the world at large...

A frat party ends up with food-spread courtesy of a generous donor, one that doesn't mind if they slowly start to pig out...

A man on vacation accidentally disturbs a statue and finds himself victim to its curse to make him wander the desert forever...

A young woman found of grotesque nanite-induced transformations (and a mischievous streak) finds ways to get her mother and friends to partake in her machinations...