Out to a bar on a rare night in celebration of his centennial, a vampire is whisked off for an unexpected night of fun that might spark a new vigor for life going forward...

One man's journal after finding refuge from the world, though not unscathed from a virus that changes him from man to mutant, even as he tries to hold onto humanity as long as he can...

Taking shelter in a secluded cabin for fear of his first full moon as a lycanthrope, a man learns that the change comes with unexpected arousal, and his previous heterosexual inclinations are challenged in the presence of his equally horny friend...

Depressed about his love life, a man is guided to a shop that can grant him his desire for a boyfriend, though through an accident finds it closer to home than he though, the end result of which doesn't pan out as he'd hoped...

Finding a surprise custom latex suit in the male, a man is surprised at its elastic properties and uses his deepest fantasies to stretch the limits of its abilities. ...

Four Cannabis enthusiasts score tickets to a premier event with special blends that take them back to proverbial prehistoric times with bodies and bestial inclinations to match...

Getting back at a braggard asinine ex, a man invokes a spell that turns an alpha dom into a needy jock, donking out in the process. Perhaps, however, he takes too much fun in the man's descent into donkeydom...