Male Character

Two men explore a cave with a mythical creature's treasure, not knowing who its true owner was and not understanding what it meant for one of them to be shown such treasure by the other...

An equine curse ends up as a boon for two roommates as they scheme to make use of the value of champion stallion seed. However, things don't turn out the way that either had been expected...

Two men end up visiting the wrong farm and are added to its inhabitants, only to discover an attraction to each other in addition to their equine forms...

An adventurer explores what should be a cursed cave, only to find out why none of the previous explorers left with their lives, and what happened to the cave's former owner and the treasure within...

A TF enthusiast willingly visits Pleasure Island, knowing his fate but thinking it worth it for those first few moments when he would be granted the pleasure of sex mid-change...

A college student, bitten by a Were and destined to become one himself, strikes up an unlikely friendship with another Were, one who offers to guide him into his new life as they discover themselves together....

Four TF Enthusiasts find themselves in part of the same transformation program, to be turning into prehistoric beasts, with the libidos to match!...

A new couple finds out, too late, that their genetic heritage leads to their lustful activities changing them in body towards hulking beasts, the smaller of the two awakening to a new persona in the process...

A man with the ability to transform into his anthro dragon self prepares for the next moon when he will be able to fully change once more....