
The same couple get the device for a weekend to try out their equine desires once more, to even greater extremes. ...

A married couple struggling to spark up their marriage end up with a device that allows any body modification desires, and the pair end up accidentally requesting something more...

A man, enjoying his jackass-sized sex toy, fails to read the label and finds out that its tempting use has unexpected and transformative consequences...

A trio of college women discover firsthand the dangers of a magic book and the horrors its use can cause...

A married couple add a little equine pony play to their bedroom fun, but it becomes a little more permanent for the man on the bottom...

One man's spell to grant him in animal guide backfires and ends with he and his friend becoming the bonded beasts that he had hoped for! ...

A man pops a few random libido enhancement pills that appear on his doorstep one day, without bothering to read the warning labels...

A jilted lover decides to don his boyfriend in a pantomime horse costume, making the humiliation stick in more ways than one...