• A group of men try to find their way off an island without being tempted by the anthro residents who want to keep them there forever! A pair who end up on the beach must resist the siren call of the sea, or discover fins and tails are better down where it's wetter......

  • A knight on a quest to avenge his fallen companions stumbles upon the wrong dragon and is wounded in the attempt. The beast offers to save his life, though not able to keep it within the same shape......

  • A man with a wish to be a dragon is asked the question by a being capable of granting that wish, with a result he could have never expected in the real world....

  • Two researches try to piece together the mystery of an unidentified ancient statue, only to be hit with some otherworldly magic that alters their forms and their inclinations toward each other......

  • In this Christmas themed tale, Nine TF Enthusiasts are invited out to a remote barn in Northern Canada...with sexy results! ...

  • A bartender at a new resort for rich men, told not to drink any of the product, nonetheless partakes and gets caught up in the gradual changes of the group and the attraction they give towards one guy in particular......

  • In this sequel to 'Barnyard Sorority', three scored men find the spellbook and try to use it to curse a sorority, only to find the results unexpected.......

  • A bartender at a new resort for rich men, told not to drink any of the product, nonetheless partakes and gets caught up in the gradual changes of the group and the attraction they give towards one guy in particular......

  • “Hit the showers boys, you all smell like animals!" was the last thing heard by ill fated college sports players, though their eventual fates were not entirely unwelcome......

  • A group of partiers drink what they don't know is a tainted brew, one that they find utterly delightful when paired with their still-male friends! ...

  • A frat party ends up with food-spread courtesy of a generous donor, one that doesn't mind if they slowly start to pig out......

  • A trio of frat boys try to prank a stable, not realizing that its inhabitants were once human, or that the beer they were given to drink was tainted with the same chemicals......

  • A frat party's newest beer has an expansive effect on the partiers as they start to get lusty for each other's increasingly equine attributes......

  • A man gets caught after hours in the zoo and is made into one of the exhibits, not knowing his friend is already a part of it......

  • Two hunters come into contact with a hypnotic stag, which awakens a lust in the other and a desire to delve deeper into the forest and all it has to offer......

  • Two men end up visiting the wrong farm and are added to its inhabitants, only to discover an attraction to each other in addition to their equine forms......

  • 6 people are forced to participate in an experiment in solving world hunger by becoming food producers themselves......

  • A man is called up to participate in a stage act and is prompted to act more like a horse......

  • In a world plagued by an alien TF virus, a man makes a daily blog detailing his infection and the subsequent symptoms...

Hello, and welcome to my webpage. I’m author Gabriel Moon, and my literary focus is on the theme of transformation. Within these pages, you’ll find stories depicting the protagonist(s) changing their human body (and mind) into the form of their deepest desires or darkest horrors. Do note, the majority of my works are of an extremely adult nature, with a particular focus on sexual themes related to transformation. DO NOT read my works if you are underage!

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