Into The Deep End
Two men visit a local pool, only to find out the lack of other swimmers might have a more sinister cause, one that leaves them never able to leave...
Two men visit a local pool, only to find out the lack of other swimmers might have a more sinister cause, one that leaves them never able to leave...
Two roommates attend a hypnotist show at the behest of one who believes, and the other's hubris turns out to be their downfall as they are hypnotized into becoming chickens, both in mind and, gradually, in body...
A lab mishap exposes two researchers to the effects of a primate-born virus, one that challenges their cherished intellect against the baser desires of their less-evolved kin....
Out to a bar on a rare night in celebration of his centennial, a vampire is whisked off for an unexpected night of fun that might spark a new vigor for life going forward...
One man's journal after finding refuge from the world, though not unscathed from a virus that changes him from man to mutant, even as he tries to hold onto humanity as long as he can...
A man on safari finds himself hopelessly lost and at the whims of sexually charged lion men, whether or not his own inclinations leaned that way, at least, at first...
Taking shelter in a secluded cabin for fear of his first full moon as a lycanthrope, a man learns that the change comes with unexpected arousal, and his previous heterosexual inclinations are challenged in the presence of his equally horny friend...
Depressed about his love life, a man is guided to a shop that can grant him his desire for a boyfriend, though through an accident finds it closer to home than he though, the end result of which doesn't pan out as he'd hoped...