
A couple come across a marijuana supply shop with free samples, and after making catty asses of themselves, bring some home to enjoy the full effects of their transformative highs...

As part of a prisoner reform program, a pair of inmates are turned into anthropomorphic manned wolves, left to discover their new lives and purpose together ...

A meek Librarian finds a tome with a spell that summons a spirit into her, one that changes her outlook on life and may be familiar to some. ...

A new couple finds out, too late, that their genetic heritage leads to their lustful activities changing them in body towards hulking beasts, the smaller of the two awakening to a new persona in the process...

On a visit to a friend, a secret lycanthrope goes to show his friend his secret, only not knowing the effect of a blood red moon would have on the evening...

An elf knight is eager to share his true nature and feelings with his partner, but is unaware of the properties that could change the other elf into a form that could match his own...

A woman-turned wolf, looking for love in all the wrong places, finds a newly-changed man looking to join the wilderness, and puts him through his paces to see if he ends up being a worthwhile mate. ...