The urges to fuck and change become irresistible to the protagonist elf as his infected King, too, gives in to the desire to mate his bonded dragon....

A knight on a quest to perform a binding ritual with his future dragon mount discovers the spell only works if he is worthy in the dragon's eyes. Thus the spell allows him the ability to take a more dominate stance over the now-needy dragon...

You wake up from an erotic asinine dream, unaware that it has started to carry into reality...

Washed ashore, a man discovers why he'd never heard of the island he'd landed on, as no human explorers ever leave...

A man, unsatisfied with his life, takes a drink from his bartender that helps him towards a more pleasant, if asinine future...

A Continuation of "A New Werewolf in Philly", A man who was bitten by the rouge werewolf from the night before shows up the mingle with his new pack mates before another full moon takes hold...