Be Careful What You Ritual For
Two men, compelled by a book's magic, perform a ritual that promises to grant them immense strength, with only the consequence of making them into muscled, hulking sergals in the process. ...
Two men, compelled by a book's magic, perform a ritual that promises to grant them immense strength, with only the consequence of making them into muscled, hulking sergals in the process. ...
A man exploring an abandoned mall finds a stature containing a being that intends on changing the man's body to suit his needs, though doesn't intend on letting the man keep control of all of it...
A college man's hopes his lycanthrope bite will make his new roommate will make him the perfect Alpha, and finds romance along the way...
In this Jurassic World Fan fic, a stray experiment brings sentience to one familiar raptor, while making her even more familiar handler more appealing as a mate...
A man lost on a trip to Japan is guided by a mysterious entity, one whose gifts to help him on his way have lasting consequences...
A college couple experiment with a collar that turns one into the form of his dreams, not knowing his boyfriend has something else in mind for the pair of them...
A trio of frat boys try to prank a stable, not realizing that its inhabitants were once human, or that the beer they were given to drink was tainted with the same chemicals...
A frat party's newest beer has an expansive effect on the partiers as they start to get lusty for each other's increasingly equine attributes...
A man gets caught after hours in the zoo and is made into one of the exhibits, not knowing his friend is already a part of it...
The purchase of a snake pendant has magical effects on one man's physiology, changing him into a hypnotic snake man eager to use his friend for his newly birthed sexual needs...