Always Meet Your Idols
Visiting his idols turned friends as part of a European tour, a man is not only surprised to learn about their relationship, but that their beastly forms are in search of the perfect third...
Visiting his idols turned friends as part of a European tour, a man is not only surprised to learn about their relationship, but that their beastly forms are in search of the perfect third...
A man on safari finds himself hopelessly lost and at the whims of sexually charged lion men, whether or not his own inclinations leaned that way, at least, at first...
Getting back at a braggard asinine ex, a man invokes a spell that turns an alpha dom into a needy jock, donking out in the process. Perhaps, however, he takes too much fun in the man's descent into donkeydom...
A new couple finds out, too late, that their genetic heritage leads to their lustful activities changing them in body towards hulking beasts, the smaller of the two awakening to a new persona in the process...
A couple who have been trying to get buff try a new protein powder, only to find its tainted properties work too well in both the gym and the bedroom...
A birthday gift has a life-changing effect on two men, evolving one to master and the other to servent!...
A lab accident has unexpected results for a third date, making the couple more amorous than either had expected...
A married couple add a little equine pony play to their bedroom fun, but it becomes a little more permanent for the man on the bottom...
A young man gets a little too into his job at the encouragement of his 40 year old bear of a boss, becoming a pup in both mind and body....