Free Stories

A college couple experiment with a collar that turns one into the form of his dreams, not knowing his boyfriend has something else in mind for the pair of them...

The purchase of a snake pendant has magical effects on one man's physiology, changing him into a hypnotic snake man eager to use his friend for his newly birthed sexual needs...

On a camping night, a man's throbbing spider bite reminds him of rumors of Weres in his family, though even the sudden heat and lust that overtakes him can't be equated to the simply lycanthropy he was familiar with before now...

A meek Librarian finds a tome with a spell that summons a spirit into her, one that changes her outlook on life and may be familiar to some. ...

Two men explore a cave with a mythical creature's treasure, not knowing who its true owner was and not understanding what it meant for one of them to be shown such treasure by the other...