Reveling in Deviant Desires
Bored of maintaining her perceived perfection, a wife becomes amiable to her husband's suggestion of using nanite transformation to become increasingly disgusting creatures as a form of escapism...
Bored of maintaining her perceived perfection, a wife becomes amiable to her husband's suggestion of using nanite transformation to become increasingly disgusting creatures as a form of escapism...
A spider bite leaves a woman feeling invigorated under the light of the moon, exploring her sexuality and the baser instincts that steadily come with it...
A college student returns home to find her town deserted, and seeks answers on the fate of her family, not knowing the reality of the situation could be far beyond her darkest imaginings...
As part of an experimental new university course, ten students are quizzed about what they learned all semester from their studies in zoology, with the consequence of wrong questions leading to a week to learn about the species their incorrect answers were intended for...
Two broke college students, instead of starving, to change themselves into creatures for the summer that don't need to eat nearly as much, regardless of how gross the bodies might be. Female transformation, Slug, Invertebrate, Feral, Infection, Herm, Oviposition, Mating, Instinct ...
In a medieval setting, a King allows his mage to use the Queen as a test subject for his mage's latest curse, one that has her literally falling to pieces...
At the end of his rope, a man unknowingly pisses off the wrong witch, one whose spell of vengeance has consequences for not only him but for the city and perhaps the world at large...
On a camping night, a man's throbbing spider bite reminds him of rumors of Weres in his family, though even the sudden heat and lust that overtakes him can't be equated to the simply lycanthropy he was familiar with before now...
In a world plagued by an alien TF virus, a man makes a daily blog detailing his infection and the subsequent symptoms...
A young woman found of grotesque nanite-induced transformations (and a mischievous streak) finds ways to get her mother and friends to partake in her machinations...