
A pair of elves come across a stone that infects one with a lustful curse that reveals his true nature. One that he's more than happy to share with his friend...

An elf possessed by a lusty dragon comes to accept the new arrangement until he is unexpectedly attracted to a handsome stranger that seems somehow familiar...

An elf encounter's the soul of a long-dead dragon looking for a new host body for his rebirth. But the experience may not go as planned for either of them...

In this third installment, the victims of the dragon transformation witness a new bonding ritual, one that they hope will break the spell once and for all...

A group of school outcasts finds a spellbook to grant their desires, that grow more and more twisted the further they go...

Sequel to "Finding your better half," Leung finds that his former dragon self was worshiped by beings who desired to get in on the merger process...

The urges to fuck and change become irresistible to the protagonist elf as his infected King, too, gives in to the desire to mate his bonded dragon....

A knight on a quest to perform a binding ritual with his future dragon mount discovers the spell only works if he is worthy in the dragon's eyes. Thus the spell allows him the ability to take a more dominate stance over the now-needy dragon...

A Kobold Alchemist drinks a potion to try to get a pair of draconic wings...