
A Continuation of "A New Werewolf in Philly", A man who was bitten by the rouge werewolf from the night before shows up the mingle with his new pack mates before another full moon takes hold...

A Kobold Alchemist drinks a potion to try to get a pair of draconic wings...

In a LARP park, one where nanite transformation technology allows those fans to live out their fantasies for real, 2 employees decide to transfer from their positions as beasts of burden to vicious monsters vanquishing the adventures. however, they haven't expected the monsters they are...

A new couple are about to enjoy their first night of intimacy, though find it more intimate than either would have expected ;)...

A man, visiting his friend in Philadelphia, is distracted by images from a dream that started a month ago, and an insatiable hunger that comes while staring at the full moon...