Donkey Tag

A man, enjoying his jackass-sized sex toy, fails to read the label and finds out that its tempting use has unexpected and transformative consequences...

One man's spell to grant him in animal guide backfires and ends with he and his friend becoming the bonded beasts that he had hoped for! ...

A man whose embarrassed about being naked in front of other guys in a gym locker room gets a little help from a protein shake to help him 'relax' in front of the guys...

You wake up from an erotic asinine dream, unaware that it has started to carry into reality...

A man, unsatisfied with his life, takes a drink from his bartender that helps him towards a more pleasant, if asinine future...

A man with a wishing stone gets his perfect revenge against a deadbeat friend, but in the process makes a careless wish of his own....

Based on the film that introduced many of us to the concept of TF, a North American chapter of the coven tries to eliminate college-aged people by making asses of them...