Male Character

Years of reading donkey transformation stories prompts one man to make a wish himself, unprepared for it to come true, and though eventually thankful it follows the pattern of his favorite stories. ...

In a Sequel to 'Hiss Gaze' The two newly minted nagas come across an unsuspecting man, who they decide to test their hypnotic powers on, and find out how good of a new naga brother he will make for them. ...

A new supplement leads two men to lust for each other in the locker room, their shared foot fetish accentuated by a shifting toward a more simian shape...

A depressed man with a history of self-harm laments his decision and wishes for a set of stripes to hide his scars, falling asleep to a dream where he gets just that ...

A group of partiers drink what they don't know is a tainted brew, one that they find utterly delightful when paired with their still-male friends! ...

In this fantasy setting, a trio of warriors befell an evil wizard threatening their land, though not before being infected with his intention to make them part of his draconic army, and leaving them eager to repopulate their new species ...

A man with wyvern wishes has his requests heard by a strange presence, though his trepidation is not enough to keep him from enjoying every moment of a monumental change!...

A man fixated on the character of Midgardsomar from the game Dragalia Lost finds his interest attracting the attention of another dimensional being, one who can reach through the cracks and grant him the form of his desires. ...

Eager to leave their old lives behind, two men use nanite-inspired programs to change into their ideal forms, literally tearing their old possessions apart in their drive...

A homage to Arania's work 'New Zoo Male Leopard' (, sponsored by the contributor who wanted to add more cats to her zoo!...