Striking out on Your Own
A man hunting an urban legend finds out more about the species than he bargained for....
A man hunting an urban legend finds out more about the species than he bargained for....
A man lost in the woods comes across a familiar vacant castle and pricks his finger on a magical rose...
A man undertakes a nanite-induced experiment to live for a few weeks as a creature from another world...
A man pops a few random libido enhancement pills that appear on his doorstep one day, without bothering to read the warning labels...
A man's new figurine gives him ideas that manifest into his hidden desires!...
With Matt concerned with his friend's strange behavior the past few weeks, he arrives to check on him in person, unaware of the Beast awaiting him...
A group of men try a ritual to initiate a commune with nature, not knowing that they would be possessed with spirits that would reshape their forms instead...
A man, looking for his next fix of a new drug, is willing to try an experimental formula, not knowing the real experiment he was signing up for...
A couple of broke stoners figure what the hell and try to smoke some catnip in an old packet. The expected outcome from a TF Author comes to pass, with an unexpected attraction between the former friends!...
A man hunting for Bigfoot discovered something about the beast that he never could have anticipated...