Free Stories

2 history students actually break an ancient tablet and have to deal with how its spirit alters their bodies and personalities!...

A jilted lover decides to don his boyfriend in a pantomime horse costume, making the humiliation stick in more ways than one...

An injured man, trapped in a cave to wait out a snowstorm, discovers an alien object that literally changes his life forever....

A man whose embarrassed about being naked in front of other guys in a gym locker room gets a little help from a protein shake to help him 'relax' in front of the guys...

In this Jurassic World Fan Fic, A young man should think twice about downing an entire bottle of pills, even though they taste like meat...

A group of men, getting ready to change into the anthro sea creatures, are unaware that they aren't the only ones looking to join life in the sea...

A group of school outcasts finds a spellbook to grant their desires, that grow more and more twisted the further they go...

As the result of an experimental serum, a Fox-Man starts developing into a mindless cow, much to the chagrin of those around him!...