An actress takes a serum to become a cat-woman for filming, but is unprepared for the side effects, especially when she meets a male...

In this fan-fiction set in 'Rockadoodle', Goldie Pheasant finds herself at the wrong job interview and is prompted to watch a hypnotizing video making it pleasant to be a cow...

The same couple get the device for a weekend to try out their equine desires once more, to even greater extremes. ...

A married couple struggling to spark up their marriage end up with a device that allows any body modification desires, and the pair end up accidentally requesting something more...

A promiscuous Princess earns the ire of her stepmother, who may come to lament the repercussions of her attempts to sabotage her conquests...

Waking up one night after receiving a strange bite, you look out into the world with an urge to fly, not knowing you're about to get your wish...

Snowed in for the evening, the late-staying patrons of a bar get treated to a little free 'hair of the dog' not aware even when that expression becomes their reality. ...

A lab accident has unexpected results for a third date, making the couple more amorous than either had expected...

A man playing his least favorite League of Legends character ends up in another world and, in his opinion, a fun exploration that ends with untold pleasures...