Female Character

On honeymoon in California, a newly married couple visit the local aquarium and a killer whale show, not knowing that being in the splash zone would have permanent repercussions and change both of their lives forever. ...

A pair of rich girls piss off the wrong old woman, whose words turn them into burdensome beasts with new genders and proclivities ...

A young woman found of grotesque nanite-induced transformations (and a mischievous streak) finds ways to get her mother and friends to partake in her machinations...

A witch schemes to turn herself into a horse to be auctioned off for some quick cash, in a series of mishaps, ends up enraptured by a stallion's instincts...

A trio of girls, wanting to win a nantie-transformation based party, choose the most monstrous forms available, even if they are at first sickened by the choices...

Coming of age, a wealthy girl is allowed to use nanite transformation technology to change into her wildest dreams for her parent's Halloween party. ...

An actress takes a serum to become a cat-woman for filming, but is unprepared for the side effects, especially when she meets a male...

In this fan-fiction set in 'Rockadoodle', Goldie Pheasant finds herself at the wrong job interview and is prompted to watch a hypnotizing video making it pleasant to be a cow...

A woman out hiking stumbles upon a familiar castle, its floors lined with familiar flower petals, yes stumbles upon an unexpected surprise upon pricking her finger, one especially between her legs!...