Reveling in Deviant Desires
Bored of maintaining her perceived perfection, a wife becomes amiable to her husband's suggestion of using nanite transformation to become increasingly disgusting creatures as a form of escapism...
Bored of maintaining her perceived perfection, a wife becomes amiable to her husband's suggestion of using nanite transformation to become increasingly disgusting creatures as a form of escapism...
In a medieval setting, a King allows his mage to use the Queen as a test subject for his mage's latest curse, one that has her literally falling to pieces...
A young woman found of grotesque nanite-induced transformations (and a mischievous streak) finds ways to get her mother and friends to partake in her machinations...
A group of thugs jump the wrong scientist, who gets his revenge with a series of dangerous chemicals that make them his latest experiment...
A woman helping a husband cheat on his wife finds herself cursed to become a creature of great disgust to her...
A cruel witch gets her due when trying to mess with a Goddess...