
A man whose embarrassed about being naked in front of other guys in a gym locker room gets a little help from a protein shake to help him 'relax' in front of the guys...

A novella-length tale where a man, suspecting his wife of cheating. finds out her interests follow more equine pursuits, to an ultimate goal for both of them that he could never have prepared for! ...

A man heads back to his family's farm for his monthly curse, but to him its been more of a blessing...

You wake up from an erotic asinine dream, unaware that it has started to carry into reality...

A man, unsatisfied with his life, takes a drink from his bartender that helps him towards a more pleasant, if asinine future...

A man with a wishing stone gets his perfect revenge against a deadbeat friend, but in the process makes a careless wish of his own....

Based on the film that introduced many of us to the concept of TF, a North American chapter of the coven tries to eliminate college-aged people by making asses of them...