Snowed in for the evening, the late-staying patrons of a bar get treated to a little free 'hair of the dog' not aware even when that expression becomes their reality. ...

A lab accident has unexpected results for a third date, making the couple more amorous than either had expected...

A man playing his least favorite League of Legends character ends up in another world and, in his opinion, a fun exploration that ends with untold pleasures...

A pair of drunk friends crash the wrong magic show, with slimy consequences from the insulted witch...

In this website exclusive story, a woman undergoing a CRISPR treatment to cure her cancer is unaware what the effect of the donor's DNA exposure wikll be on her form until she has already dived into headfirst to a new ocean life. ...

A trio of college women discover firsthand the dangers of a magic book and the horrors its use can cause...