Female Character

After finding a magical item to make her dream come true, a beautiful woman uses it to change into a massive smelly bull, eagerly forsaking her human life in the process....

Bored of maintaining her perceived perfection, a wife becomes amiable to her husband's suggestion of using nanite transformation to become increasingly disgusting creatures as a form of escapism...

A spider bite leaves a woman feeling invigorated under the light of the moon, exploring her sexuality and the baser instincts that steadily come with it...

Down on her luck, a woman returns to stay with her parents only to find their charity comes with a price, though one that allows her to get back on her 'feet'...

A college student returns home to find her town deserted, and seeks answers on the fate of her family, not knowing the reality of the situation could be far beyond her darkest imaginings...

In a medieval setting, a King allows his mage to use the Queen as a test subject for his mage's latest curse, one that has her literally falling to pieces...

A married couple decide to spice up their love life in the bedroom with a stag-shaped sex toy, only to find it fits a little two well both physically and mentally...

A trio of hunter's wives gets hit with a strange ailment after bagging a bull elephant, which turns them into elephants themselves, or at least parts of them...

A meek Librarian finds a tome with a spell that summons a spirit into her, one that changes her outlook on life and may be familiar to some. ...