
In this D&D inspired tale, an elf travels to an underground prison to undergo his monthly transformation, supported by his male love as the two of them navigate their new relationship together....

A newly bitten Were is removed from his high class life due to his condition, though with the help of an old friend, learns to accept his lot in life and all the perks that come with being a Were....

A college man's hopes his lycanthrope bite will make his new roommate will make him the perfect Alpha, and finds romance along the way...

A man lost on a trip to Japan is guided by a mysterious entity, one whose gifts to help him on his way have lasting consequences...

A couple come across a marijuana supply shop with free samples, and after making catty asses of themselves, bring some home to enjoy the full effects of their transformative highs...

As part of a prisoner reform program, a pair of inmates are turned into anthropomorphic manned wolves, left to discover their new lives and purpose together ...

A meek Librarian finds a tome with a spell that summons a spirit into her, one that changes her outlook on life and may be familiar to some. ...